Incoming "Mass-Rez was not overpowered" threads

Not anything that would fix the underlying/true issue though

Balanced compared to what though?

Mercy balanced compared to Lucio/Zen?

Or Mercy balanced compared to Moira/Ana?

Off the bat, it was ALL about Lucio up until his rework. I got so much crap for not wanting to play Lucio. And then when I finally played him, I got a lot of crap for not playing a ā€œskilledā€ healer (Ana) and that I was just bad at the game. Got to GM S4 and stayed there or around there since, and still got told Iā€™m bad because I donā€™t play any ā€œskilledā€ heroes because I didnā€™t climb with Ana or a DPS. Even to this day.

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I just love it when players put words in developers mouths.

You see, if Jeff was implying that it was unfun, then itā€™s more unfun than other heroes you believe to be unfun.

Mass Rez promoted the playstyle of suicide. Which was neither fun for the allies of the team using it, nor the enemy team.

I mean, how could telling everyone to go die in game be the pinnicle of entertainment?

Wasnā€™t the problem with mass Rez not itā€™s power but just itā€™s effect on gameplay? That was my recollection

I heard it much more from DPS players than the Mercy players. Watch the bronze to GM streams or anybody play a Mercy before her rework. It was about 10% Mercy saying to die on point and 90% everybody else telling the Mercy to go hide. Not even joking. Iā€™ve watched over 16 hours of pre rework streams and saw 3 Mercy players total say to die. The rest was everybody else trying to tell Mercy what she should do or how to play.

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Boy, do I love this community sometimesā€¦ Sure, itā€™s competitive. Though, you got there yourself from what Iā€™m hearing, which obviously required other sets of skills. Lucio does require some form of aim as well, so I donā€™t know what the issue is. I actually think that projectile weapons are harder to use properly than hitscan weapons.
I just wish people could not be rude. :confused:

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Uhhh dude thatā€™s literally a hypocritical argument. You want Ana to be viable because you want players to have the choice of playing her. But at the same time you donā€™t want players to have that same choice for Mercy.

As long as youā€™re saying both heroes should be equally viable, then it will always come down to choice. You canā€™t then make Mercy get ā€œused lessā€ by design without deliberately making her less powerful (and henceforth trash tier).

That was mostly perception, one that could be easily defeated by giving the Mercy player a higher risk of going for those big rezzes (cast time, line of sight, a bunch of other suggestions Mercy players have given that Blizzard refuses to listen to or acknowledge). Pretty sure he did at some point say Mercy 1.x was unfun to play against although I could be wrong. Either way, if anyone wants to argue that unfun mechanics in this game should be rid of then I point to Doomfists Rocket Punch, Sombras ability to teleport and the Mercy rework as it is blatanyly boring to play as her at her current state and her 1 man rez is also unfun to play against.

I only queued with friends up through S3. When I started solo queueing, SHOCKING, I KNOW, I climbed. Because I could focus on my own skill instead of mine and friends. It wasnā€™t until I stopped queueing with them that I climbed and my true skill showed. But they always blamed me because I didnā€™t play skilled heroes, while they stayed in diamond, I was in GM. And even then, they still told me it was because I played skill-less heroes and I could never climb with DPS like them. Joke is on them, my flex smurf is at 3902, close to GM. And a lot of my heroes are Sombra, Soldier, Tracer, Zarya, Moira, Mercy occasionally, Brig occasionally, and Ana occasionally.

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Mass resurrection wasnā€™t OP on the POV of Mercy players lmaoo they didnā€™t have to deal with it with their character. Instead they complain about Dead eye/Rip tire / Tactical Visor ultimateā€™s that directly affects them.

A Mercy have 0 interaction in all the game with the enemy Mercy.

and thus, that mercy main is correct in your eyes.


people made fun of the ā€œjust shoot the mercyā€ argument.

But now when I play roadhog. I get insta killed at 400 hp in the span of 1.5 seconds.

Oh, it was your friends?? That sucksā€¦ I know exactly how you feel. I ended up climbing to masters with Mercyā€¦ The issue is that I only really played comp for golden guns hahaaā€¦ I have regrets. My friends gave me all sorts of crap because of it, though. Because, you know, Mercyā€¦

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Well also remember, Pharmercy is very powerful to use, especially in lower ranks where no one is able to counter it, Ana has always been better then Mercy, I go over the reasons why quite a bit:

Titanium had also made a beautiful post on what is wrong with Mercy, and she used a LOT of facts, maybe you should check it out so you can understand a bit more!

and to top it off, they couldā€™ve even got rid of the ā€œfly to dead team matesā€ guardian angle option so ā€œhide and rezā€ would literally be impossible and thus get rid of the ā€œunfunā€ aspect for people fighting against mercy.

Wow, this couldnā€™t be more inaccurate. A good Mercy player would constantly be calling out the enemy Mercy and keeping track of when she did or did not have ult which is fairly easy to do when your ults have the same charge rate. A good Mercy would also target an enemy Mercy if the opportunity arose, whipping out her pistol in order to remove her from the team fight and prevent her from either getting rez off or building it up. A Mercy player knows the strength of the enemy Mercy player the best of the team.

This is the most stupid argument that I ever read in this forum, if you play S76 and the enemy S76 ults two times before you is because he managed to do more damage. Same than Mercy if she has ult before the enemy Mercy is because she healed more.

Yeah this happened in pro plays to right? "watch out guys Mercy leaved the back line completely safe 5 meters away from danger and now she is going to find the Enemy Mercy hiding !

no, they probably did it because they deemed they wanted a more faster game and less of shield wars and less of ā€œget the pick first and then pushā€ aspect of overwatch.

They wanted a more fast paced game which is why they outright said ā€œwe have to hold ourselves back sometimes from giving every character mobility.ā€

Believe it or not, you can actually pay attention to how much the enemy Mercy is healing and use that to deduce where her ult rate is at, crazy right? Plus, Rez was a fairly consistant ult, it would usually pop up every 2-3 team fights or so, not hard to predict.

Pro play is not representative of ladder play and as someone who has been playing Mercy since launch I can tell you that Iā€™ve killed plenty a Mercyā€™s in my time with the game, things can get a little hectic sometimes in this game yā€™kno. Also back in the day Mercy was rewarded for taking risks and wouldnā€™t always be in the backline and instead was zipping all over the place, something the other Mercy could punish here and there.