If you stop playing mercy

this is why i continue to play mei. :blue_heart:

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oh you mean do something besides rez through walls and blue beam behind them? must be a hard life being an active participant in the match.

I do care about Doom being neutered, same as I care about Hog and Ball being bad right now.

To me, every hero should be fun and viable. No hero should be needed into the ground or deleted.

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Oh please, this mercy change isn’t anywhere close to what happened to sombra. Sombra was dumpsters so bad that she fell off everywhere. I’ll be honest, I didn’t like sombra but realistically speaking, reverting her back to her OW1 state till they figure out things would have been better.

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Joke’s on you, I stopped playing altogether far before the nerfs!

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Cuz she does :slight_smile:
Believe it or not, not every Mercy main is their hitscan duo’s pet.

It really is. I don’t understand why blizzard act the way they do lol

Pocketbotting is an issue, healbotting is an issue
So let’s make both worse!

At this point i just wish they reworked her completely to rip away the pocketing playstyle as a whole. I don’t want my character to be an accessory to whatever DPS is most op at the moment.
I don’t cave to the pressure people put on me to hardpocket them, but it’s annoying nonetheless. And it’s annoying that people see her as nothing but a pocketbot and if you do ANYTHING you’re boosted. You’re boosted if you hardpocket your DPS, you’re boosted if you don’t hardpocket your DPS. You’re boosted if you don’t use GA enough, you’re boosted if you abuse GA too much. I’m sick and tired of this and just want to play the character that’s fun cuz of her movement so i can have fun with her movement

Encouraging beam juggling is great and all but these changes are bound to make pocketing and healbotting worse.
Just rework her already, I’m tired of this.
As long as they keep her movement fluid and fun (so basically her movement as it is right now, not in 8 hours) i don’t care what they do to her. As long as it gets rid of pocketing.

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It won’t. Literally nothings gonna change and they will still be one tricking mercy. There’s no game out there in my knowledge that lets you stand afk and still get optimal value.

Funny how dps players are happy. I mean the one affected by this nerf is actually the dps. No one is going to GA to help or revive them anymore it’s too risky. As mercy main I already decided I will hard pocket whoever near me (mostly the tank) and will never do risky GA.


My assmption is that good mercies will still dominate the game, at a higher win rate.
We gotta see how it turns out after the patch actually lands.

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Yall focused on enemy mercy and forgot the one who is saving u 24/7

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Pretty much why I never stopped play Doomfist, even when he was literally one of the weakest heroes in the game.

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That’s my point exactly!

Like you should your main is yours other might play them but not liek you stay strong and hope you like the new skin for him i think it looks good whats your thoughts

i actually don’t think the changes are bad and i’m looking forward to playing mercy at 2 or whenever the patch drops

Tell me how it feels mercy is my 4th most played support and with ball meta brig will also be meta so lets go

Nah. This is the same reason I left last time. Devs nerfed Mercy for no reason and made her lean into a playstyle literally nobody likes. GG wish I could say it was fun while it lasted but ow2 has been a trash fire since launch.

I would recommend well trying it out and how does this change her play style it just makes her les of a h60 and more of a glider

It makes pocketing her most valuable playstyle. I might try it but I know I’m just going to be disappointed.

I stopped playing Ow2 since the Sombra nerf and it wasn’t even fully that which made me stop just I don’t like OW anymore games unfun as Hell. Also with that said I have a main in SMITE who’s been nerfed consistently and I’ve played them for over 10yrs… and I still keep a good K/DA