If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

Well, it was important enough to nerf it, so I suppose the knife edge is a bit blunt.

I don’t care personally. If they give it back, great, if they don’t, don’t care. Her issues were the exact same when it was 60HP/s. they would be the same of they gave her 100HPs and auto full health button.

oh look, 1 person has fun in a few games playing Mercy. this invalidates hundreds and thousands of valid concerns from the Mercy community right? WOMP!


i have my own sentiments that don’t exactly a line with many but i have to agree with gray here. when people post stuff saying mercy is unfun to them and link vids to popular streamers or something they’re so quick to say “but fun is subjective”. this should still apply here. both sides should be heard and not one should be disregarded just because people don’t share the same sentiments :confused:

Hmm well this is largely a difference in experience it would seem. I mean, Comp vs QP, one tier vs another, etc, experiences can vary greatly so it’s understandable. I personally feel bringing even just one person back can be a MONUMENTAL shift in the way a team fight comes out.

Another thing I enjoyed about rez being moved onto E is that prior to it when a pick happened it’d lead to the dive and etc. Being able to potential undo that first pick opened up a lot of comp viability and such. The numerical advantage is HUGE the more equal teams are. Match making ofc leaves lots to be desired but match making (and thus smurfs and such) aren’t really balance issues.

Personally I’d be down for Rez being removed, or being tied to the ult in a sense. Though we did have that period of instant CD refreshed rez on ult and stuff and it was pretty OP tbh. It’s a tough balance.

In a lot of ways too though, your hands are kind of tied. For me it was basically 1 person died, then I watch the timer on that initial death and see how the rest are doing. If someone is going to most likely die (especially if I don’t heal them) prior to that timer being up, then I’d wait for that. Otherwise, I’d just pop the rez to bring the one up because again numerical advantage is that huge.

Me being alive after an ult storm was usually because I was off in some corner or something. Any competent team would start their ult storm with me so it was a done deal anyways. I never found the decision making behind Mass Rez to be all that layered or complicated. It was pretty straight forward imo because it relied on people on my team being dead to even be used. Then it’s just a matter of location and time frame.

Well there’s just a large incentive to control the conditions within which the mass rez occurs. A lot of it was throw your naked bodies at anyone on the other team that had an ult that could answer your rez, use no ults of your own, then get rezzed and roll them. It was pretty easy to exploit in QP and mid tiers of the ladder, and was becoming a more generally accepted strategy. I’d have team mates demanding I hide, the classic “our Mercy died with rez, gg bot.” and stuff like that. Was not fun imo.

I mean anytime I made some big mass rez play I never felt it was really my own skill or anything that made it happen, always felt like “well this enemy team let me get away with it.” It never felt good for me, but hey, that’s my own experience, to each their own.

I still feel like I have a good impact on Valk, but again that could very well just be situational and such. I can understand experiences vary.

Truth. Lot of people want that rush. I never got the rush so I can’t really comment on it.

At the time she was being ran solo heal in OWL a decent amount, that’s when I knew they’d come for her heals to be honest.

Fell asleep by 2 minutes.
Literally standing still holding LMB

I adore Mercy and find every game as her is just as fun as she’s ever been for Me.

Not to mention I’m a huge fan of Sarah and I literally am only the rank I man today because of her guides and watching her gameplay.

She’s honestly one of the best if not best Mercy player out there.

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It’s not that much of a difference in isolated situations, but SUPER noticeable during any sort of teamfight. It now takes 4 seconds to heal a squishy to full, before it was 3.33. That’s a small difference, of course, but it slowly adds up and the longer a fight lasts the more noticeable it is. A 600 HP tank takes 2 extra seconds, etc etc.

Essentially, it takes longer to heal up one person, which means you can’t move on the the second person as fast as you could before, so once you get to them they’re even lower, and then the cycle repeats itself. There’s also a less larger window of time where you are able to stop healing and damage boost people, it’s much harder to peel for your second support (mostly Zen/Ana), etc.

I think that’s why many Mercy players are echoing the same sentiment: “50 hps feels like slowly watching your team die”

Personally, I just try to keep everyone around 70-80% HP. But it does kind of bother me how and I can go Moira or Ana and heal so much more and faster.


Hmmm thank you. That is by far the best explanation of it I’ve seen on this forum yet.

I can understand that. That’d probably also be why I like having a Lucio or Brig on my team, as that low AoE heal allows you to quickly shift knowing they’ll be topped up, you don’t have to 100% them.

Personally, I still feel that the -10hps nerf was unnecessary. It’s hard to really say ofc, just purely speculation, but I think she could’ve done without it. I would have liked the other support changes to have gone through prior to that.

At the same time the sentiment around here was so much “pfft w/e, she’ll always be mandatory with E on rez” and clearly that wasn’t correct.

Will have to see how things shift around with these upcoming changes. If after that she still seems to be underperforming, I’d be interested in putting her back to a steady 60hps. I think the devs are kind of committed to keeping her at 50hps though given the current landscape of the game.

She still puts out good on average healing numbers, but that’s not surprising really.

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Like a Fatal Frame skin?

Yup. Mercy is fine. She doesn’t need a mass rez.

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You’re not supposed to keep up 5 players though, that’s why you have another healer with you?

Some of our different experiences could probably be reduced to the console v computer differences. Certain controller bindings being unchangable for Mercy make her current design a bit more frustrating than it needs to be, and certain heroes are stronger/weaker on console than they are on computer.
I’m only mid-high plat on PS4, and during MR I was probably lower. Maybe mid to high gold? That would probably explain why I was left largely unchecked, while higher tiers and PC were more in need of changes or using something closer to Hide and Rez. I was never demanded to use it, but a Mercy I played against a lot always used it. It was almost a tradition for her to get a card for x Rezes and maybe PoTG while I got the healing card and a win, kinda funny looking back. I tried her strat after a couple matches against her, I hated it. Didn’t like leaving people to die for personal glory.

Objectively I see the value but risk vs reward is the biggest factor, so unless the downed is needed for a combo-wombo, has been basically carrying, or my other support can probably handle it if I die it’s usually not worth the risk. If I stay alive my team has the option of using ults to try to even the odds, or tactically retreating to regroup/make a plan, if I’m dead they need to be able to make due without me as I traded myself for my target. Or we’re just down one more teammate. Of course Map geometry and teammates can provide safety and if they’re in your favor it is usually a good move.

I think tying it to ult might help with overall balancing as well as power distribution within her kit. But I can see why Blizz wouldn’t want to go down that route, a Rez centered ult hasn’t earned approval yet with one ending up being cheesy and the other being broken beyond belief so mark 3 would probably need to be really close to that sweet spot at launch to please both sides enough to see it through.

While the numerical advantage can be a game determiner, I have gone into fights that should be hopeless based on numbers and even heroes in play on both sides and won fights I had no right to win or lost ones that should’ve been in the bag. Of course I mainly play QP and only experimented with Comp last season, and Comp is a symphony of teamwork compared to my usual QP matches. So the numerical dis/advantage meaning more there makes a lot of sense from my limited experience.

As for how you felt post Mass Rez? That’s exactly how I feel about E-Rez. Either my team babysat me to success or the enemy let me get away with it. There’s no real skill check, it’s closer to an awareness check for all other living players.

I don’t know. I’m just really conflicted about current Mercy, I love everything except Valk and Rez and with certain changes I could probably come to love Valk (exception for free flight, just feels wonky to control), but I cannot come to terms with E-Rez. It’s just not meant to be a basic ability in my opinion and getting rid of it or restricting it in a non-static cooldown matter would help open more opportunities for Mercy to have more depth. I’d love to see a Mercy similar to Lucio when it comes to skill floor vs skill ceiling, with both being easy to pick up and get some value out of, but having quite a bit to master in thier kits.

It is rather amusing that you begin your comment saying that mine is subjective then proceed trying to frame me as a troll and that I break rule because I am posting an opinion that is not even directed to a specific physical person with names to consider it an assault.

What shows a person’s knowledge and skills is the tool we have in game that goes with the words “Season Rank”. The person in the video excells in the support role and the game shows it. That is also applied to all of us. So no, I am not making assumptions while the tool tells truths.

The support role was never the “carry” in a team. As a matter of fact, each role depends on another to form a team. You need an experienced tank to make space for dps and supports as you need dps to eliminate the enemy and for last, an equally experienced support to keep everyone alive. An example should Eeveea, a person who climbed solo ( also in her stream ) in her alt accounts as well. From the bottom to top. Anyone can do it with any hero, if you have the right experience. A lot of GM Mercy players have not lost their rank after the changes because obviously, they learn and adapt. That’s what I am saying up there.

Regarding the spam matter, you either have missed several threads that have been copy-pasted over and over again under different titles and extra added paragraphs to avoid suspension or you deliberately avoid to mention them. That is, indeed spamming. When someone copy pastes the exact same text every several days they do fall under the category of spam. It has happened, a lot of other forum posters have seen it.

Another thing that falls into the category of “breaking rules” is posting videos that have negative content over the company itself as in fact, it is also against the rules to even mention it’s very name ( You can check the rules in story section also ). Such threads and videos create negative discussions which most definitely, are not welcome. Unless, you want to call these “subjective opinions” too and you know, try to cover them up.

Oh wait, my original comment was called a subjctive comment as well. That means I am clear, correct ?


Well, it could be that If only Mercy had challenging new play to adapt to. It’s like you’re praising adapting to training wheels. “Staying up” indeed.

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Animetic is also one of the best Mercy mains eu and has over 1000 hours on mercy… Mercy does struggle to main heal GENERALLY speaking and I think 55/60hps could really save her. I personally don’t advocate for mass Rez but nor do I believe this mercy is impactful enough as she can’t contribute to a fight or sway it, just relies on her teammates to do the work with her allowing that.
I still find her fun and she isn’t the worst by any means, I think people are exaggerating how bad she is rn but she still needs buffs.
Just my opinion tho.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Here’s the thing - Animetic herself has said numerous times that yes, her healing is fine now that it’s back at 60. But -spoiler alert- she was just as interactive when playing Mercy before the rework, only then there was a lot more risk involved. Which made for exciting videos. Basically, Animetic is a fantastic player that knows Mercy inside and out and even she’s admitting that all the current Valkyrie “buff” does is ensure that you have some chance of keeping up. But even she admits that “Valk is still Valk” and it wouldn’t really help swing a fight and if you’re good enough at Mercy’s base kit, Valk doesn’t really offer anything new or unique.

Oh wow. Some guy I have never heard of shot a widow who is a stationary target for most of the game trying to land shots on a sniper that is zoomed in so they cant really see anything around then.

What a stellar play

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Thank you. At this point Valk is back to where it was before the healing nerf happened, as a decent fight starter, mop-up tool, occasional attack helicopter, or escape. Despite that however, it’s just kind of there and not exactly the fight swinging tool that Rez was when it pulled a couple people at once back mid-brawl. Plus there’s the entire deal of Rez yanking Mercy out of her movement flow to peel someone off the floor, leaving her so vulnerable it all but mandates going for entirely safe/selfish rezzes. No point in risking the healer to save the flanker who jumped a bit too far after all.

If I was lucky enough to have such proper team as Animetic, maybe…