If you DONT play Bastion, please answer:

poll for non Bastion players on changes people want with 1,143 unique voters. The top 2 voted ideas are reduce spread and add headshots

poll for bastion players on changes people want with 613 unique voters. The top 2 voted ideas are reduce spread and add headshots

This is a post on the old forums with 272 likes and 40 dislikes in favor of reverting sentry

So really it seems the general consensus is that Bastion does not do enough damage.

Feel free to vote if you want, they’re still gathering votes.


You know you are on shaky ground when you start pointing to the hero that is almost unanimously considered OP.

Fine then, Widow does it too. Soldier can do it too. Zen can do it too just by discord and spamming. Basically anyone who has more effective range can do it. Effective range as in as soon as his bullets start missing and that’s still very close.

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Considering that Bastion is literally a robot designed for the purpose of mass-murder in lore and has a freaking Gatling Cannon on his back, the art and lore kind of point to that. It wouldn’t make sense if some fat guy with a hook dealt more damage than he did.

From a gameplay perspective, Bastion offers no utility, no healing to allies, no mobility, no AoE damage outside of his ultimate, and no barriers or any form of team damage mitigation. He’d damn well better be blowing everyone else’s damage out of the water.

Junkrat comes to mind…


Knowing the patch history, I can totally see the developers doing that.


Honestly, I don’t play Bastion much, but when I do play him, he’s not that far off being good, IMO.

I feel sentry mode is fine, In fact I use it the most It seems, it’s really versatile.

Tank mode is great when nothing blocks your shots, like tac visor in that sense. My main gripe is the shell velocity being too slow, so people have time to dodge, so increase it’s speed. Also, maybe give him his armour back in his ult, it is an ult.

Finally there’s the turret. It’s meant to be the defacto tank killer, so I don’t mind the spread so it doesn’t counter squishes. The problem is, you can’t kill tanks faster than their team kills you. Now, Blizz wouldn’t want to make him more survivable again, in case they make unkillable bastion again, which although not fully his fault, left a scar that few want to revisit. That leaves option two of decreasing ttk on tanks. So it’s simple, increase base damage till he can kill tanks faster than the enemy can kill him, whatever that may be.

So that’s my opinion, thoughts?

Why was the Tracer so close to the Bastion? You shouldn’t be able to stand in front of a Bastion while not behind a shield, and live. Would you stand in front of an active minigun?

His spread would also get reverted, that was in the OP as well…

Sentry is turret mode, did you mean Recon at first?

Damage isn’t really his limiting factor, it’s his spread. If his spread were smaller, he could kill tanks much easier because he could actually hit his shots instead of missing 70% of them at 35 meters (source. Technically he would hit more than that because tanks are bigger, but it’s probably fairly close)… I’d much rather have lower consistent damage than larger inconsistent damage…

I meant recon sorry. I get confused between the modes all the time lol.

The problem with lower spread is, it helps kill squishes too. A tank buster doesn’t need good spread, just look at Reaper. Plus, certain numbers will still have an impact despite the spread. Imagine if he had say, 1000 dps.

That’s why the lower base damage was suggested, so that he doesn’t kill them as fast…

I think that just buffing his DPS until he can kill tanks fast is a bad way to go about it. He’d instantly destroy barriers, and it’s just sloppy.

Plus, saying “No, you can’t kill squishies, only tanks” isn’t very fair to him. Everyone else is good at killing squishies, why can’t Bastion? Yeah, he used to kill them pretty quick, but he’d also die really quick if he messed anything up. His balance is supposed to come from the fact that if you make a mistake, you’re dead. Same-ish as Widow’s, and same as Hanzo used to be. With Ironclad, that’s not the case anymore though, he’s a tiny bit better at surviving, but he can’t do any damage…

Alright so I had some grocery shopping to do and then I was gonna come back but it seems like the arguments already happened so :man_shrugging:


There can be major problems when a hero has severe power fluctuations via an incredibly high base Dps, who can double it (or 50%, whatever) Even if it takes skill- the issue comes from having such wildly different performance capabilities.

Bad bastions will be bad.

Good bastions will instantly delete you.

With little inbetween. This is already an issue for some heroes.

I think he is fine the way he is damage wise, but I would give him some more survivability.

Hmm it would be tough to say but 420

I’ll just toss it out there because it’s not really explicitly stated in the OP, this is basically “Lower base DPS, higher max DPS” or “Higher base DPS, lower max DPS”. Both are a lower base/max DPS than he has now (he has 450 theoretical base and max DPS currently, though he doesn’t actually do 450 because of his very high spread).

I would rather have bastion deleted from the game because he’s extremely flawed and will always be cancerous as long as they keep his current form.
But that can’t be done

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Yes, but at what range? Sombra is meant to be used at close range, she can get up close to the enemies with her legs and invisibility. Bastion doesn’t have that option, he has to sit in one spot. That, or he has to walk up to the enemy, and then spend 1 second doing absolutely nothing setting up for high damage.

Also, Bastion’s spread is 11.11% larger than Sombra’s (Or Sombra’s is 10% smaller than Bastion’s, it depends on how you want to look at it). They were the same until they decided that 3 degrees was too much for a hero that is supposed to get point blank with invisibility, so they reduced her spread by 10%. Bastion wasn’t so lucky.

I was going to quote a few things, but I ended up using pretty much everything you said so I removed it…

Thank you. So many people just look at his DPS on paper, and call it a day, think he’s OP. This isn’t the case, it’s really nice to see someone else that sees that, especially someone who isn’t a Bastion main/player (kinda assuming that part. I’m fairly confident you’re not a Bastion main, but I don’t know about player). Also nice to see it from someone who’s very well regarded in the community.

Anyway, thanks again. Not sure if you’d care, but if you want numbers to back yourself up, here’s a thread containing some, not sure if you’ve come across it before or not. Bastion's real damage output (kinda)

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Give him a mortar mode, and a mini map for guestimating and selecting target areas. 3-4 shots, 20-30 second cooldown.

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