Is Genji"s dash too strong?

If his Swift Strike was nerfed…he’d probably be the worst character in the game. He’s already bad enough as is in the current game’s state.

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Not only that but a threshold is counter-intuitive to teamwork.

Imagine having to tell your teammates in a team based game “Nobody help me”

Or even worse, be fighting your target in a 1v1, Hanzo hits a bodyshot, not even a headshot, and in that one instance you just completely sealed death.

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Mei is losing freeze on the main kit but is still keeping her slowing aspect of her gun. That said they also are significantly buffing it’s damage and potentially could be doing other things like buffing the firerate of her secondary.

They also said Boop/Sleep are fine so it’s not gonna be “tanks have 90% of CC”

Could just be that the stronger the CC is, the harder it is to apply.

NGL, I think Dash and deflect are holding back is kit way more than ult. A get out of jail free and an uncounterable finisher. They arent too strong alone, but I think if you added buffs t other parts of his kit they would cause breakpoints issues. Genji has too many breakpoints so they keep him subpar, lest he be broken.

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It has a requirement, meaning it’s not get out of jail free. And every other flanker has something similar.

It’s only 50 damage where other heroes in his class have damage abilities of upwards of 100-250 damage.

And Deflect wouldn’t cause any breakpoint issues, it’s an ability with 0 innate offensive value.

I never even said it was too good. I’m saying it leads to breakpoint issues. If he was buffed to do even a little bit more damage, than dash suddenly is able to secure many more kills. Its a breakpoint. 50 dps is 1/4 most dps’s health and is depleted with very little effort on dash as a finisher

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50DPS is also nearly immediately healed by any support looking in the general direction of their target for 1 second.

Not really how that works, that’d imply the target is 50HP or so before Genji gets to them.

Genji starts with dash, he doesn’t typically end with it.

And the buffs Genji players want aren’t significant damage buffs, its just 29 damage shurikens and bugfixes, that’s not gonna cause many if any problems.

He does not need buffs though, he needs better players.

With the +1 and how easy it is to land all 3 shurikens with fan, you start dealing into insta delete territory and no to that, game has enough of it.

Landing all 3 shurikens to the head after dash is inconsistent at best by even the most experienced players.

Wow, I think you are seriously missing the point. This is a burst attack, a finisher. You apply instant damage that is unhealable do to it’s speed. Its fine as it is, but if gengji can consistently get heroes to 50, then its a kill.

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It’s not unhealable?

It’s 50 damage that can get healed right after it applies, not only that but Genji has a little bit of downtime before he can start firing after he dashes, which is a vulnerability in his combo.

It’s really not, it’s been buffed where it’s nearly brain dead, it’s literally going to make tanking worse. Get over yourself Genji mains, he does not need more damage, he needs YOU to be more competent.

The thing is its not just 50, its 80, even if he accidently dashes too soon, a melee should immediately finish them off.

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Thats 2 different things being used in unison.

You can’t just take dash and melee and call that dash.

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Stop nitpicking to assert your points, they’re flawed and very bias.

Any Genji is gonna melee after dash if you’re low, it’s basic Genji play. It’s still 80 damage over all since you aren’t really able to escape either unless you play very certain heroes.


No one is saying Genji is busted or OP or needs nerfs, but you have to understand that Genji does in fact have strengths and things that he can do well.


I’m not denying that, I’m just trying to say don’t overestimate what he can and can’t do basically.

There is a reason even high tier Genjis are saying he lacks damage.

Well, to be fair it’s one or the other:

Either he lacks damage or we need to nerf healing creep [which isn’t a problem of All healers, but mainly the new ones post-Ana]


Genji is not allowed to be good. Flankers are not allowed to be good. The DPS role is not allowed to be good. The cast of Overwatch is not allowed to be good. Soon, through the steady process of elimation, there will be no playable characters left, and only the maps themselves will be playable. Players will take control of the gondola sailors on Rialto and duke it out in naval combat. Overwatch, in Fall 32th, twenty-eleventeen, will become a real-time strategy naval game.

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You mean how every healer but Bapt and Ana who was nerfed into insignificance by flank DPS mains who said it was unfair a support can defend themselves?