“If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”

Later they’re gonna nerf her hard again while keeping the previous nerf intact.

Then Is it an indication that she was quite balanced in season 3? Rather than she currently is?

That you understand complex mathematics without ever studying it, because you can tell if pictures look ugly?

Did you really want me to respond to that?

Pretty much, yeah. Though the opposite for a character can be said as well, if they have an incredibly low pick rate, they’re probably bad either in the current meta or just unplayable in general. That was never the case for Mercy across ladder though.

It’s a given that mercy was closer to balanced in season 3 considering Mercy is the only option for a main healer if you want to win more times then not in current patch. Though season 3 Ana was broken as well with 100% healing on nade. So that can’t be fully relied on either. Season 4 before winstons barrier buff, Ana’s damage nerf and before they started messing with mass res cause popular streamer complained is probably the closest Mercy and Ana have ever been balance wise relative to each other.


Now this isn’t to say reworked mercy and current ana can’t be balanced relative to one another again. It’s just going to take some actual effort and a lot of community backlash to do so. The game has changed a lot since season 3 and season 4, so neither hero’s old self would be the same in current patch

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But… They haven’t toned her down too much…

She’s still the single most picked hero in Grandmaster and the OWL. She’s obviously not garbage.

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Asking blizzard for changes is like wishing with a monkeys paw.

Good old blizzard.

That was complex maths? Your expectations are low.

Well clearly a pre-schooler knows how statistics work, because they can tell if an image is ugly, right?

If you know goes to the your shoe laces, you should fully understand how to fly an apache helicopter.

It’s just simple logic, right?

My brain cells are receding.


Did you just insult my cat?

Nah I just don’t care enough to correct my autocorrect.

I’m sure your cat is nice :cat:

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Lmao thanks :laughing:

My cat knows to go to my shoe laces.

No offense but you’re autocorrect sucks.

Oh Arceus…

Just being blunt and honest :slight_smile:

But they are already starting to nerf her core kit. Her healing. It’s only a matter of time.
Desperation. And too much pride. Not a good combo.

Yeah, it’s almost like people should use cover if they are taking heavy damage :thinking:

No one ever does tho and if they die, its “GG healers.”



Lol your credibility suddenly plummeted.