Armor nerfed, D.Va nerfed, Rally nerfed, Reaper buffed

he could have 3x his current life steal and his glaring flaws would still keep him from being useful.

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Just try it, he’s redicoulusely strong now.

against bronze players, sure. he always has been

Since season 2 here. I’m honestly done with her. Moving on to something else. Might walk away from OW entirely if things don’t change for the better. Very annoyed.

:crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab:


This is actually what I’m worried about most… lately it’s felt like most qp games have been 4-6 dps every match, but this is almost definitely going to make that even worse. :frowning:

lmao try being a mercy, brig, or doom main. each have received nerfs almost every patch since launch / rework.

I feel for Brig and Mercy players, but Doomfist at his launch was absurd.

That said, he has had a rollercoaster of bug fixes, buffs and nerfs. He simply wasn’t even nearly ready to be released; the amount of “forgiving” mechanics he was given to cover up bugs was just a sign of horrible workmanship; and every bug fix, buff and nerf since has just uncovered more and more of these problems.

And…he is confirmed as NOT GAY!!!

Reaper straight reveal hype.

The game now has THREE confirmed Straight heroes. How inclusive.

Reaper, Torb and Ana. (Even though Ana has a daughter…not 100% confirmed straight yet).

She was married to Sam confirmed, Sam being Pharah’s father.

Guess she could still be Bi, and being now also a confirmed Catgirl that seems probable.

It might have been just a phase she was going through. But all signs point to straight.

Reaper Will be the most chosen!

By taking away the armor, your making a game already run by dos even more run by dps. Sure at higher play goats is the main strat but goats isn’t played that much in other ranks and conpetetive games. Secondly by taking away divas armor and her decidability to use her 2 SECOND DM will make her die way more easily to dps like bastion who needed to be nerfed this patch but wasn’t. Lastly her dm is not unviable at all, it lasts as long as you need to be able to charge it again and then takes 5.5 seconds to recharge completely. It feels like a shell of an ability now and with this nerf either does not last long enough or this nerf shouldn’t have happened

Sorry blizzard, this wasn’t the right thing to do. Look at how much hate this patch has, don’t put it through.

They are doing this to themselves, I had fun playing tank but now dps will be running every game. Tanks will not be calling shots, they can’t afford the damage now. And by nerfing tanks, you buff dps and it’s not like you have too many of those

It’s ridiculous that tank has to now point blank contest characters that can instantly melt her, without proper defensive tools that can either be ignored due to long cd or just baited out.

Rein can tank tons of things while pressing W. Zarya can tank things point blank and gain charge while pressing a cd. Why does dva have to go on people’s faces to do anything and why does she have to become a massive ulti feeder now to even do her one job?

She can’t feather tracer’s clips anymore and tracer headshot damage just got beefed up versus armor, so she will melt dva like butter and she cannot protect herself anymore, much less peel for her supports and dva NEEDS tons of healing.

Dva can’t dive hanzo anymore who can now just bait matrix and then shoot his whole volley of storm arrows into dva’s face, knowing she has 2 second long cd and demech her in one cooldown.

Trying to matrix anything from mccree, from flash to fan the spam is going to be extremely difficult.

Feathering DM on widow/genji/hitscan shots is even more punishing than before. Dva becomes very easy target to feed from if she’s not constantly cowering behind a barrier or behind 4 walls, as much as roadhog but dva does not have ohko moveset or self heals.

Mindgaming zarya into launching her ulti at your face became impossibility after this change, anybody can just bait out the matrix and toss their ultis during the cd and there is nothing dva can do anymore if you guessed wrong.

Feathering DM midfight to block strategically strong moves, such as roadhog hooking teammate trying to kill them, becomes extremely unviable just because enemies can just spam their moves onto your team or toss around ultimates during teamfights and there is nothing dva can do with a long cd. Imagine if rein had 2 second cd on his barrier, just as unviable.

Dva cannot even strategically block pharah or symmetra spam anymore. Not even symmetra lol. What is the point of having a massive mobile tank who constantly has to use boosters to run back to her healers, else she will just get demeched because her defensive capabilities suck so much?

Fun times ahead trying to protect your team from anti-nades and dynamite combos too. Now that’s a combo that I could live without.

Tl;dr matrix nerf guts dva so she cannot do her one job anymore. But I suppose dps players will rejoice when they can freely spam down people from miles away.


There was already some counterplay to GOATS. With the Reaper buff and armor nerf, and Brigitte should not have had these nerfs. Now she is going to be utterly useless. I also think that this lifesteal buff is a little bit too much. As much as I love this hero and as long as he has not gotten love, I think this Reaping buff was too significant because Reaper was already decent in some scenarios. Though theoretically Reaper’s counters aren’t going away, I think the Reaping buff should be cut down. I guess this will help him against McRightClick(Revert his secondary fire buff, please. It was already good against stunned targets with low health and his primary fire has been good.) though. I also don’t think this nerf was needed with the armor nerf and Reaper buff. Oh, and Reinhardt will just be completely useless after this. First Ashe and McRightClick now this, sigh. I hope we get main tanks buffed with this patch.

Lmao was already dominating with him in bronze however this will make it even easier.