“If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”

You are complaining that they have to constantly pick up a diffrent hero, but mercy, is by far the esiest hero to pick up.

You can nerf a hero to the point that they are balanced and nothing more, mercy still plays the same as when the rework started, exept the whole rez on cooldown thing.

The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
They do not listen to the megathreads because it all boils down to the plain revert mercy, you can come up with arguments i know it, there are a lot of arguments in the MMT, but if blizzard doesn’t find them worthy or valuable and incredibly flawed, why would they read the same thing 60000 times? Do you think they don’t have better things to do then read the essays that whiny mercy mains write that the devs allready KNOW that they aren’t going to impliment, and don’t find good?

So, instead of continuously making her less and less engaging to play, wouldn’t it be easier to just return her to that state?

That way, she wouldn’t need to have her base kit gutted just to compensate for res on e.

She would keep her identity of a single target healer.

And res could retain it’s rightful power as an ult, while also allowing for counterplay. Similar to current day cast time.

It’s a good thing they haven’t toned her down too much.

Your ignorance hurts.

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she wasnt F tier though and never will.

F tier heroes are those where throughout the game they have a low pick rate. mercy only had a bad pick rate at 20% or less of the ladder.

Reply to the argument i presented to you for the reason mercy megathreads are ignored.
Oh wait, you can’t.
Stop embaracing yourself, and show an actual argument rather then LOOOL IGNORANT OMEGALOL IT HURTS OHHHHHH

even if they put back rezz as an ult, back in the days rezz the ultimate was seen as weak, that is why it got buffed in the first place.

You’re saying this when you most likely haven’t gone through the mega threads.

You completley ignored the boils down part, 99% of the arguments and debate lead to revert mercy, blizzard doesn’t want to and isn’t going to rever mercy, why should they read 60000 posts of the same thing over and over.

So what’s the problem?
Mercy is too strong now, and no change they can do will change that.
So let’s take her back to when she was too weak and work up from there.
At least, put it on the Public Test Realm.

You’re talking this much sh** about the feedback in the megathread when you have no idea what’s being tossed around in there. Come back to me when you have a clear understanding of what gets said in the mercy megathread.

You are way too ignorant to admit blatant truth.
It’s all basically ‘‘Revert mercy because of this, revert mercy because of that, revert mercy because she will not be balanced, revert mercy because this rework is a failiure’’
Why dafaq would they read this when they aren’t going to revert mercy? And why would they read 60000 of it?

“We will be keeping an eye on her”
Or a bit more melodramatic; “We value your feedback”

Tbh, sure rez is super strong, but that’s not what makes Mercy a must pick right now.

Even when Mercy just used rez, for the 30 seconds downtime she has on it, she is still better as a support than any other support, in the great majority of cases.
If only rez was good she wouldn’t be picked as solo support in OWL with quite stationary comps like Hog + Orisa + DVA + Hanzo + Widow, and instead people would ick Moira, who’s really good at quickly healing lots of people.
But Mercy’s healing is just too consitent / too good, and her mobility makes that she can even dash to a faraway sniper to heal them to full in just a few seconds, and then get back to her team.

Not only does Mercy have damage boost (the only other character who has damae amp on non-ultimate ability is Zen, and guess who else than Mercy has over 90% pickrate ?) + rez, she also litterally has the best healing in the game, not best potential healing, but in most cases her actual healing surpasses that of any other.

By nerfing her healing in such a way, she is still good at healing, but on the long run of the game you’ll feel the change, of course.

Tbh, I don’t feel like Valk or rez are really a problem nowadays. They sure are great abilities, but are no way as obnoxious as they used to be.
What makes her so indispensable is her healing.
There’s also the fact that reducing her healing that much might force people to take another 2nd support than Zen to make up for it, which opens up for Ana / Moira / Lucio to get back in less niche comps.

Overall, I felt that this nerf was pretty fair, not too harsh but stillmaking a difference.

Erm shes still OP.

so how is it evidence that they wont bring her back if shes never went anywhere???

Proof that you haven’t read the megathreads at all…

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personally for me? no issue. she certainly needs a rework and reverting her is not the solution. why?

  1. she will stay a heal bot and apart from rezz has no impact.
  2. mass rezz is something the community would not prefer and like and you would see the opposite side complaining.

also mercy was never weak. 80% of the community was still playing with her while Ana was still over tuned. the issue was primarily rezz that until now was not really balanced.

imo what mercy needs is a rework where she has an impact on her ult and impact on an E ability without her having rezz. rezz is an ability that makes everyone unhappy.

That is not an argument.
The devs have NO REASON to read it, since the things mercy mains ask for have allready been denied.

I’ll be completely fine if that means removing res completely.
I like mercy for how fast she is and how I can keep people alive through so much stuff.
Not for one mechanic that is really unfun to use rn

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