Is Genji"s dash too strong?

False. They said they are “keeping an eye on highly mobile heroes like Doomfist, Hammond, Tracer”

There is no connection between “keeping an eye on” vs “gutting”

They also said they’d like to keep Doomfist’s mobility, so if they keep Doomfist’s mobility, considering his is way better than Genji’s in a fight, they will likely keep Genji’s the same.

And they never said Removing CC, they said it’s getting taken down a notch.

They likely wont actually. They always mention Tracer, Doom, Ball but never Genji. Likely for a reason considering Genji’s mobility is far inferior to theirs in a fight.

Unless you want them to also nerf Mercy and Lucio’s mobility, then I’d say Genji is in a safe zone.

The only thing that’s too strong about dash is that it has weird server tick interactions, so if you kill him mid-dash there’s a coin-toss that you’ll still take damage from his corpse. Most of the time not an issue, but those times where it’s enough damage to kill you…

That was a bug that was fixed a long time ago. I’ve never done that to someone in years.

Why is this flagged, lol.

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Didn’t they say something to the effect of ‘CC should mostly belong to the tank role?’

Which if true, suggests to me a lot of heroes are losing it (Mei is losing freeze I’m fairly sure).

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Trap is a buggy mess with high mobility heroes. Especially with Ball and Lucio.

Sometimes with Genji too and on very rare occasions I’ve had Tracers blink out of my trap the second they get caught.

I don’t think it should reset at all

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Not sure why this got flagged. I don’t really see how it breaks any ToS

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The only thing he can do is follow up on other people’s damage.

We’ll wait and see, but with Sombra losing her core identity hack, mei losing her stun, suggestions that Mcree will lose his flashbang, nothings off the table at this point.

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That’s just reducing CC which they’ve said they will do. It’s still an OW game, many heroes will keep their identity, just not those whose identity is based around CC.

Blizzard has said many times that they know CC is a problem, but I also remember them saying they will keep Ana’s sleep, so they’re not removing ALL CCs, perhaps just those that are easy to use.

Lol you went from “Ehh idk how to feel about dash” to “Let’s gut Genji entirely”

Dash reset is what Genji needs to work. Without it he’s utterly useless, both kit and ult wise. Saying otherwise is being oblivious to how the hero is designed.

Every other hero has a reliable escape after he kills a target in his subclass. Tracer has Blinks/Recall, Doom has Uppercut + Slam or Punch [depending on whichever cycle he goes for], Sombra has Translocator, and Echo can fly. Genji’s Dash Reset is his escape.

They also said they would look at mobility since they know CC is what counters mobility.

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While they did say that, it sounds like they’re a lot more lenient with keeping mobility.

They said they want Doomfists mobility to still be roughly the same even though they want to nerf most of his CC.

If his Swift Strike was nerfed…he’d probably be the worst character in the game. He’s already bad enough as is in the current game’s state.

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Not only that but a threshold is counter-intuitive to teamwork.

Imagine having to tell your teammates in a team based game “Nobody help me”

Or even worse, be fighting your target in a 1v1, Hanzo hits a bodyshot, not even a headshot, and in that one instance you just completely sealed death.

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Mei is losing freeze on the main kit but is still keeping her slowing aspect of her gun. That said they also are significantly buffing it’s damage and potentially could be doing other things like buffing the firerate of her secondary.

They also said Boop/Sleep are fine so it’s not gonna be “tanks have 90% of CC”

Could just be that the stronger the CC is, the harder it is to apply.

NGL, I think Dash and deflect are holding back is kit way more than ult. A get out of jail free and an uncounterable finisher. They arent too strong alone, but I think if you added buffs t other parts of his kit they would cause breakpoints issues. Genji has too many breakpoints so they keep him subpar, lest he be broken.

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It has a requirement, meaning it’s not get out of jail free. And every other flanker has something similar.

It’s only 50 damage where other heroes in his class have damage abilities of upwards of 100-250 damage.

And Deflect wouldn’t cause any breakpoint issues, it’s an ability with 0 innate offensive value.

I never even said it was too good. I’m saying it leads to breakpoint issues. If he was buffed to do even a little bit more damage, than dash suddenly is able to secure many more kills. Its a breakpoint. 50 dps is 1/4 most dps’s health and is depleted with very little effort on dash as a finisher

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