Incoming "Mass-Rez was not overpowered" threads

“muh low rank OP-ness”

Every ez character is OP in low ranks.

Junk, brig, roadhog, doom, literally any character that does high burst damage.

Should all of these characters get reworked just so some bronzies dont get upset over being stomped by those some characters they can pick and try and get gud with?

The mass res introduced the hide and seek minigame that was kinda busted. It wasn’t OP in the sense of doing too much, it was just not always possible to prevent a Mercy from hiding.

Someone needed to check for her, if it isn’t you then hope someone else does. Where’s the Mercy hiding, who and how many are going to hunt her, is it really worth the time and resources. You aren’t even guaranteed to get to her before she resses anyways after getting past all the checks that you wouldn’t have to do in the first place against literally any other hero.

I had no problem with it. When I played competitive while her rework was still only on ptr I had zero issues countering her mass res. I usually ulted that area as Mei and it was good. I barely played back then and now I don’t really play at all but I’m supposed to be average apparently. The paragraph above is just a reflection from a live example from Seagull’s stream, it didn’t affect me but I think it’s a valid argument.

I’m glad to see the hide and seek gone because there’s no way I would’ve played like that. Her rework was bad too though and flatlined her gameplay with res on cd and the nature of Valkyrie. When it was announced she was OP the first time I knew I was definitely not going to like her anymore.

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This is a big misconception as most Mercy players would tell you: We did not hide at all and were always present in team fights. People often confuse taking cover with hiding as you would often see Mercys stay behind corners but literally everyone does that as it is dumb to be out in the open and makes you susceptible to damage. Hiding means completely leaving a team fight and although I’m sure bad Mercy players did that it is essentially a bad strategy. If the main healer is not present in a team fight it becomes a 5v6 and the enemy team can easily win the fight without using ultimates. If a Mercy were to rez after that, not only would her team have an ultimate disadvantage, they would also have worse positioning and the enemy team would still be snowballing from before the rez was used.

It was more common for the other people on the team to yell for the Mercy to hide than for the Mercy to ask the team to go get themselves killed.

Additionally, mass rezzes are themselves a big misconception as they didn’t happen all that often and it was much more optimal to rez one or two teammates in order to sustain the team fight rather than wait for the 5 man as it’s an uncommon occurrance and often resulted in one or two players respawning before the Mercy would be able to rez, giving the team a number disadvantage and causing trickling.

Directly above this thread was “Mass-Rez was not Overpowered.” I laughed at that.

“Which don’t really count”.

I don’t think it was op, with or without the invulnerabilidade, I just don’t like the hide and seek game I had to play

I feel people overestimate how much hide and res really was. Yes it happened, and it probably happened once or twice per game, but people make it sound like that is the only thing they did with Mercy was play tag. If Mercy players hid so often, there would be a lot more team wipes. Her stats do not support this assumption, as her average resses late in Mass Res was 6 on average. Before that, it was 4. Also, her healing per game is VERY close to Valkyrie Mercy, being near 12k, while Valk Mercy is only 200 points above 12k, meaning it is 300 healing per game difference.

Are you telling me Mercy hid so often for those team wipes that she would only ult once in an entire game and never again? Because the stats seem to support that she would get many 1-2 man resses, which also does not support that Mercy constantly hid.

If Blizzard is so “in tune” with stats being the be all end all, why do these stats not support hide and res?

Again, YES. It did happen, and it most likely happened once or twice PER MATCH. But it definitely isn’t as wild and crazy and often as people make it sounds or her stats would support it. And they don’t.

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Of course, there are lots of situations that would lead to that, like: people would die far from each other, Mercy would take fewer people instead of risking go even deeper in the enemy team, she would get killed before she could ult, etc.
There are lots of Mercy players arguing that tempo ress was more valuable, and I agree, but most of my games I had heard a teammate complaining I didn’t hide and because of that I risked a loss (when we won) or throwed (when we lost)

this is already too many for the taste of some people

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I know that feeling all too well. As for the hiding, many heroes still do that, even now, including Mercy. It is natural to not stay in a losing fight. Many of my Reins will completely stay away from grav instead of trying to help save the targets in it, especially squishiest that need him. It happens to every hero, but Mercy seems to be the only exception that can’t do this.

Another pointless video that is full of more opinions. Great work.