If you want better teammates - earn them

Unless a person actually improves and learns to recognize what they have been doing the whole time is bad AND actually makes effort to fix the bad.

GM’s wernt born GM’s, they spent years learning and changing habits, or had good teachers while getting into gaming.

The hardest part of improving is actually changing habits, most people don’t actually know why highground is strong outside it’s harder to get at you, most people don’t actually know what direction a flank is performed from and why it’s often better than a back attack, they just hear trendy 10 word summaries and think thats it.

You can climb against all odds just by playing lots and being consistent, or at least more consistent than the enemies.

Except you haven’t asked anyone anything.

Ask something: When would i want to pick X hero?
What do i want to do with highground?
When do I want to push an enemy?

suddenly just making a statement like this is what holding you back.

EDIT; Look 2 post below this, i gave out a long bit of info.

But your enemies get better too which makes the whole point moot. You have top 500 players complaining about teammates and there is not much more room to get better ones.

I know my flaws as a player, and they are deemed to not be as relevant by me, the arbitrator of skill. So???


No, you don’t really get what I am saying.

It’s not that the system doesn’t work at all. But there is disparity between roles due to each roles respective population.

Basically, Tanks and supports have less competition… especially the tank role. Such that their SR is not equal to their skill relative to the skill of the player in the more populated role.

Lack of competition allows players to place higher in less popular roles.

The whole point of ranks is to level out as many of those factors as possible to the point of irrelevance. It doesn’t matter how familiar you were with other FPS games, a gold is still just as good as your average gold. If they weren’t then they would keep dragging their team down and losing until they fall out of gold.

The only time something like a skill irregularity might pop up is if people play heroes they aren’t as familiar with, though that’s also minimized with Role Queue (you don’t get supports randomly playing DPS in the same rank now, they have to earn the spot again).

Either way, yes, you do occasionally get crap tier teammates that just can’t work together worth crap. You do occasionally run into unwinnable games. But those are rhe exception. Over time it eventually levels out to the point where thats just how the rank is, and you’re the ome who needs to adapt.

They might fluctuate a little more, sure, but at the end of the day its all still relative to who you’re playing against.

A plat Tank is able to keep up with your average plat DPS. If they couldn’t, they would get consistently destroyed and fall out of plat.

There’s nothing to see here besides maybe a difference in time investment. Might take a DPS 30 games to hit 2500 while it might takes a Tank 20. Doesn’t change the fact that both end up in the same place and have to play against each other.

No it’s not that easy, at this point in the thread no one said it was.

The path to progression is - pick a subject - play matches (probably in QP) focused on just doing that one thing doesn’t have to be centered in your mind and just happens naturally. Then move onto the next.

------------------Long drawn out example since people are asking for knowledge without actually asking for knowledge, gonna copy and paste from a scrip I am writing to make a video, but i work lots and am obsessed with ff14 atm-------------------------

Lets start with cover usage; now OW has less meaningful cover than other games, but you just use shield like they could stop existing at any given moment.

When to take cover? as soon as you take any damage and you are not hitting someone, the logic is that if you are missing, you are unlikely to get back on target before you die since they are already hitting you. Also just hide whenever you need to reload.

But before this people should know how to use cover.

The first type of cover i would like to talk about is horizontal cover. Horizontal cover is anything that draws a line of cover from left to right on your screen <—> it’s called this because it draws a horizontal line on your screen. It is normally used to headglich (or headbox) and make yourself harder to get at, but 99% headglitch.

Headglitching is when you bring the edge of the horizontal cover to the enemies knees so you can see almost all of them, but when they look back at you the edge acts as cover and only lets them see your head. you’re 5% visible and they are 75% visible, the profit should be obvious.

Another really good tactic is while headglitching, you simply press crouch to completely hide, it mean you don’t have to reposition right away and hides you in a fraction of a second.

Even hills in apex and carts in OW can be used this way with some practice.

If I could I would post some pics to help but I havent made them yet… really just ask any high ranked play here how hard it makes you to kill, believe them, they fight it every day.

------>but just start with this, go up high, bring the edge to their knees and try to keep it just between you and 1 target. Crouch to hide as soon as you take damage or you need to reload, unless you are 100% certain you will win.<------

This next part is really hard at first, but this combined with the above is what makes all those hard to kill smurfs hard to kill.

The 2nd type of cover I would like to talk about is vertical cover. Vertical cover is any cover that goes from the top of your screen to the bottom. We use vertical cover mainly to Isolate 1v1’s and reposition towards or away from an enemies position. Like a doorway.

We all know the pain of going to fight an enemy and then their friends peek around and suddenly your taking twice as much damage. So what we do is position ourselves in a way that we block 1 or more enemies LoS on you with cover, to fight just 1 enemy at a time. This is using cover to isolate a 1v1.

------>Now it seems easy in just a couple sentences, but just start by using that edge to keep 1 enemy only in LoS, hide to reload or as soon as you take any damage, unless again, you know you will win.

If at any time you hesitate or have been in 1 place for a bit, relocate, just move and relocate. If you don’t in time rotate the box/door away from the new ppl, even if it seems crazy and push hard, this is to keep you from getting pinched and the 1st target should be low from your time poking.<------

This is going to take dozens of matches to even get meh at, but if you want to improve you have to practice 1 area at a time until you do it subconsciously, then move on to the next instead of trying to be some mlg gamer.

Or get discouraged and lose focus acting like it isn’t the play, it’s up to you, i have 2 seriously hecked up arms and can maintain high plat and even push mid-high diamond when super serious so anyone should be able to do at least that with dedication.

If you want some pointers in another area just ask, but now now no one in here can say they have the info hidden from them.


Then look at the pro and try to be like them. Free tutorial. I am not a pro, but I applied that mindset somehow. That is why I feel empathy for that topic because I said the same to myself everytime I hardstuck at any elo.

spoken like someone who thinks they are the best player on your team.

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Actually, my DPS is a rank higher than my other roles. Many people are like this.

I don’t think roles are separated like you suggest although I see why you say that. I think the requirements are hero dependent rather than role dependent.

Baptiste requires more game sense and better mechanics than Pharah to me.

I see a few people that have their highest role on DPS so I don’t think it’s distributed as you say it is.

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Something occurs to me. People should be happy that they are not falling down in rank over time. Even maintaining the same rank as your peers is a good thing and people should be satisfied with that.

Also as someone who started in Bronze back in Season 1 I think people really need to consider if they want to rank up. The game does not really change except that the players improve. There will still be bad games. There will still be throwers. Even in Masters players are called bad when they get outplayed a couple of times. The metas are different, and it becomes harder to be more creative like in the metal ranks.

It is too bad rank shaming is a thing here because honestly people should just be happy where they are and if not just ask for coaching. I am always willing to help Mercy/Brig/Sym/Orisa players. If only this forum was a more inviting place for people to share information. It’s a shame.


wait this whole post contradicts itself , you are saying that to get Better teammates you need to “Climb” but people want better teammates so that they could Climb so how can you get better teammates without getting better teammates , you are making this more complex then it should be the proper answer to get better teammates is to group with teammates who you think are good.


In this game you earn better teammates by throwing. When you’re the one doing all the work the system will keep handicapping you even harder as you drop.


The point of the post is that you shouldn’t flame your team mates. It’s toxic. If you really don’t like them, you should climb. If you can’t climb then the chances are you are where you deserve to be.

I started in bronze too! This place is for venting at the moment. Hopefully this changes over time now we have a community manager.


I notice a lot of people like ask around asking for help, but not really…

I think a forum section people could go to for guides would be good, cause lets be honest, the youtube coaches are bad a lot of the time.

The EdUcAtIoNaL videos are only good for people that actually know what they are looking at, and the WhY ArN’t YoU UsInG tHe HiGhGrOuNd videos don’t actually tell people what they should be doing there… Looking at you Sty and YourOverwatch… Usless unless you already know… rant over haha

Somewhere maybe a curated list of users could approve before going public… with pictures even if not lvl3, video examples, things that teach the core fundamentals properly. People don’t know why or what direction a flank is from and why it’s better than a back attack, cover, when to push, ult usage, good comms vs bad comms, movement, positioning, peeking, jigle peeking… so many things…

I just never really see any good sources outside a ragtagg vid where he had a coach on, it’s normally spoken like you should know it already.

Like I know the theory pretty good, but lets be honest, people don’t want my abrasive answers, they wanna be mad meme

Not going to comment on your post.

Just wanted to say mmmm profiteroles :yum:


I wasn’t expecting this topic to explode lol

Hard to climb when there are so many leavers. How do you suppose i deal with someone leaving the game? When its my SR it affects?


If you want better teammates, you would have to bring them yourself.


“You want to recover from a nearly fatal wound? Just work until it becomes fatal”

Im sorry but this is the worst argument i’ve ever seen.

Sure, im not blaming others but a single player is not a reason for the 5 other players choosing to not communicate which results in the single player only speaking to the nothingness and the team being stomped in the lack of miscommunication


Voice isn’t important for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase. If anything it’s detrimental due to how unlikely it is for calls to be good and for there to be no toxicity.

The OP is actually right. Players who cant climb after 100 games aren’t held back by their teams. They’re just not as good as they believe they are and are no better than the people they’re blaming.

Smurfs prove that teams don’t hold back players who should be in higher ranks. Will they win every game? No but they don’t need to. If you should be in a higher rank you’ll climb with a very high winrate.