“If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”


Can we PLEASE stop taking this out of context?

“If we time her down too much…” > If we nerf her too hard (which they obviously didn’t since after 6 straight patches of nerfs she’s still a top pick).
“… we will bring her back” > As in they will bring her power back, ie they will buff her (but, again, only if she’s underpowered, which she isn’t).

That one comment gets tossed around so many times by so many ignorant people trying to twist words in hopes of trying to get a revert.

Please, the stupid mental gymnastics is getting annoying. Just stop.


the threads that get thrown there, so that the forums aren’t filled with the same thing every time… a spam bin,.

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In season 3 she was at least fun and rewarding to play now you’re feeling like you MUST play her to get a reliable chance of winning a game. and this shouldn’t be a thing either they nerf her (like they did) or in my opinion they should revert her to 6 man res preferably.

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mercy is op, how can’t you see that ?

This was true, before she had valk and could easily heal 15k a game. Averaging higher healing than moira who only has healing going for her. Now with the revert to mercy’s hps, she will still have a good amount of healing per game because valk still exists, it just wont be nearly as overbearing comparative to the other supports.

Mercy was never f tier. Even in season 3, during triple tank when Ana was at her prime being broken with 100% healing on nade. Mercy still had a great pick rate in plat and below, and still had her niche in high elo’s and pro play with pharmercy and pocketing widow.


Now with valk in mercy’s kit, she can heal for 15k in a game easily. Changing her hps is not going to hurt her average healing too much because valk’s chain healing still exists, which she didn’t have in season 3. Not to mention she still has Rez, which can practically burst heal a team mate from 0 to 600 in 2 seconds.

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The devs could easily just witch hunt Mercy threads and delete them. They don’t necessarily need a megathread to house the ”irrelevent” feedback that they don’t read.

Well at that point it’s more convinient and sparks less of an outcry and drama queens.

It’s not though. If they are truly not reading the megathreads because 99% is #revertmercy they would’ve deleted it and continued to delete any mercy related threads. Why make a bin when you already have one?

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yeah but as ive said, mercy wasnt even that strong of a pick prework. before valk and cd rez, before the rework happened the go to healers where a zen and lucio combo. didnt matter that mercy had her consistent healing or her mobility. the fact that rez can bring back a teammate every30 seconds is too strong. people have been saying this since the rework, putting rez on a simple cd mechanic is too strong of a utility to pass out.

im not saying to remove rez. just tie it to the ult then rework valk give mercy a different e or something dont mess with her original core gamekit cause it was never an issue

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Those stats are unreliable.

No, you’re just in denial because Mercy is your favorite hero. Mercy has never been f-tier on ladder. In pro play perhaps that’s been true, though she still has seen play with pharmercy in every meta ever. That does not make a hero inherently bad. A hero not being meta in the pro scene is an indication their not broken enough to work almost every time better than other options in their class.

We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

And I could be mistaken about this, but I believe they said this in streams as well.

They don’t seem to want a revert for Mercy.

Lol, you linked a third party statistics websites that only works if everyone logs their stats on the website. With this in mind and the fact that it’s not even Blizzard endorsed, you’are looking at approximately less than 50% of the communities statistics on the website therefore is unreliable.

Statistics don’t work with typical sampling sizes because that one guy on the forums who doesn’t know how stats work says so.

Math is a lie.

There is only Mercy.


Blizzard have proven to be the biggest hypocrites in gaming history.

Blizzard: Continues to nerf her.

Me: We honestly can’t take Blizzard’s words seriously if they are going to pull this sh**.

Blizzard: Mercy is a solo target healer

A Rework Later

Blizzard: Gives Mercy AoE heals when in Valkyrie.

If they truly don’t intend to ever revert her, why not just straight out say it? Why give a statement that can be inferred multiple ways.


Mercy isn’t the only healer in this game. She should be on par with other healers. Not more powerful nor weaker. The whole “main healer” thing

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Come back to me when you give a response to what I previously said regarding statistics… (on another thread)

basicly what happened with mercy was , in her orginal state she had almost no utility , and being a healing bot isint enough for high level play becuse targets just get burst down.

so blizzard tryed buffing her healing and surviability , and still that did nothing , since luicio speed boost or zens discord orb were still better than just being able to heal.

then blizzard reworked her , while keeping these buffs to her self healing and healing stream , giving her utility and a multi group heal.

This was the equvolent to if you were to give ana 14 ammo , a damage buff , buff nanoboost , then rework her by giving her a jetpack and 100 shield , while keeping previous buffs intact.

6 man res? She can res herself?