If you DONT play Bastion, please answer:

You know recon has decent accuracy, range and damage right?

Also if you are trying to fight off a pharah she is probably countering you and you should switch. Thats how games like these work.

A lot of them are damage related, though. In order to justify being a stationary target, you need to be dealing an obscene amount of damage at an acceptable range. That obscene amount of damage is only really seen within 10 or fewer meters from Bastion because of that spread.

Not to mention armor straight up reduces his damage output in Sentry by a third.

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You want hanzo like damage? Thats special…

Stop trying to survive Hanzo 1v1. He is also good at smashing tanks when they are not protected but that doesn’t mean Winston needs a buff.

Considering that Bastion would be sitting still while dealing that damage, it makes sense. One big advantage for one big disadvantage.


Do you not understand what you have just said? In a 1v1 with Hanzo sitting there at 25 meters, the Bastion is supposed to win. Want to know why? Because he gives up all mobility and is supposed to be the best at killing things in that situation. But guess what? He isn’t. What’s the freaking point of sentry if your best advice is to never use it?

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Bastion can self heal, bastion has armor, bastion has a hidden crit box, bastion isn’t a sniper and bastion takes reduced damage. Bastions issues have never been about damage.

“but he can’t move”… Sure he can, press shift and move. If you expect to sit in one corner all game and win by clicking mouse 1 you are playing the wrong game.

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360 with 2x headshots

Who said bastion is supposed to be the best at killing things?

What he is the best at is destroying shields and defenses… something no other character can even come close to doing on his level.

Yes they have. You told me that it’s okay that a Hanzo at 25 meters outdamages a Bastion even though Bastion has 200 health 100 armor 20% damage resist a hidden head hitbox and you still say Bastion should lose at that range. 25 meters isn’t sniping that’s medium range.

People need to think before posting. People are talking about sentry, the OP is talking about sentry, I’m talking about sentry, Titanium is talking about sentry, his issue is in sentry. “he can move in recon” doesn’t matter if we’re specifically talking about sentry.


That’s why there were still counters before and they worked.

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450 dps says so. Basically everybody but you says so.

Only after the crappy rework nobody wanted needed or asked for and they slapped “shield buster” on the nerf.

Then what? Then he’s a useless dps because he can’t follow through with it. Now it’s just a 5v6, barrier or not you’re still basically down a player.

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360 dps with 2x headshots?

So he can kill tracer in .25 seconds and most of the rest of the roster in .5 seconds or less. Yeah that won’t get nerfed right away.

But only in close range due to his massive spread

Plenty of heroes do it in 0.0 seconds so I see no issue here.

So yall stop shooting after he breaks shields?

Bastion is the only character in the game that forces entire teams to change strats just to deal with that one character. He isn’t in need of insane buffs like reduced spread or headshots.

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The general consensus seems to be not that Bastion does not do enough damage, but that Bastion does not have enough damage mitigation. I disagree with the idea that he needs more health or a barrier or shields, and he certainly does not require greater damage output.

He’s fine in my opinion.

Yeah I am done. Logic left this thread 5 minutes ago it seems.

No, they just kill you. You sit there so long to kill barriers that you’re just free food basically.

Not really because the meta heroes counter him.

Look at his stats and the amount of support for him. I’m pretty sure it’s time for insane changes. Tiny changes will just be a check list.

Devs “Hmm, let’s give him one extra second of healing” *checks him off the list*
*nothing changes much in game*
*now he’s checked off the list so he’s going to be ignored for another year and a half*

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Widow is hitscan, the second you click the button Tracer is dead. With Hanzo as soon as his arrow touches her in the head, she dies.

There’s the logic for you, from the time the damage is dealt to the time she dies, it’s 0.0 seconds. Unless you want to complain about lag but that just means she dies to things not on her screen so it’s still in my favor.

All of these use a headshot and so would Bastion considering that’s what you’re complaining about.


Which is his only non-transformation ability. Compared to most other abilities… yeah that thing is pretty bad.

And an otherwise insane overall hitbox (and critbox in Recon mode).

Neither is Soldier:76, but he takes Bastion’s current effective range and nearly triples that.

20% damage reduction. Not really enough to compensate for immobility.

If you press shift, you’re not in Sentry anymore.

What is the point of Sentry, if he’s flat out better not using it?

If Bastion is going to get any value out of Sentry, he needs to be so close to the enemy that they can kill him faster than he can set up and kill them.

Repositioning by leaving Sentry is fine; but you’re here telling me that Bastion is better off staying in Recon mode in combat as well because he can move. Do you not see the problem with this? It means that the damage and/or range on Configuration: Sentry is not enough to justify ever using the ability.