Just was mentioning it, since you suggested it as a fix they did once test. I know some people have racked up those hours afterward though so I wasn’t sure. Congrats on the rank and stuff though
That’s ok lol! Lots of people I know never experienced Mass Rez Mercy so I completely understand where you were coming from lol. And thank you And thanks for defending EeveeA!
Yeah that’s my thoughts too. Valk doesn’t feel like an ult for the most part. I mean you can fly and chain heal but it’s like someone slapped Lucio and phara together for a brief time I guess. Not exciting or really game changing it feels like.
Most picked = up for nerfs <- That’s what the developer team basis nerfs and buffs on. Pickrates determine if a hero is going to receive nerfs or buffs.
So… Don’t get all uptight because I said Mercy is going to get nerfed. Viable but maybe she’s too viable. So I’m expecting her to get a nerf eventually.
Of course! I don’t get why people should be rude to her because of being transgender. Nothing gets me more upset than people being disrespectful. And thank you for proving Mercy can be great after her rework.
Well if she does, I doubt it’ll affect me much. I don’t have to play broken meta heroes to maintain SR
Her ult is trash garbage, doesn’t help the team and isn’t even worth using. Instead of giving her an E ability. they decided to move her old ult to that space, and water it down so much that it basically does nothing either except rid us of the chance of ever getting an actual E ability
So it’s just heal now, and that’s all it’s ever going to be. Forever
Of course! EeveeA is such a sweet person and deserves respect!
I can see where the op is coming from now after having my favourite hero hanzo changed and I would prefer the old hanzo back
However this is a purely selfish though and I only preferred old hanzo to new hanzo because old hanzo gave me gratification from popping skulls with an F tier hero
Nerfing her in the right way is exactly how we can fix Mercy overall
Mercy is powerful so if we want to buff the fun factor we need to nerf the unfun factors.
to put it a better way nerf the passive parts of her kit and buff the active parts in compensation
So what do you suggest?
I’d nerf her passive regen delay in exchange for tweaking her base mobility.
Implement a hybrid option for GA’s “prefer beam target on/off” targeting system options.
Extend Mercy’s glide so she can use it to get between most ledges.
And if you’re feeling really crazy, make the “GA launch” bug (that sometimes shoots you into the air when using the bunnyhop at point blank range) official like they did with the old bunnyhop bug.
(The last one assumes that valk is no longer in Mercy’s kit)
Let’s not get into a debate about eevee’s pronouns.
She said that she’s ok with people who use male pronouns but it’s obvious she prefers female pronouns, and so even if I don’t fully understand why, I still use them out of respect. not that hard really
Oh? And what needs a nerf? Hmm?
Her healing? Her speed?
What about her is in need of a nerf?
If your expecting a nerf, surely you can give some suggestions?
For Valkyrie
Nerf the duration to 8 seconds
Nerf the chain beams to 15 heals and 7.5 damage boost
Remove the passive Self Healing
Buff the main beams up to 120 HPS and 50% damage boost
For my more wild idea
Replace rez with a 10 second cooldown ability that reduces spawn timers
This ability will evolve into an instant cast rez upon the activation of Valkyrie.
Mercy might as well have an empty E slot with that ability …
- You assume the ability couldn’t have other uses, I was trying to keep it simple but the actual ability I’ve been advocating for has an effect if used on live targets as well, namely a damage resistance shield
- What’s wrong with Mercy having an empty E slot, it worked for so long. I’d rather have an empty E slot then this mini-ult that has to be the most awful user experience in this entire game to be balanced
I didn’t read any other uses in your original suggestion, so I assumed.
Mercy’s empty E forced her to over-rely on the only burst-impact ability in her kit (rez). Mercy 1.0 was too ult-dependent, and it showed in how bad a pick she was at the higher ranks.
Mercy needs power spread throughout her kit in order to be healthy.
Edit: I didn’t mean to sound like I support E rez. That nasty thing needs to be killed with fire.
You’re right and i don’t blame you for assuming
Look I’m in the camp that I’d rather have underpowered Mercy over powerful but… this… Mercy
And that means we must burn not only E Rez but the very concept of rez not connected in some way to an ultimate.
That’s my stance and I doubt anyone could really sway me from it
E rez is an awful idea and should be burned with as much gamer fuel as can be found.
Ok but Moira’s Ult is 8 seconds and does 120 healing to ALL people in it. So Mercy’s ult would just be a Moira ult but for one person :0
I’d like the Ult if her chain beams did more