WHY ISNT 5 hours a day enough to get out of diamond

If it was only up to psychology they would be climbing on their mains too.

And it is not about devious ai but about a faulty system that is exploitable.

and thats a pretty respectable hardstuck to be fair

Thats simply because they actually learned the baseline tactics at a young age.

The dedication people speak of is in reference to actually dedicating yourself to changing hard learn behaviors, for the actually effective ones.

How the hell does anyone with a life have 5 hours a day for OW?

Yep. All your fault.

You see, you aren’t improving because you’re not taking responsibility. To you, your failures are not your own; its rigged match making! Its your team! It can’t possibly be YOU.

And if you have no reason to improve, you won’t try. You won’t try, so you don’t rank up. And there you are: hard stuck diamond. If you want to escape it, you need to own your Ls.

Time != skill simple as.

One of your problems is you think that. Look aim to improve always and sometimes that means not playing comp and using the workshop or w/e.

You can get to diamond by playing a lot and having some understanding of the game but now you’ll meet players that can have really good game sense and/or mechanical skill + communication/teamwork. You’ll need to unlearn habits you have from plat/gold and relearn the game because you’ll be easy if you don’t. Time isn’t the key but using the time well. This can be watching better players, reviewing your vods ect ect.

So drop the entitlement and get back to the grind! Good luck!

If you’re talking about 8 year old savants, the instances of that are so rare that it doesn’t make sense to talk about. It’s the exception that proves the rule.

Let’s clarify terms here, are you talking about innate talent vs. acquired skill?

Dedication is one of the most important attributes of success.

What does this even mean? Try speaking in complete thoughts.

The same thing you’re arguing about, genius. Have you forgotten the topic already?

Thanks Captain Obvious.

Who said it wouldn’t be ok? What are you talking about? Do you even know?

You’re not even using this insult properly. Jesus. I’m pretty sure you’re the last person who should be discussing savants, high performance, etc. You can barely communicate.

This is correct and quite applicable to competitive games.

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The same one who hurt you. The very…same…one.

Why do you want to get out? If that’s your level then just play to enjoy.

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Except learning how to use cover well, what high ground is for, what a flank is for and how to execute them isn’t the same thing as being tone deaf.

The only reason one can’t learn these things is if they wanna make excuses and shirk personal improvement.

You can literally climb to masters with meh aim and just knowing basic things, just sounds like you wanna make excuses cause you tried something once and it didn’t work.

Can you learn 2+2=4? then you can improve with dedication the same way all those 8 year old gms did.

Because you did not improve during that amount of playtime, still belonging at the bracket you are at. The only constant in all of your games is yourself.

How do higher rank players manage to boost lower SR accounts then? in pure solo Q. must be extremely lucky to do that all the time

You can train a tone deaf person till they have achieved perfect pitch, till the level of identifying notes in a dissonant chord

It is extremely difficult if you’re self taught though, need a skilled teacher for that. The same applies for many things in life.

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Most boosted accounts are boosted through more than one person. It’s not hard to understand.

Nobody is buying an account and trying to “boost” it by playing solo queue. It’s an absolute time sink even if you are good at the game.

It’s not hard to understand that they are able to it due to the skill that they have, not the luck.

It’s annoying when someone blames the system for underachieving and not realising that they are the cause of their own incapabilities. This applies to everything in life.


It’s not skill, it’s stacking with friends to boost accounts. I don’t know how to describe it better to you. That’s literally how you boost them.

WARNING LONG POST, but if someone wants to learn it shouldn’t be a problem.

Yeah and im telling you your example isn’t the same thing.

getting to even mid masters is honestly just a matter of learning some pretty simple concepts, then doing 3+5+1=9 on an individual lvl. Oh this time i have to 6+5+4+2=17. (with each number being a concept.

yes because it’s on topic, thats the point instead of talking around what is relevant, 99% of GM’s started off as plebs, then actually did something about it. the 1% of 1% were born with latent talent, just go on shrouds stream and ask him what he did.

Spoiler, he said he spent 1000’s of hours watching better players and learning what they do, then grinding it into reflex.

I wish I could tell you, i can’t see what you are doing, but I can tell you AI doesn’t behave like people, it’s fine for getting a basic grasp on mechanics, but even on hard they just stand around.

We call it dedication because even the pro’s are still learning, it’s a game long process.

The learning process is hard, even more so when you have pre existing muscle memory, I would start at square 1 and on subjects that are across all games.

Is there any subject you feel like you would say you need work on? like just 1 subject, 1 area at a time then combine them.

Movement, consciously taking actions, peeking, cover usage, exc… are things that are transferable across most shooters with minor differences like in csgo you stop to shoot. That way even if you come across a diff game you like you still have those skills. Thats how people start a new game and dominate from the start.

A lot of people think that since 2 games are different, that they can’t get info from it, which is just not true.

Lots of info is from CoD, battlefield, quake, exc and it’s just about recognizing the transferable things.

So this is a copy paste from a different thread as example, it’s about cover usage.

Now i will admit it’s not easy, but we are all working on our play if we want to get better and i know there isn’t pics to assist, but i can share a video of me, myself training. (all I am thinking is “can i fight this person 1v1?” and “what can i hide behind”, while talking heck with a couple friends, if you watch it, you will see, i just find an enemy and use cover and ignore the point and team mates.

ask yourself, how often am i unable to just take a few steps to be safe, instead of standing in the open.


I can give long winded tips on all sorts of subjects feel free to ask.


Post doctorate work musical theory is not a source at all. If you are at that level of study, at least give a proper reference. Please do not just google