If you stop playing mercy

They did Genji dirty too. I don’t trust them with OW2. I’m thinking the game isn’t going to do well except for PVE now that I’ve seen all these bad decisions on heroes.

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No, stop lying, Mercy has been totally nerfed in S3, everything, absolutely everything about her sucks, totally dead.


I 100% agree with you. I believe that the latest changes are a huge buff to Mercy, but in any case…

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I will take your word for it blizzard please nerf genji fan dmg to .34.

Cool ill just play him and make every game a 4v5 and feed because i wont get kills and they will have to buff him once people complain about genji being a throw trash pick

Given genji popularity in accounting for more mirrors and 4v4.:joy:

I rarly see genjis in my game and when i do it because im killing them to much and they think if they go genji it will work still no lcue why people do that makes no sense

I see them often though currently it’s sojourn.

Also ya i never get people who swap to genji to counter genji, esp when it’s evident that one person is a.main and other is not happens with a few other heroes too widow pharah hanzo.

It’s mostly a ego thing and often get a reality check and a L for the team.

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If there are 1 million Mercy players, I am one of them.
If there are 1000 Mercy players, I am one of them.
If there is only one Mercy player left, I am that Mercy player. :fist: :pensive:


I am actually super good at the Genji mirror, I just suck at blade. So in reality it never mattered, but I always felt good killing them with Genji. No regerts.

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no worries i won’t stop and will always trying to become the best mercy on each match and help me team to victory cuz i need it for weekly lol


What is this supposed to be, “toxic relationship advice for Mercy mains”?

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How do you know it’s ‘unfun’ when you haven’t even tried it out yet?

People crying over something they haven’t tried is not just pathetic but childish. People need to wait until they’ve tried it, THEN complain if it’s as bad as they make it out to be.

It’s like judging someone without hard evidence.

Okay and if you drop a hero because they are weak after being strong your not a main your a meta slave

You are absolutely correct. It is entirely possible that the increased delay between flights could actually be more fun somehow. I suppose I find out tomorrow.


I’m dropping her because I don’t like clunkiness.

Lol you havent even played it yet but sure

100% sure GA is trash now. I don’t need to play to know.

I’ll probably still play her from time to time, but I’m likely going to be playing way more of other supports now, because of…


Her mobility is what made her fun. Gutting her mobility is just promoting the pocket playstyle which is what everyone actually hates about her, and is incredibly boring to do.