If you want better teammates - earn them

I have no real problem with smurfs but theres something that i’ve experienced when i’ve climbed to mid rank:

Low elos are actually work together better than mid rank.

Everyone says that there is a “forced win rate” and these kind of things but it just isn’t true. If you are not in a team in mid rank everyone thinks that they have a carry potential and just go wherever they want not caring about their teammates. Maybe its just my experience though i don’t know if the mid to high elo climbers experience the same things or not.

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This is all perspective. A masters player will consider anything mid diamond and under as an absolute circus. Ask gm players and they have the same opinion of many masters games.

This is part of why its so easy for high ranked players to climb out of low and mid ranks. If everyone is running around solo, punish it. Players who cant simply couldn’t compete in higher ranks so deserve to be where they are.


Completely agree with this.
As I already said in another thread: blaming others is the easy, not ego-hurting option but if we think our rank is determined mostly by others then it doesn’t even make sense to play anymore, we are doomed.

We can see your stats.

You have like 3 solo kills per 10 mins but 10 deaths per 10 min.

Thus, this cant be true.

This is why we need ow2 asap , more individual impact

nah I just know how to look at this with a realistic approach unlike you. That’s why they made it 6v6 so the whole team has to rely on each other.

You’re right, it won’t work like that every time, but the point is that if you play enough matches, the outlier games get overshadowed by the average. Technically, all you need is a 51% expected winrate (and infinite time).

Flawless logic. Too bad this is a tam game and you have five (for now) other people who need to work with you to win. This like that “the only constant thing is you” argument. You can have godlike aim, positioning, ability management and map knowledge, but it doesn’t matter when one of your teammates AFKs in spawn, another keeps jumping off the map and one more just ragequits.

And how do you determine that when I have everything from bronze to GM in QP games? Also, I’m telling Hammond to switch cause enemy team has 3-4 CC characters when I’ve already swapped to Orisa or something else that can negate CC.

No one deserves to have active throwers walk into enemy team “hello-ing” at them as they get melted. Except for other throwers, I guess.


ALL of this. This is what I keep saying. It’s a TEAM game, yet people act like it’s some 1v1 fighting game or something. Unless you run 4-5 group with you all the time, you’re gonna run into some teammates who actively want to ruin the game for you.


Good teammates is relative. Even if your team is decent, if they’re being team diff’d against the enemy, you technically still have a ‘bad team’.

I think what people complaining about ‘bad teammate’ are the ones in low rank who borderline throw. And it’s completely understandable since the skill gap in low rank differs quite a lot. You get mixed into teams who are climbing, hardstuck, throwing, smurfing and everything in-between. It’s always a gamble who you get teamed up with and considering how team reliant this game is, it makes sense this frustrates low rank players.


Look, the thing is that “bad teams, throwers, afkers, etc” are random factors the MM can not take into consideration.

But you have to keep in mind that when you play more games/your sample size increases all these random factors stop counting.

Sometimes you get the smurf, the enemies get the thrower or the guy who goes afk.

Thats why “you are the only constant factor” is something you have to keep in mind while playing the game.

If you are constantly better than the average person at your rank you will climb because all these factors you can not control will balance out.

I agree with you but honestly I think bashing my head into a wall hoping the wall will break is a better use of my time since doing that and playing OW are almost exactly the same.


Lol, well I can’t say I play much ranked, either, I prefer just chilling in QP.

You want better teammates? Pay me.


Lmao, yeah OW2 will magically make trolls less effective? Trolls are going to have more agency in OW2, not less.

Only if you are afraid to lose. It’s possible to have an subjective opinion about the game and still enjoy it.

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these posts just keep getting stupider and stupider everyday


If you can’t make up for the fact that one single player is dragging you down than you are where you belong. If you can’t carry your team, you have found your rank. You climb when you can carry your weight more than those around you.

not flaming anyone since ages, and I still get people play hammonds into sombra, or genji into torb winston

but hey is my fault. sorry, can’t climb when 2 ppl play countered picks

so this rant is useless


I actually more about having my teammates and enemies on same skill lvl than just having good teammates.
I can have bad teammates just like me, just put me agains other people who are bad at the game.

Shouldn’t games get easier the lower you drop? Normally, you would lose 10 games and the matches should get easier right? That’s not always the case. Is that just bad luck? What if I have more control over my games in gold than in bronze?


They can’t climb because of their dog water teammates… that’s the point