"If you're so upset about Mercy, just play a different hero"

It is. No wonder there’s so many complaints about Mercy.

if people don’t like her, they shouldn’t be playing her. its a game, its not supposed to be work.

They may not like her, but they hate losing more.

It’s depressingly common to have only one person on the team willing to heal, which hamstrings them into playing the only healer who can reliably soloheal: Mercy.

There’s a lot of “unwilling Mercy mains” out there. If they had a choice, they’d play their own favorite hero. But their team keeps instalocking and refusing to switch, so they fill.


And they’re all trash reasonings. There was nothing fun about using, or being on the opposing team during Mass Rez.

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I disagree with you.


You wouldnt be saying the same thing if it was YOUR team getting mass rezzed.

Also, it actulally was fun if the enemy team mass rez and you get to wipe them out again. Picture this.

Your team wiping out the enemy team. Mercy comes in and rezzes them. BUT WAIT. You still have your ults and you anticipated this. You ult at them again and you wipe most of them out; i.e D.va bomb, Riptire, Rocket barrage and etc. You teamwiped them AGAIN. THATS fun.

Knowing and anticipating your enemies moves, working as a team, countering an ult, with an ult and getting that sweet quadruple kill with your ult.


This. Being a tempo rezzer, I can count the number of 5 mans I got on one hand. One of the only ones I got was immediately followed by the enemy Reaper cracking his knuckles and strolling into the middle of my team while they couldn’t shoot him or run away fast enough.

If you can’t guess what he did the instant the i-frames wore off, you don’t get a cookie.

In fact, about a third of the “huge rezzes” I did were followed up by retaliation ults. The most successful ones were Dva timing her bomb drop to go off right after the i-frames wore off, Mcree lining up deadeye with no one to stop him, and Junkrat’s tire circling around reviving teammates like a shark.

Not all retaliation ults were succesful, but if you were playing Reaper, Dva, Mcree or Junkrat, saving your ult for after the enemy Mercy ulted almost always got you easy kills.


his* he*
20 characters

to add to your point
several ults that are otherwise considered just zoning tools become 6 man killers during the time of rez.
Deadeye locks on while they can’t move for instance 120 damage per second, he’s got everyone minus the tanks with skulls over their head before they can even move


Mercy is a requirement to damage boost Hanzo ult into a Graviton for easy teamwipes. So… Obviously she is a requirement and will be one of the most played heroes.

Wow, look at that! She is strong and still meta :smiley:

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Wouldn’t be surprised if her DMB will get a look at, when it comes to being nerfed tbh.

Blizzard openly said in multiple posts that they don’t care about fun or player feedback. All that matters is pickrates and because of that mercy will be in this terrible state.



then we can buff it in other ways, either that or confirm that that awful rez is the only thing keeping her playable in stats

Mercy at one point had Resurrection (original ult) to where she/allies would be immune to damage for a certain amount of time during and after resurrection. But they scrapped it after.

She is transgender so *she. Don’t be an @$$hole.

I know…I have 400 hours on Mercy and have been maining her since launch.

Lmao they aren’t nerfing her dmg boost

Probably. If she is picked sooo much she needs to be adjusted and she is one of the top picks she is going to need to be nerfed.

he is still a guy so he* his*

hopefully they nerf the right parts of her kit if she needs more nerfs
Something tells me her base kit (beams and GA) are safe since that shouldn’t need to be touched

If they aren’t nerfing her even though she’s one of the top 3 played heroes, what makes you think they will nerf her for being “one of the top picks” lol. Jeff specifically said in the Mercy Nerfs Dev Update on Youtube “We Want Mercy to Remain VERY viable”.

Mercy’s consistent heals slow down the game somewhat while also keeping heroes like Widowmaker, Bastion, Mcree, Junkrat, Pharah viable whereas without her they wouldn’t be very strong. They NEED Mercy to be viable to keep the meta at least somewhat diverse. Nerfing her brings us back to either full tank meta or full dive meta, which they don’t want.