If you DONT play Bastion, please answer:

Would you rather have Bastion’s Sentry DPS reduced to 360 DPS but he can deal 2x headshots


Have Sentry’s DPS reduced to 420 DPS with 1.5x headshots?

(Assume old spread from before his rework applies for both)

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The latter but I am very interested in doing neither too.


I’d rather he just have headshots. His spread is so atrocious, there was no need to remove them with that nerf.


The spread is the single, most basic thing Bastion mains unanimously agree needs to be reverted


If the spread is reverted, headshots aren’t needed. 500DPS doesn’t need double damage with headshots.


He’s one of the characters that are staying in F tier for the best imo


450 DPS. What we want is for Sentry to reward accurate aim with accuracy and headshots, but lowering the base damage and increasing the potential damage

Neither. His damage output is already crazy and deletes people at any distance.

I’ve played him a few times and killing stuff isn’t the problem. He’s just a boring playstyle and obnoxious to play against.


The first one. <324234234>

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That’s rather selfish, don’t you think? You play a certain hero and want them viable, so what about us? We play this game too


I just want the standard headshot multiplier. If they need to adjust his damage, spread or fire-rate to accommodate it, so be it. But I would use him again. All of my hours are from pre-rework Bastion when i could headshot.


Hmm. I always thought it was over 500

Anyway, 450 DPS is going to melt anything, headshots or not. Reverting his spread makes Headshots moot

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First. Higher skill higher reward.

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It’s very inconsistent due to its spread though. If his damage was fine, he wouldn’t be getting killed by Rein circle strafing and swinging

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Neither just reduce the spread.


i dont think he should have headshots and a tight spread with how much raw damage he can do
if he does do headshots i dont know what his damage would have to be to keep him balanced though

I do not like headshot mechanic for Sentry Bastion.

He already deals tons of damage.

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It’s a big reason he has such a low skill ceiling. Lower the base damage if you must, but aim MUST be rewarded

You got to aim to kill those people already.

He will need much much much smaller spread to actually make use of this mechanic. Even then, he is not supposed to snipe people across the map, or atleast that’s how i feel about him.

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Hardly. As a Bastion main with nearly 250 hours of experience across ranks ranging from Silver to Diamond, he’s the definition of spamming spray-and-pray. The spread is literally an RNG gun