If you stop playing mercy

If this makes you stop playing mercy im sorry your not a true main then if you were you would stick by your hero even when they are in their weakest so you can show how strong they really are

EDIT: I would like to clarify who I am talking about specifically because how I worded this post it came across wrong and I’m sorry about that, first if you play the new patch and find her to be unfun and that’s the reason you are dropping the hero I’m not talking about you and I hope you can find a new hero to have fun on. The people who 1 didn’t play the new patch whatsoever and called it clunky and dropped the hero purely because they got nerfed those are the people I am talking about the numbers warriors.


what kinda disney channel logic is this


I agree. Give Genji more nerfs.


I have dropped so many mains not because they were weak, but because they stopped being fun. And on paper, this Mercy change is hella unfun. I do not blame them.


And ill still play him if ever thing he did was 1 damage


I’d like to think that I main Mercy not just out of arbitrary loyalty to the character but also because of the fun factor; there’s a reason why I started playing her in the first place. If the changes do end up exploding that fun factor, the origin of my playing her will be gone, and with the roots gone the tree withers.


That would imply Mercy does something other than pocket someone else.

You can’t play a character when she is shoehorned into a pocketing the strongest DPS at the time and given little else to shine in her own right.

You don’t play Mercy, you spectate Sojourn with a blue beam.


As a Sombra main who kept playing sombra through her worst, being nerfed without any compensation in return for a long time created some frustrating moments. I didn’t stop playing sombra, just reduced the amount of overwatch playtime in general.

Problem with mercy is similar, her GA got only nerfs. I’m no mercy main but I suspect that’s the most fun part of her kit.

Again, I’m not a mercy main and as Sombra main, this change only benefits me, however I think when touching GA, they should have been more careful.


…honestly, I don’t even look at patch notes most the time so I’d be happily playing away and probably thought 'something feels slightly different, shrug, and go about my day… :slight_smile:

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This is something that sounds great on paper (I used to think this as well)… but take me for example… I main (as in, I’m a filthy one-trick) Zarya.

But if they started nerfing her over and over it would definitely hit a point where I would think “okay I can continue playing this game and essentially beating my head against a wall, or go do something that is fun” lol


I’m not a true main. I don’t like clunky movement. I’ll play her again if they ever fix it. I’ll be grinding BP with DPS and that’s it.


You havent even played it yet so how is it chunky

It’s giving power of friendship


Oh, I know. I played Mercy enough to know this ruins her GA. Kiriko’s healing was enough to make her feel too clunky when healing. I’m about to peace out of this game. No hero is safe from absurd nerfs.


How about we wait and see because the buff to her passive is insane

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Does it occur to you that people who enjoy Mercy don’t play her because they want to stand there and facetank?


GA is what I liked about Mercy. May she rest in peace.


i might try her again this season just because i was never good with GA anyways. this actually may be a good time since the other changes might help a pocketing hiding behind walls type mercy instead of one that was zipping all over the place.

reason i hardly played mercy in overwatch 2 is because i suck with GA

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OW2 forced me to start sharing the tank role, so I’m slowly learning a DPS and support hero.

Maybe you could try the same thing? With the way the balance patches work, they’ll nerf the new hero you start playing, and buff the old one you liked, so you can just go back and forth haha.

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I am really bad at her myself, but these changes would appear to help my extremely low level Mercy. That is why I feel bad for Mercy mains, it shows how backwards the entire idea is…