Is Overwatch Unfixable?!

Smurf accounts, keyboard on consoles, unbalanced heros, hero bugs etc etc… do we agree that overwatch is never going to be ‘fixed’

There seems to be this endless cycle of balancing one hero and thus weakening another. Releasing a hero and the disaster that follows…

I think the more heros that get released the more trouble it causes and the more you realise that in theory overwatch is a great idea but in practice… it just doesnt work.

To me it feels less like a fps and more like a strategy game- which maybe is how blizzard wanted their game to be afterall? Im not too sure

What are your opinions.
Is Overwatch beyond fixing?


“Blizz, please buff Overwatch.”


it can be fixed, it won’t be tho…their original idea for this game was great…now it became…well…boring :neutral_face:


sorry but i totally disagree with that… blizzard are probably the only game ive heard that actually balances the game and tries to make it balanced as much as they can. Yeah they probably don’t shout from the rooftops that there listening but they do listen…

keyboard on consoles? whats that moan about?

hero bugs will bound to happen because it comes to tech and technology for the game.


This game is so versatile it has always been impossible to be 100% fixed / balanced (everyone cannot be as viable as his neighbor) and will never be…

My 2 cts…


JYouve answeres tbe question… they balance as much as they can. It will never be 100%

You read the threads here… this hero needs fixing, this one is op… it just wont ever be 100%.

The more heros they release the knock on it will have and the more they will need to balance old heros and this isnt an easy task. It feels like a headache to me

So in summary. Overwatch is broken?


Serious comp play? Yes, its definately unfixable at this point.


its not broken though… its just the tech needs to be updated for some heroes, which there aware of… how many games actually does what the OW team does? and im not on about just bug fixes…

Ok i agree with this point. Quick play who cares about the issues. Comp is a disaster… maybe it should say is comp unfixable?

What do you call « fixed » btw ?

But im talking about just overwatch. So everytime a new hero is released or a meta takes over they need to buff and nerf heros… every single time? Which in tail will unbalance other heros who will then need to be buffed… its a never ending cycle. I dont think it can be fixed

Every game has problems. When you have more than two characters in a game, there will be powerspikes, both ways, up characters and op characters. The constant balancing of heroes not only keeps thing fresh by changing the meta, but it also mitigates those power spikes. But because there are many characters, when one spike is fixed, another is born. And it’s not just Blizzard, players are improving and finding new strats every day, characters that have been always balanced suddenly become op because of a new strat that was found, like Pharmercy. It’s not about being beyond fixing, but rather how close to fixed it gets.

And Blizzard is one of the very few companies that actually give a crap about their fanbase. Yes, they don’t always show signs that they’re listening, but they are. They are one of the best games studios out there, and I trust in them fully, even though I don’t always agree with the changes they’re implementing.

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its not even about comp… it’s just the systems behind QP, comp, etc… the matchmaking system

Thats a hard one to answer… as i suppose it answers my own question… its not fixable as its near impossible. Id say there are no troll throw heros and everyone can play there hero without abuse. Every hero is balanced. No bugs along those lines

There is no game that can say its 100% balanced because someone is always complaining about one thing or another. Also you cant expect everyone to come to an agreement ever like you cant even say the earth is round there are still people who think its flat.

And yes overwatch does work imo, it is a shining example of games that are fun for alot of different players rather then just people who like FPS.

Well they really just need to hunker down, listen to each community around heroes and do a huge overhall of the cast.

Why is Ana so poorly rewarded for the effort put in?
Why is Mercy so highly rewarded?
Why is Hanzo allowed to have all of his weaknesses removed, but not McCree?
Why were characters reworked, nerfed, and then never fixed

Hanzo, Tracer, Widowmaker, Bastion, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Orisa, Roadhog, Ana, Mercy, and Brigitte ALL need looking at in some ways

Either with tweaks, buffs, nerfs, or small changes.

Infinitely scaling characters are an issue as well; Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, Widowmaker etc. require checks to keep them balanced with the rest of the cast. That’s why Brig is seen as such a problem; she HAS to be powerful AND easy because of these characters who can scale upwards and bypass any other counter.

Look at Mei and McCree; they’re the prime example of this. They have the tools to shut down these types of characters, but just can’t because of the limitations that are forced upon then; but you can’t go increasing their power because it also effects other characters who are already weak or in a good spot.

Then the issue is; skill and effort SHOULD be rewarded; but how can you do that when the better you get, the more difficult it becomes to balance around that.

Prime example is the nerf that Zen got. It literally only effected less than a single percent of the playerbase but it still happened. Though it was probably one of the BEST nerfs to have happened; it still did the intended job WITHOUT fully making the skill required to do it moot.

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There really is no such thing as a Perfect game.

the heroes gets buffed and nerfed to change the meta and to give heroes a chance in the game, aka ana, lucio being buffed for next patch… maybe that isnt balancing but thats the best they can do due to again… tech and technology.

It cannot.

I read a thread earlier asking for phara to be 150 hp and 50 armor.

This change for example, would obliterate soldier efficiency. Pharamercy would become really a thing and the meta would revolve around these 2 and how to protect them/deny enemy sniper (the only able to deal with it) so it would be a fresh start for a new META and new threads asking for buff to soldier / mccree and nerfsnfor phara / mercy because pickrates etc etc… sounds familiar ?

Yes. Because one modification p’ Onebhero has strong repercussions on others. This game has too many equations to be fully balanced, reason why meta changes when heroes are modified/reworked/released

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Some issues will always remain, like smurfs. It makes them money, and idk how they could stop it, also dont know of any other pvp game that has stopped people from smurfing.

As for keyboard on console, it seems like sony and microsoft would have to be the ones to stop that, but microsoft is considering adding keyboard and mouse support themselves, sooooo doubt m+kb will stop being used on consoles.