Inside Overwatch: Balance Design and the Experimental Card

Let’s take a look…

And just because, here’s one of my more harsh recent balance takes.

As well as a list of specific balance implementation posts.
Exp Card ideas to Fix Tanks
Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"
Ending the Hanzo Hypocrisy
Pick system, instead of Bans
ImmoField HealthGating rework
OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems

And I’ve also been meaning to make a post detailing how of Rein has an 800hp barrier, we’re right back into dealing with DoubleBarrier.

Since two AnchorTanks would be objectively stronger raw barrierhp, barrier breaking, and barrier regen.

It’s basically unavoidable for devs to solve DoubleBarrier either through balance, by getting rid of the close range peel options.
Ie. Frontline brawler Brig with no peel, tank Mei, ImmoField with a weakness to Dive, Accretion with a weakness to Dive, and doing something about those GOATs knockback changes (I.e. Treating ranged-knockbacks differently than pointblank-knockbacks).

Or some sort of 1x Tank, 1x Barrier, or Debuff if 2x Barrier gimmick.