Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I respectfully disagree because factually I damn well use all of her kit and overall it still shows that she is situational and best at pocketing. Just because I am stubborn in her usage because I am good at her, doesn’t make her any better when she is bottlenecked by so many features in her own kit.



An opinion.

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You think far too black and white.

Fluid transitions occur between all the actions you have stated and nothing stops you from going back on those actions.

Mercy missing healing often has a rough time going back on the action because switching weapon is more time wasted that could result in player death, etc.

And there are many characters that have aoe impact so choices like that do not have to be made and reaction time with characters that don’t have weapon switch can fluidly switch between actions that make those choices often not even noticed.

And choosing certain actions does not stop other things; for example

Soldier 76 can heal and then immediately go back to damaging. His choice to use helix rockets which is a different action continues damage.

The choice for Roadhog to hook instead of keeping shooting doesn’t cancel out the damage he is doing, it gives him a guaranteed boost when he hits.

Your analysis isn’t correct because there is the complete opposite side of the argument where people can continue doing their main role much easier and fluidly than others.

Moira can multiheal, then deal damage ans still be healing because of orb and after heals or deal damage with orb and heal, etc. Moira is a perfect example of being able to do multiple things at any given time and not giving things up for choice.


Sure, it can be debatable but considering I know that I use every part of her kit and get complimented frequently by my team and enemies, that I am doing well at my level of play and that I must be doing things correctly.

I can see where Valkyrie causes her skillfloor to max out immediately.
It doesn’t take a genius to see that Valkyrie can make any bad Mercy good for it’s duration. Seeing someone effectively use her base kit, that is something else entirely.


Some doors close forever. Others open in most unexpected places.

Power resides where men believe it resides. It’s a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

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Found it!

Animetic adores Mercy and seems to have fun with her, but that doesn’t mean she’s happy with Mercy’s current state. It’s possible for both of these things to exist at the same time. I’m an example of that as well. I enjoy playing Mercy and am simultaneously unhappy with the current state of things.
The bolded statements in Animetic’s reply seem to indicate that she’s not as thrilled as people seem to believe. As Sarah stated, she simply doesn’t have the time to write up things on the forums. I also think she tends to avoid being negative, which might have something to do with it.


Flying is fun. Watching your team getting shredded and not being able to fix it isn’t.
Which means that if you just don’t care about your teammates, Mercy is very fun.

I agree. GA is what has me consistently returning to Mercy (outside of just plainly liking the character).

Your experience is contradicted by the statistics.

In other words, your subjective perception, which may or may not be twisted to support your agenda at the moment, is flatly contradicted by objective numerical evidence, and therefore, it is objectively false… That is, assuming you have objective evidence to back your claim, but if you did, you probably would have stated it by now.

What numerical evidence do I have?

Let’s make a hypothesis reflecting a claim. Let’s say that we are hypothesizing that Resurrect encouraged the Mercy player to stop healing, to hide, to stop participating in the fight.

Let’s make another hypothesis reflecting a claim coming from the same argument as the claim made in the first hypothesis. Let’s suppose that “hide and rez” has been eliminated from Mercy’s kit with the rework.

Before the rework, if a Mercy player uses the tactic of “hide and rez”, they are spending a lot of the time that would otherwise be spent healing teammates on not healing. Thus, the healing dealt that match by that Mercy would decrease, and by extension, so would the average healing dealt by all Mercy players in the game by a tiny amount. Therefore, if our hypotheses are true, we can say with full confidence that Mercy’s healing averages prior to the rework were far lower than they were after the rework but before the healing nerf. We can say this for two reasons:

  • Less time is spent hiding, more time is spent healing.
  • Valkyrie, an ability that theoretically quintuples Mercy’s total healing output, was added.

Let’s put these hypotheses to the test… because I just so happen to have a bit of data recorded from those time periods:

  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of June 28th, 2017 (pre-rework): 11905.
  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of August 12th, 2017 (pre-rework): - 11912.
  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of March 21st, 2018 (post-rework): 11926.
  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of May 31st, 2018 (post-rework): 11603.
  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of June 30th, 2018 (post-rework): 11752.
  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of July 22nd, 2018 (post-rework): 12132.
  • Mercy’s average healing/game as of August 7th, 2018 (post-rework): 12085.

Okay, so… where’s the big increase? If Mercy players were spending so much less time hiding, and if Mercy gained a new ultimate that increases her healing capacity, surely we should see an overall increase greater than 200/game, not even considering a peak increase… And we certainly shouldn’t be seeing a drop by 300 points.

So… what gives?

The only thing that can give. In reality, Mercy’s healing average was deflated so insignificantly that there is no visible difference. Because that is the case, then the first hypothesis must be incorrect.


For me it’s character + previous experience in other game with healing beam hero. Still, my preferred way to play Mercy is in the sky with Pharah, to stay away from annoying CC effects.

I am a bit worried, that with current Mercy, at some point I would just stop caring at all about teammates, and become one of those healers, who always heal one player and never ever bother to heal someone else. :cold_sweat: With Pharah consistently receiving most gold medals, many times evil question appeared in my mind: “why are you healing your other teammates? they are no good. Keep healing one player you know is always capable of making use of your healing.”

Mercy 1.x met these requirements.



Darnit, people! Slow down! I’m still on post number 7648! I’m never going to see the bottom of this thread again at this rate! :angry:

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It’s done on purpose to keep you out of the loop


Compare present Mercy to Mercy from seasons 1-10. She is trash. Literally the worst healer.

Thank you for finding this

Lets get the 500 lb gorilla out of the way right off the bat - my statement quoted at the outset of this post is clearly factually incorrect.

Mind you, I’ve watched a lot of animetic videos and in them she seems to express herself differently than she expresses herself here. She defends Mercy, even when others tell her (and they simply have to know she’s a great Mercy player) her to switch to Lucio or Ana or whatever, she kinda laughs about it and might switch as requested but then switch back to Mercy later

Dont get me wrong. I do accept that the statement you quoted (albeit the bolding is yours, I believe) is her expressing her genuine feelings on the matter - but if you watch a lot of her videos, you tend to get a (far) different impression…and thats where my statement, now proven wrong, came from.

I wont even harp on the fact that I used the word “seems” in my statement, rather than stating she was happy, I stated she “seems” happy. Clearly, my perception was incorrect, and thats what really matters in regards to this particular item

related aside: I have to disagree even though it is her saying it in regards to “They should not be taken as: a) a demonstration of skill,”. I figure this means that she is simply being modest - her skill is self evident to anyone watching said videos.

I do wonder what sort of additional (in addition to rez) utility she thinks Mercy needs. That said, as stated, it is implied that she thinks Mercy has no utility at the moment, ie she said “give Mercy some utility” rather than “give mercy some additional utility”, and as I see it, damage boost and rez are both strong utilities. So that is a bit confusing. Additional utility would require some serious coding and animation work - it’d be a rework just to put such a thing in, no matter what it is. The curious thing is - what does she have in mind in terms of said added utility? I wish she had provided an example.

I guess I’d still say that based on this set of statements from her, she still wouldnt want to lead a movement to get Mercy changed, which was my point, albeit it would not be for the reason I stated - i said she was pro mercy, which we now know is wrong, but she speaks of lacking time to do things “to make Blizzard listen”. So I’d still surmise she wouldnt lead an effort to get changes put in for Mercy, tho I’d absolutely agree with one of the earlier posters that she’d be a far better (at minimum, less “embarrassing”, to use the term from the earlier post) leader and spokeperson for such an effort than the very toxic and hate-filled individuals I currently perceive to be leaders/figureheads of the current effort, the one with the hashtag(s)

Bottom line:

  1. I was wrong
  2. Animetic wouldnt be opposed to some substantial changes though this surprises me greatly
  3. I think she would be an excellent leader - much much better than current leadership - for such an effort despite the fact that I remain opposed to such an effort
  4. I will continue to watch her videos to learn how to be a better Mercy player:-)
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and yet, I still experienced/observed precisely what I described, many many times, regardless of any statistics you care to show me

In my experience, she is the best of the healers - not trash in any way, shape, or form

I almost always get gold healing on any team that includes a second healer - any healer

I dont have a chart in front of me to let me determine precisely what rendition of Mercy you are referring to, so I will simply ask this: did the version of Mercy you are specifically referring to have mass rez?

Our experience differs

When I am in Valkyrie, and using the healing chains, I generally am preventing my teammates from being shredded, and in fact, helping them to overcome opponents, win teamfights, and push onto points

I am also helping deal with snipers they cant easily get to if I deem doing so will provide more value to my team at that moment than healing or boosting them, but this of course requires one to be willing to use Mercy’s full kit

congrats. You made the 9000th post lol