If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

The point is, some heroes need their armor. It’s only OP because Brig gives it out like candy. Right now they’re buffing reaper, and nerfing armor, while also nerfing D.va and Brig. I’m struggling to think which tank is going to be playable after this.


Do you mean, a tankless task? i’ll go now…


no, nerfing dva matrix startup time means it cannot be used to tap and block shots in between projectile spam. this means dva will no longer be able to take fights vs hanzo, pharah, widow, etc, unless the enemy can’t aim.

Before, I could take down hanzo players even if I had less than full hp by calling their shots and blocking them and so only taking about 1-2 shots before killing them.

Now, I can only really use matrix on the way in, if i stop using it, he gets to shoot in between during the lag. Sounds balanced from hanzo’s perspective, but the reality is that tanks have little way to carry short of catching people out with no heals or doing focus fire with their team. This nerf is just one more step towards tanks being irrelevant unless the dps on their team is doing well, and one more step to more stomps.

overwatch continues down the path of

  1. Side with no main healer first likely to lose short of ults
  2. if tanks are left up with main healer and dps dead for whatever reason, autoloss.

Meanwhile, if dps have their tank players get cut early…they can still carry. if dps have no main heal cause their ana exploded…no problem.

This game continues to become dps-centric. The solution to goats isn’t weakening tanks across the board when we already hvae a shortage of main tank players due to the low damage on main tanks compared to offtank/DPS.

What we need is a set meta, so that each team cannot boost their team’s strength by playing 3 tanks + 3 healer and having too much hp to chew through without an ana grenade


I don’t think tanks in general will be in a bad spot. I think the larger problem is those of us who play tanks and have seen the overall changes in the game are sick and tired of Blizzard catering to

  1. Damage Dealers (See last 4 patch cycles)
  2. “Pro” players

The tanks did not need nerfs and most of us tank players will simply refuse selecting a tank anymore.

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I used to flex freely between roles but then they started nerfing supports across the board (except Ana who got much needed buffs) so I stopped playing support.

With these idiotic tank nerfs, I think I’m going to insta-lock DPS from now on if I even continue to play.

EDIT: Uninstalled. I’m free of this game Blizzard has turned into garbage.

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Being too versatile is a form of OP. So you’re very, very wrong.

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All of them will be playable, because tanks are a very necessary part of basically every comp ever. Orisa might suffer since her small hp pool and fortify rely on armor, but D.Va is too ubiquitous to be gone and the other tanks will be OK. Reinhardt’s barrier is as durable as before, Winston is still fine, Hammond has like 1000 hp that isn’t armor, Zarya will actually be slightly stronger, and overall people still will need tanks to make space.

Oh, I won’t be logging in at all. I just got Smash and Super Mario Odyssey. I’m fine to wait out a couple of patches until they’ve got this sorted out.

Still means anybody who sticks around will have to find somebody else to tank for them though

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Pickrate doesn’t constitute a broken or OP hero

Orisa is absolutely getting destroyed by this ,yeah she deals more damage but half of her health is armor.

Burst damage basically ignores armor anyway, I never understood why other heroes like soldier needed such a large handicap. Now some heroes are better at damaging Orisa, but it’s still not as bad as Hanzo. Besides, the barrier does the tanking for Orisa, so this nerf is pretty situational.

The real issue is that Orisa isn’t up to snuff regardless. She’s too exploitable and isn’t enough of a threat.

Yeah I do agree that Orisa needs some kind of a buff. Even if it’s just her mobility (and the ability to push players around that get in her face)

Play Hammond.

He now does 40% more damage against armoured health with headshots at a rate of 175dps. Orisa generally does 33% more damage against armoured health.

The heroes who gain the most benefit for this change are tanks.

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Maybe have something happen when she dies to make up for her not being able to return to the fight quickly? Like dropping a super barrier or something.

The only ones heavily affected are D.Va and Brig (through her support ability) and they decided to throw a second nerf on D.Va just because.

The other tanks should be fine, but D.Va has likely been made a throw pick until they adjust her HP/armor ratio.

DPS rejoice!

About damn time.

Who tf cares about d.va nerfs? i’m worried about Reaper lol

I barely ever play DVA but I managed to eat a grav, a mai ult and a hanzo dragon in one game… that hero is friggen insane… and maybe at your teir zarya/mai ‘counters’ DVA but I can tell you that DVA doesnt care about them… you just DM important stuff and play safe…

Hammond is not supposed to be directly attacking armored heroes though, the squishy heroes he dives already have no armor.

I wish I could see how many times people say “if these changes go through I’m never playing again!” LoL