If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

I totally agree. I’m thinking to stop playing tanks too.

how are tanks and healers suposed not to influence inthe meta if they are only 6 of each class??? dont you understand?? this is ridiculous. B alance team does not understand either. this game is going bankrupt just like the company.

Tank main here, wanted to come back to OW. Screw this, im sick of tanks getting screwed over because of OWL or because of forced META’s


The problem is lack of choice. Would be fine if more options existed.

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You included heroes on the list that are hurt by the nerf, too, to be clear.

The problem is that they make them in shield carriers, because if they leave the shield down to charge or smash, they die… They already did outside of Goats…

Your overreacting. It’s not half as bad as you make it to be.

The issue with D’va is that her balance from a power perspective unfortunately conflicted her balance from a role perspective. D’va was the JOAT, the swiss army knife of tanks that could do a whole hell of a lot from several different angles with her kit. Her mobility and missiles gave her dive potential, her DM gave her protection capabilities, and her ability to eat ults gave her a LOT of utility. The thing is, win rates didn’t say that she was overpowered, but her overall pick rate (despite not being high as someone claimed) didn’t actually dive into the fact that she was a really solid pick REGARDLESS of the comp. She could fill the hole a lot of the times, and many d’va players didn’t have to switch even if your team needed to change tactics entirely, mostly because she fit right in.

Which made touching her in any sort of balance way hard. To me, she needed to be touched to open up more possibilities regarding other off tanks and even 3 DPS type loadouts, and to be quiet honest I thought her defense matrix was one of the things that could be looked at. I thought that it’d make a lot of sense of causing some sort of overload mechanic when taking too much damage in a period of time, or in particular when using it when using her boosters (as I think that specific areas needed to be targeted to define her role more).

DM being at 2 seconds is a huge nerf somewhat. What I mean somewhat is that it gives enemies a lot more opportunity now to take on D’va straight up. Part of what D’vas issue was that the threat of DM being up so often, and the fact is that you really couldn’t always take her on with reasonable knowledge that you’re going to do something. This opens up the windows to take her down, and punishes her more for being out of position or being caught in a place where she can’t get away easily. I actually think in theory, this is a good thing: it forces smarter use of her DM while still keeping her relatively useful, but allows for the enemy team to actually play around her DM when a big moment comes up for an ult. I do think that a great DVA player will play around it more then people are giving them credit for: playing mind games with its use is really a big part of what DVA does, and I think you’d normally still see her in games, but a little less so.


With that said, it’s that IN CONJUCTION with the armor nerfs that make things a little concerning. Again, I wish there was more of an smaller iteration process to see things play out for each individual change and react to things a little more speedily, as going this long with out a balance change on these issues and then throwing them both on at once is really going to shake up things rather quickly. D’va has a reasonable crit box (not as big as some people make it to be), but she really relied on that armor to do a lot against those like Soldier 76. It could be too much for her current iteration to handle, but to be quite honest, I think it’s somewhat needed. It does give a lot more counters to D’va then before, and honestly, I think that IS needed. A lot of her harder counters were situational picks, or picks that needed a bit of help before being counters (mei, zarya). Having a more direct and reliable answer to D’va is a good thing in my opinion.

Now I want to be clear: I don’t want to see D’va disappear. I don’t, and I feel for D’va players a lot in this: because I think she’s a casuality of the games meta and the state more then anything. But let’s be also honest with ourselves: the off tank situation with D’va wasn’t exactly giving a lot of room to grow strategy wise. Sure, GOATS was popular at higher ranks, but didn’t mean anything on lower ones. But D’va was too easy of a pick most of the time: when it doubt when it came to Tanks, D’va was the choice if there was any question of flexibility. She was TOO reliable of a pick in that essence, especially when she was so strong in certain comps (Dive).

Being someone who played a lot of tank in the last comp seasons he played (mostly Rein), tanking IS a thankless job. It is. But I’m seeing this change as one to try to open up the usability of other tanks, Roadhog in particular. I do think this needs to be followed up with possible buffs QUICKLY as this may flood into a horrible choice, but right now I think people need to give it a couple of days to see how the game plays out.

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2 Other things:

  1. GOATS takes a huge hit, and people saying that it won’t go away because Lucio/Brig weren’t hit are not looking at the big picture. GOATS core element is sustainability: that healing with Lucio/Brig/Moira over time would replenish back to that armor to mitigate damage more often, and you’d eventually run out of resources in the enemy team. It had to do with the HPS versus DPS coming in and how you can usually make it so that even when the enemy tried to burst you down, you had enough resources to get through it and then recover naturally. The numbers reduction armor wise means the ability to burst down one character in GOATS a LOT more reliable as they don’t have the armor up as much, and GOATS falls apart when the first piece falls. Will GOATS go away? Maybe not: you would need to get more healing out of it to compensate, and I don’t think you can easily sub out Lucio or Brig without taking a hit to the strategy. ANA version of GOATS may be more used, but that definitely has more weaknesses.
  1. Orisa does need immediate attention. The armor nerfs hit her hard: that’s really one of the only things that kept her in the lower tiers. The now sustainable damage from Soldier 76 in particular means that Orisa gets to that lower health pool a lot more quickly, and with it being low as it is (200), she’s going to have a LOT of problems. She needs a health buff to compensate rather quickly, as she’s going to be too easy to burst down, and we do need Orisa for defensive positional comps right now as she’s really the only tool to spawn those with the removal of older Tjorb/Sym strategies.

Blizzard doesn’t favor defensive comps of any kind. It’s likely they won’t do anything to Orisa.

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If you dont play goats you wont notice PTR changes.

Deathball’s rally only applys to goats.

Reaper still has his weakeness if you have dps on your team.

The 1sec on Dva matrix will only be noticed by the pros.

Everything is gonna be allright with tanks dnt worry

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Yes, nothing more fun than being dove over and over by a 600 hp flying DPS with a shield that nullifies everything. Her DM nerf was well overdue.


That’s what concerns me to be honest, it’s what I’ve noticed too since the move to OWL (speed over everything else), and Orisa is in a REALLY bad place right now. Sad, because the idea of bunkering down and fighting off an attack CAN be fun to watch in the right situations.

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It’s different kinds of fun. For inexperienced viewers, flashy kills and fast movement is fun. “Oh wow, cool” effect, basically.

Lower tiers would be devastated by pocketed Reaper players, as damage boost(or worse, nanoboost) will increase their self-healing and damage.

i feel like this might be a terrible mistake if it goes through.

Nanoboost on lower tiers? Mercy post on lower tiers? XD

You mean a dps that is not Genji can use nano to make his últ powerfull? And thats bad?

At low tiers even a bastion poketed can burn a team down. Thats not a reaper thing

Yes, it is bad, as there is already lack of actual tanks. With Reaper being able to erase any tank, there may be none left.

Those comps or those pocketed 2Q are a skillcap to climb.

If your team cant handle a pocket on a F tier dps your team doesent deserve to win.

Oh I agree, but I also think that part of what OWL was having problems with was the fact that almost everything was that. Games that have stayed around in the esports scene have a balance of those moments as stagnation of things “remaining the same” end up being their downfall in the end. Those inexperienced viewers will turn into experienced ones if you play your cards right, and they won’t necessarily stay around if everything is flash.

This is what you get when a dev team is so convinced of their infallibility that they nerf an entire class because of a mistake character they won’t rework.