"If you're so upset about Mercy, just play a different hero"

I didn’t know mercy had such a high skill ceiling before… I practically do the same with her now. Hiding from junkrat ults and healing behind walls…

To be more specific, we’re crying “Make my hero more fun, she’s bland as hell and her skill ceiling is too low”. Considering that this is a video game that people play for fun, these are legitimate concerns.

Tell me, should Torb players not complain because doomfist is buggy?

Should Sombra players not complain because Torb desperately needs a rework?

Should Doomfist players not complain because Sombra’s in a bad spot?

Why are other players allowed to complain about their main’s problems, but if it’s about Mercy we’re told to shut up?


I’m all for raising Mercy’s skill ceiling etc. That’d be cool.

That said, imo Rez should not be the keystone of that ceiling raise. It’s a proven problematic ability and right now it sits in a good place. Raise the roof through some other means.

Edit: Oh and as for that last bit: “Why are other players allowed to complain about their main’s problems, but if it’s about Mercy we’re told to shut up?” I main Tracer, my ult doesn’t feel as ulty as it used to, and this meta means making Tracer work is far more effort than it’s worth. If I complained on this forum I would be torn apart. Mercy is not some isolated martyr. Things happen.

Good, a mercy that gets it. Im glad you see it that way then. I used to love mercy when the game came out and then I slowly realized how weak of a character she is, lore wise and mechanically.

I hope they fix her


Tell me, whens the last time your hero was so unviable, buggy, broken, etc that you’d literally get reported and tilt the whole team for just choosing the hero in comp?

So I’m still not allowed to complain about Mercy without being vilified? Cool.

game sense like hiding…letting everyone die and rezing them?

ya no thanks

Skim the megathread, there’s a bunch of different ways to banish hide n rez and enforce active Mercy play.

Current E rez actually requires you to hide while using it, or rely on the enemy being clueless.


I feel bad for people who miss the old Mercy, but I am grateful they reworked her (less grateful for the nerfs that came after) because I used tempo rezzes before the rework and got flamed for it all the time. I would get focused by the enemy team without help from my guys and then get flamed for dying with ult. Would fly to use my ult and get killed before I could get it off. Or get all but ONE dude and have to hear about it the entire match. To me, old Mercy wasn’t as great as people make her out to be.

You press Q. You hold space, and then hide behind a wall if they’re focusing you. You press LMB or RMB. Maybe rez if you feel like it, but that can A. get you killed and B. wastes ult duration.

…Q to do only a couple more things and have your healing + dmg done for you.

I’d like it if the ult felt more ‘bursty’ with stronger healing or dmg (less than trans because thatd take away from Zen’s viability) and a shorter length.

IDK, I’m just tired of flying for 15sec and having my work done for me.

You have a right to complain, of course. But when you say your issue is more important than other vastly more important issues because “its not fun enough” it makes people sound whiny and selfish. The people who complain about other heroes just want them to WORK.

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I’m not trying to say it’s more important…

I’m saying “Hey, this is an issue. I’ll keep pointing out this issue until it gets fixed, because if it’s allowed to fade into the background it might never get fixed.”

I’m happy to wait my turn in line while more time-sensitive issues are adressed… but from what I can tell, the devs don’t think Mercy needs any changes at all. Even if it’s not anytime soon, (and it really shouldn’t be, seeing as bugs and non-viability are bigger issues), I want Mercy to be on the devs “to do list” for tweaks/reworking.


I feel like people are so used to Valk as an Ult and how weak it is compared to Mass Rez they prefer Valk instead. Valk caa be turned into an E ability with adjustments the same as Mass Rez.

If people are so afraid and hate Hide and Rez, why not adjust it as well? LoS requirement and a casting time for either 0.5-1s so theres a frame to prevent it like in Lucios ult.

Or make rez on a meter like what Eeveea suggested in another thread.


It’s too easy. You can survive sooo much easier because of the new GA and the valk. On top of that valk makes every other aspect of your job easier and let’s be honest did mercy really needed that? No. It feels less rewarding to be good at her and the worst thing is you feel like a Sidekick. A effective one sure, but still a sidekick and not a hero.

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The only changes she needs are in the form of subjective fun factor. She’s balanced and very viable on many team comps, and a lot of people think she’s still very fun to play.

My original reply was to a post above talking about the issues I’m speaking of, and was not originally targeted at you. I’ve seen dozens of Mercy posts over the last few months that are literally crawling with people begging Blizzard to change her (or often more specifically to bring back her old ult) which is a slap in the face to every non-mercy main that hated playing against it. Those posts all spam the forums and eventually get merged into the megathread. Those are the people I’m referring to.

I really like that idea tbh. This meta feels really garbo with the lack of defensive ultimates we have right now including the ones that we have which don’t do that much to stop it.

Would you not be able to use Resurrect if say you had 50% charged and 3 people die? Then you get into the whole “it will become randomly selected heroes who get to be resurrected” issue which would be frustrating.

They might as well just make it an ultimate at that point. Mass Resurrect could be adjusted easily. What I don’t want is a straight up revert because I want an E ability that makes her a threat in fights without ultimates and an ultimate that has the potential to save my team but puts me at a risk for using it.

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theres no issue to fix
mercy is balanced
she’s the 3rd most played hero


That’s not the issue, though. The issue is something that can’t really be quantified with stats: low skill ceiling, and generally be unsatisfying to play.

Pickrate isn’t a good indicator of this, because it’s artificially inflated by the fact that Mercy’s is the only hero who can reliably soloheal. Many competitive personalities pick Mercy but dislike playing her, because they hate losing more than a bland user experience.

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thats a lot of people playing mercy against their will in a video game meant to have fun.

if people don’t like her, they shouldn’t be playing her. its a game, its not supposed to be work.

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