Incoming "Mass-Rez was not overpowered" threads

Your favorite Mercy main uploaded new video, so few threads incoming i guess.
- YouTube (the video btw)

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Mass Res wasn’t overpowered. :eye::lips::eye::loudspeaker:


I like how she says she debunked how jeff said mass res was bad, when she did nothing of the sort lol, just her opinion, no facts.
Also shes WRONG again.
Ana was never better than Mercy (only in high ranks which don’t really count)
Diamond and below Mercy was STILL the top healer which is where most the playerbase is (like 70% or something)


Nothing ironic about this thread. Nothing at all.


He did say Mass Res was bad though, Remember the patch notes when he changed it? ‘All Mercy’s did was hide for rez’ aka he thought it was ‘unfun’ despite the many other ‘unfun’ heroes in game.


I mean… it really wasn’t OP. The complaint people had about was an unfun aspect (its unfun to have your ult cancelled out by rez). No one was really saying it was OP. The OP arguments only came up recently I guess because the unfun arguments aren’t working anymore.


I meant debunked as in proved his statement false :stuck_out_tongue: which is isn’t for many people.

No, people called it OP.


No, they didn’t. They called it unfun. It was even one of the reasons listed for the change.


They did both at the time lol. At least in the forums, anyway. Tbf though most of the OP complaints came from lower ranked players. Mercy 1.0 was a joke at high ranks.


Oh yeah, she was sooooo much better than Ana… That’s why they BUFFED her, right? We = 4head lul


People said both.
Both are true depending on who you ask.

No, I was there. People called it OP, said it had no counterplay


Pick rate shows she was fine in low ranks, even on the Graph this particular Mercy fanatic shows in the video.
Shes an entry level hero, she should NOT be picked more than Ana in higher ranks (not useless, just not picked in more situations).
She was buffed because she wasn’t used AT ALL in high ranks, she was better in other ranks due to Ana requiring aiming.

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It really wasn’t that bad. Mercy in her 1.0 days would die 90% of the time when she ulted. They should have made it an LoS with a .5 second cast time with a small damage resistance during the cast.

Of course they opted for the nuclear option rather than trying out minor changes first.


I guess I was imagining the daily “mass rez is unfun” threads that littered the forums. My bad.

Yes, she might have had a higher pick rate, but she wasn’t OP nor a Must Pick.

She might have had a decently high pickrate, but that’s because Overwatch really leans towards casual people, and Mercy is the easiest hero to pick up, not only that, she is the most popular hero, for obvious reasons, Mary Sue.

Also, just because she was ‘‘fine’’ in lower ranks according to pickrate, doesn’t mean she was fine overall. Torb and Bastion destroy lower ranks, some bronze/silver players would come to the forums cry about old Symmetra and how her old gun was OP lmao, was she fine because of that? No.

If you played Ana back then, you were still going to be way more of an asset to your team, since she actually had utility besides healing. Mercy was there for the bad people who wanted to contribute but couldn’t, yet were still going to be outclassed by Ana if she was played correctly.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (20 characters lol)


Failing to take into account the reworks Sym got to attempt to make her good (which both failed) and the torb one coming?
She was fine in the sense she was the best healer for mid/low ranks due to the lesser skill requirement (hence entry level hero)

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