Can we leave current Brig how she is?

Well I am open to new ideas. That is true for Ana but at least there are more times she can capitalize on her abilities.

Brig is one of those cases that people’s opinions range from “she’s fine” to “she’s never going to work”.

The fact she is simply not perpetually meta tells you know she’s been trimmed back a good bit, between her original line of nerfs and then her soft rework.

As a hybrid, she will always be contentious; that’s because players who like tanky characters want to tank with her, and those who want a Support, well want to focus on healing. The problem is as a hybrid, you have to be able to fuse the two roles together and go back and forth.

She is not a front-line character usually, unless in a group. She is a mid-line peeler/healer. The irony is that RP allows for enabling Dive, the very thing she is meant to oppose, this contradiction in the kit is an issue, and still needs consideration. On the flipside, I think most can agree that Rally provides way too much value even now and needs a change.

I am also tired of not acknowledging that Whip-Shot is a skill shot, it most certainly is.

All I want is for them to throw us scrubs a bone. Brig’s really unenjoyable when you get a co-support who seems to actively avoid healing you. The ability to spend a Repair to trigger Inspire would be kinda nice. Brig doesn’t need to reload, so it could use that as a keybind.


I played a ton (and i mean a ton) of Brig and imo she should get 250 total back but nerf rally

rally is so unbelievably strong but I think they raised the skill floor for Brig a lot because a lot of bad players just don’t know how to manage with 200 health’ and she deserves to be playable for all.

Give her 200/50 again and nerf rally armor rate or smth. Rally is one of the best ults in the game, its very silly

I play Brig for two reasons:

  1. I want to play a brawly, rushdown sort of comp (usually KOTH with a lucio buddy).
  2. A Genji or Tracer is murdering everyone and no other support can survive for more than 5 seconds.

She’s still really great at 1, but she’s become really bad at 2. We desperately need her to be better at 2 (Ideally without impacting any other role she serves too much), or we simply need a new support who is.


The problem is that the existence of “basically an offtank but not a Tank” heroes makes it so that the only way to avoid high durability compositions is to nerf Tanks into the ground.

Making it so nobody wants to play Tank, and prevents the kinds of buffs needed to make people want to play Tank.

If you can’t get enough people to play Tank, it’s nearly impossible to fix queue times.

And not fixing queue times could easily lead to losing 5-20% of the playerbase, worse matchmaking, poor player retention for OW2 launch, and the problem gets worse as Tank player retention slowly bleeds out Tank players.

At this point, Anything, literally anything, that is getting in the way of fixing queue times and tank desirability, needs to get out of the way. We can deal with the collateral damage caused by that later.

By comparison, all Brig players at or above Masters ELO, account for maybe 0.1% of the total playerbase. And they could all quit the game, and it wouldn’t even begin to compare to how freakishly important it is to fix queue times.

Do you think Jeff Kaplan or Geoff Goodman, could justify to their Chief Financial Officers at Activision, the act of deliberately losing 5-20% of their playerbase, because it might upset 0.1% of their playerbase?

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I like peel brig but currently she needs something she is hot garbage for the majority of ladder

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To be clear.

Bad players to you entails masters and down.

Scratch that brig isn’t played in gm either.


Wasn’t there a poll not long ago that said the exact opposite of this? :sweat_smile:

He’s basically claiming a small poll, consisting of specifically players who continue to be brig players after her “no longer nearly brawly” nerfs is representative of “All Brig players”.

Aka, push polling, with a small sample size, using survivorship bias.

As if Plat and below Brig players simultaneously don’t know how to peel with Brig, and also believe that peeling with Brig is a playstyle that is critically important to Brig at their ELO.

Which is nonsense double-speak.


I still support a Brig rework
she is a poorly designed hero in my opinion with too much stuff
I think though flat out buffs isn’t the way and I don’t pretend like I know how to rework her

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I wouldn’t mind Brigitte gaining a bit more durability, but understand it would require nerfs elsewhere in her kit. She may be out of meta currently, but it doesn’t mean she’s in a bad place.

Like I said, nearly 40% are for peleing brig and only 10% more for brawly brig

Nevermind, I misread what you said, I thought you were talking about another poll - my bad

244 votes = “All Brig mains”, huh?

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The problem is, even when she’s “strong”, this version of Brig is one of the least played characters across the ladder. People actively avoid using her with her current playstyle, it feels way to passive and doesn’t mesh with the way the character is presented.

Much like how they’re changing up tanks in OW2 to try to attract more players to the role, I’m expecting big changes to Brig to get people to actually play her below masters. The current version of her is basically despised at all ranks.


Despite being still good, its still the by far weakest version of her. Also don’t forget that low elo plays Rein/Zarya 24/7 and Brig is weak in that comp

I could have sworn, based on your “All Brig players” rhetoric, that Plat/Gold players where routinely going to against GM tier Dives.

When even you admit mid/low tier players have no use for a high peeling playstyle on Brig.

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I would prefer them to buff her actually. Her being meta is completely fine to me personally and the fact that she’s not receiving a buff just because the devs practise toxic hero favoritism and clearly intentionally keep her from being high tier ladder viable is just dog take on balance that shouldn’t care about some randos malding about a hero


Yes I used bad wording for that, yes the poll only shows the opinion of a small % of the brig players, yes I couldved said this better. YOu dont need to spam this 3 times

Also sayin ght ewhole poll says noithing because its “only” 240 people is weird, because you use Overbuff pickrates wich also analize samples only

Samples are good enough for general directions, yes itsno 100% accurate, but is good in showing the general direction

WHen did I said this? I said multiple times that Brig isn’t good in a Rein/Zarya mirror because you can only brawl there

With your logic we have to rework every Support being good in a Brawl mirror because low elo only plays Brawl?

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