If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

Same, never again not anymore.
I’m sticking to Support+DPS now, really hate that :frowning:

I think the thankful part is seeing the victory screen at the end of the game.

Only time will show how good this changes are, remember after the first rework of Dva how much outcry there was in the community and no one or just few of us realize that they make her stronger… yeah so I think that is the same what will happen now.
There are aspects that we are all not thinking about and it will prove blizzard right, imo they could just remove armor at all and it would be more skill based game, right now a mistake from tanks can be unpunished because they get armor.
And don’t forgot, the changes are for all of us and not only for “You” or your team, so you enemies has the same problems as you do.

I think since people don’t understand how armor works, they see 5 changed to 3 and think tanks will die 40% faster. It’ll be more closer to 10% in the WORST case and usually 5% for an average spread hero.

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Thing about other tanks, is that they are not “tanking” damage, they create space. They require different playstyle, which requires team coordination, which usually non-existent in lower tiers.

Teammates need their shield, and while D.va can protect a little bit, most other off-tanks don’t have any tanking, other than their health. Either they die, because team wasn’t ready to follow, or their team dies, because enemy team refused to focus their attention on tank.

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I think you are failing to realize a specific point about what changes are being made. I play tanks, all of them except Roadhog and Hamtaro. In my entire play time of the game, since release, I have watched Blizzard repeatedly buff the counters of my chosen class of hero. I have watched this all the while the heroes I play remain the same. Time to kill on tanks is approximately 50% faster then at the release of the game.

And now Blizzard wants to reduce the survivability even more. They are not changing certain aspects of individual heroes, nope, instead they are blanket nerfing an entire section of the Overwatch roster. The section that I play.

I don’t want to play a different section of heroes. Many tank players I know feel the same way. There may not be much outcry from the forums if the changes go live. Those who play tanks, myself included, may just look at this as the end of the game completely for us and walk away without looking back. I am currently in that camp.


Nope it is not just the pros that are going to feel it its affects base kit interactions that are impossible to ignore on all levels of play. Like Hanzo’s storm arrow can wait out dm entirely now.

Well RIP Orisa and Hammond for me. It’s now the time to play just Ashe only now.

Brig has been gutted since release, not even the same hero anymore, so I would say they owned up to it quite a bit.

Brig isn’t even why GOATs was strong…

“But dva is a must pick for 0.000001% of the playerbase and as such needs massive nerfs hur durr muh goats meta is dva’s fault”

Best part is that goats can still certainly live without dva. Just replace her with another tank that wasn’t gutted and if the chars supposedly good against goats get on people’s nerves, they can be countered with a simple widowmaker. Goats does not need dva or even brigitte’s armor to live on. But dva seemingly makes a fantastic scapegoat yet again. Where have we seen this before hmm…

Oh and the actual best tank, Zarya, wasn’t affected at all by the tank nerfs and she will become a must pick. Time to become one trick zarya.

All these changes do is gut dive and any other composition that is not rein/zarya and bring forth sniper meta 2.0, we might as well hand Fusion the free win already because they have the best widowmaker in the league. They will lose their whole playerbase with these insane changes since nobody will want to play their game anymore, much less watch owl.


im not a fan of this either…blizzard is so desperate to break up a comp in OWL they’ve just destroyed an entire class.

just put in a hero ban JUST FOR OWL and be done with it.

OWL is already fairly disconnected from rest of the game. Making some heroes not available there will make gap between average players and OWL even bigger.

I actually agree as a Dva main, but they need to scale up her armor to compensate or she can no longer participate in 1v1s…autoloss vs hanzo now.

nerfing tanks across the board will destroy goats, it will also wreck ladder. I’m definitely not playing dva with these nerfs, but I will just play zarya/roadhog for a couple seasons I guess

All they did is balance armor and nerfed D.va a tiny bit, so tiny it’s almost unnoticable. It’s not like there were two characters who were sledgehammered and the community went defending them, despite their core elements were about to get butchered.

No wait, that never happened. Oh well.

Time to learn Orisa, Hog and careful positioning, don’t you think?

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Have fun being a career tank, I just changed jobs.

“Tiny bit”

That plus reaper becoming immune to dva and every spray character like sombra, soldier, tracer etc. dealing 10-30% more damage to dva who relied on her 200 armor to mitigate any damage cuz her massive critbox was a liability.

Just a teensy tiny nerf.

Lol orisa. Half of her hp is armor, she was already weak against burst damage because of her big head and smaller hp amount, now spray will chew through her instantly as well. Characters like sombra and tracer have a field day with orisa. Let’s not even talk about reaper.


Hanzo should never have been given Storm Arrows in the first place. It’s like they did a focus group with a bunch of Hanzo players and asked “what don’t you like?”

“Well I don’t like how long it takes to draw back my arrows for speed and power.”
“And I don’t like being slowed while shooting!”
“Yeah! And we should be able to shoot a bunch of arrows really fast!”
“And we should still be able to get headshots!”

Even the most casual Hanzo player can use Storm Arrows to do massive damage; it’s a pure spam ability that doesn’t belong on a sniper class. Why it has been left in the game allowing Hanzo to outclass most other DPS, only Blizzard can know.


Without Dva, goats is heavily vulnerable to Ana (antiheal), Pharah, Ashe (dynamite), Torb (Molten Core) and Junkrat.

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Is this the balance patch that they promised?