If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

Welp, to be honest idea of ult that just make you fly and heal more for short time insted of walking dont sound so epic for an ult, in my opinion, not a mercy main.

Funny you should hold up Animetic as a shining example of “fun Mercy gameplay.”

Animetic who has been very outspoken against the rework.

Animetic who has always been an aggressive Mercy player, long before the rework, whose old mass rez gameplay was every bit as exciting, indeed, more exciting, than the video you just posted.

I mean, okay.


I’ve mixed feelings about this thread. Sure Mercy can be fun in her own way even now. I still enjoy her gameplay. But impactful? Im not sure about that. Thing is the more experienced and aware player is the more impact hero have but it’s limited to that hero’s abilities and where one hero need just press one or two buttons Mercy must break some sweat just to get close to the same results.

Mercy generally still have an impact(otherwise she had zero pickrate) but less than other supports and highly dependent on allied self-sustain and awareness. Her ult may be used to push but there’s much better ults out there that can do the same and even more not to mention different hp/s numbers, utility and damage.

I’m sorry, but is this video supposed to be impressive? This is how I usually play Mercy… Well, and actually have fun with her. Did someone play her not like that?

Because there’s 3 things the devs are checking when they balance a hero:

  1. Statistics
  2. Player sentiment
  3. Blizzards “own feeling and intuition”

The original Mercy rework had all 3 boxes ticked.
Statistics showed it promoted a bad playstyle, players hated it and Blizzard din’t want that kind of playstyle promotion in their game.

Now with the current Mercy, 1 box is ticket at max.
Statistics shows that she can keep up with other healers, although the meta is currently against her which gives her a lower pickrate. Devs are happy with her. And the playerbase is divided on her, there’s people who like her and people who don’t.

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I have a genuine question for you three.

How did you feel with mass ress then? Because it also relied on your team doing stuff after the ressurect.

I have had this discussion before where people said that Mercy is too team reliant (and it’s true, she’s teamreliant) but people then come up how mass ress was the difference, while all it did was getting your team back and hoping they do their thing again.

Never played with it, don’t argue for it, don’t care either way.

I don’t think team reliance is her issue either.

I think they’re talking about the connection between “being too team reliant” and “unable to make plays on your own”. One tends to lead to the other.

The of impact of mass rez had a lot to do with the Mercy player’s initiative and ability to read the field - both in its present state, and what it would be like in the immediate future. This demand to always be running background calculations gave the Mercy a sense of ownership over the impact of their rez: “This was a big play because I calculated what would happen before anyone else did. I’m such a chessmaster!”

Valkyrie is completely dependent on teammates ability to utilize what Mercy gives them. Even if the teammates do something amazing while under the effects of Valkyrie, the Mercy doesn’t feel much of a sense of ownership over the play that was made.

A big part of this is because Valkyrie is so forgiving: since there’s almost no “wrong” way to use it or “bad time” to activate it, then there’s no real good ways or times to use it either. The price of being unable to fail is also being unable to have huge success: the latter of which is also called “making a big, game changing play.”

Valkyrie not having any big swing potential is the bitter cherry on top of all the other complaints about it.


Whether a hero is fun or not is entirely subjective. Just play what you enjoy and stop caring what people think.

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Your signature…lol

Thread short version: some find her fun…some don’t…an argument that will never get anywhere…do people still not understand why the devs won’t do anything about her? It’s not something they can tangibly change…

This. This post is 100% perfect. Even Bold letters isn’t enough to emphasize it.

One post: “i find her fun and if you didn’t have fun is your fault.”

Another post: “fun is subjective”

They guy with netherland flag below me sure takes long time to write his post.

:netherlands: Replying…

Geez louise i just dont like her ult is that a crime

Still typing! Come on, Dutchman, say something already, godverdomme! =D

The only thing that took fun away from Mercy for me was not being able to Mass Rez. I understand why exactly it was gone, but it was obnoxious and tilting so I loved it.

Rez’ing four people and spamming “On a scale of 1-10, HOW IS YOUR PAIN?” towards the enemy was very fun.

I still like Mercy, she’s just meh to play outside of avoiding everything.

The reason I make these videos is for Mercy mains to feel a little bit better about playing Mercy, since there’s so much negativity surrounding her most everywhere else.

They should not be taken as: a) a demonstration of skill, b) an indication that Mercy is fine right now (give Mercy some utility and then we’ll talk), c) a reason to say that any critique of the current Mercy condition is invalid.

There are a lot of valid reasons for people to have lost interest in playing Mercy, like the constant hate Mercy mains get and the fact that at times there isn’t much you can do except 50HP/s (or in case of anti heal nade: nothing). How Valk can be kinda boring. I get that.

Personally, I don’t have the time to write up long posts or upvote things in forums to get Blizzard to listen, but I admire those who do and fight for a better Mercy future. The recent changes to Mercy I believe were partly in recognition of those efforts, so thank you.


Yes, fun is subjective, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be addressed, improvement or deteriorated.

Blizzard is an entertainment studio, it’s literally their job to make it fun. How they know they succeed/failed is beyond me to know, so here we are.

Thanks for clarifying so that your video doesn’t get used by people with hidden agendas that doesn’t want mercy to get better :rofl:


“FiLthY M3RcY M4in5 jU5t W4nT h3r OP!!”

It’s just pointless to argue with people that use arguments like this because they are generalizing everything and just refuse to see mercy mains just want her to be fun, not to be OP.


But how do you balance about something subjective that can differ for each individual person?

You can never balance around fun because what one thinks is fun might be frustrating for another.

I genuinly dislike playing Genji, have zero fun with him. Should he be reworked so he is more fun for me? No he shouldn’t because he’s in a fine place and there’s 28 other heroes for me to pick from.

Well if somebody can’t have fun in a game with 29 heroes and multiple gamemodes, I’m genuinly wonder if Blizzard can do anything to make it fun for that person.

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Swing potential in what way? The way Mass Rez swung a fight is completely different from any other ult. Would you want some like Coalesence? Would that be enough swing potential?