If you stop playing mercy

I’m ranked in both tank and DPS. I quit support for sure. I don’t have as much fun with Tank or DPS, but I’ll be grinding the BP with DPS. I’ll probably go with Sojourn, since she’s crazy OP and can farm exp.

I don’t think you understand they are likely to just stop playing overwatch.


it is strange because it probably will. in overwatch 1 as mercy i would just hug corner walls and heal/boost pocket. i would ga when i had too but it wasnt my main strength. i just try and position well. in overwatch 2 with how everything is flank heavy and spammy you have to use ga to its fullest to survive. maybe these changes will help the mercy who stinks with guardian angel


:triumph: :+1:

You can still be a main and stop playing but all this talk of im going dps i see is funyn because all it tells me if oyu played her because she was strong

They are one step closer to the edge, and they’re about to BREAK!


Sure her moevment is now clunkier than before, and she’ll be less fun to play but she’s straight up stronger with her self heal changes, and heal beam changes.

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I played her and Kiriko because they were fun. Now they’re not fun. Kiriko is still good but feels like crap. Same thing will happen to Mercy. I play for fun not because a hero is OP unless it’s in a role I don’t care for like DPS. Support has no good options for me to have fun in this game.


I have an obligation to try to win for the team. If Mercy turns out to be awful, why should I keep playing her?

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In part that is true, people WILL play a hero when they are strong, and not play them when they are weak.

The difference here, is the Mercy main have straight up stopped playing support at all when there have been problems with the hero.

Saying “well they are not really mercy mains if they stop playing her” is pretty crazy talk. They are more likely to just leave then actually move to DPS.

And we know this because that is what happened with hero bans, They did stopped playing for they week.

This is a VERY dangerous position for Blizzard to put themselves in.


I hate this clunky nerf crap Blizz keeps doing. They need to make heroes more smooth not clunky. It’s not fun.


That is so cute. See, this is why Mercy mains are precious and must be protected. They actually care about their team. Isn’t that awesome?

Yea how you think doom players feel when they made rocket punch 4 seconds, on a hero that is literally solely based around comboing abilities, mobility, and ability flow.

(But I bet mercy players didn’t give af when that happened to doom, except now it’s happening to them)

Bad and people stopped playing him. It sucks Blizz is stupid and doesn’t know how to balance or make fun heroes. I feel bad for them, Hog, Sombra, and others. I’ve lost confidence with all these nerfs. Why learn a hero anymore?

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People like OP just trying to stir controversy

There are things called teamwork, synergy, and counters. Some heroes work better with others.

Mercy’s damage-boost works better with certain heroes - she is not so optimal with others. She can be countered by enemy pics.

The pragmatic response is to switch to a more suitable hero, especially in Competitive when the onus is on winning by all means within the rules.

Then OP is being a one-trick to the point that he is throwing matches and sabotaging his team’s chances of winning.

It seems the whole vibe they are going for is to cater to meta players. Learn a hero for the season and all that jazz, move on next season. So on, so forth. Unless you main Sojourn. I guess you get to play her for 3 plus seasons straight.


Or i see this talk of its my main hero wheb they are op in smite all the time but the second they are nerfed at all they drop them like flys

Well it’s what happens when the balance team for our game is filled with incompetent people who don’t play their own game (or don’t play it well at the very least) and just stare at a stat sheet with pickrates and winrates on it, then buff and nerf based on that while ignoring all context within the game.

They are genuinely bad at their jobs. They have constant and MULTIPLE sources for feedback. Everyone saying the issues are damage boost, rez and her ability to pocket people.

So what do they do? They nerf GA and make it feel clunky, and then BUFF her healing… it’s idiotic.

Hell, they’re doing it with ball too. They just saw he wasn’t played much and proceeded to just launch buffs at him without taking in the context that even when he was weak, he almost never dies. He has some of the best survivability and buffing the rest of his kit WHILE he’s near impossible to kill consistently, he’ll be another raid boss just like hog, and just like orisa.

And what do they do? They BUFF his survivability, and then proceed to also give massive buffs to his slam and mines.



I learned Sojourn, but they may brick her in the middle of the season for all I know. There is no reason to master a hero in this game.

Yeah, they’re ruining the feel of heroes. I can understand nerfing. Just lower DB and don’t do anything crazy, but they went nuts and gutted what’s fun about her. They keep doing that to heroes. I thought support was safe, since they kept on saying how they need more support players. The last Kiriko nerf caught me off guard and so did this one.


It’s still a very horrible nerf for them regardless if they stick by their hero or not.

I was upset for quite a while when Genji lost his triple jump, more so than any of his damage/deflect nerf.

Losing mobility hits different than simple damage/healing numbers nerf.