If sym became meta, would anyone care?

tbh shes prob the most normal, fair character. I don’t play her at all but shes so bad that some of the PVE bosses are scarier then her. If she was strong it would change nothing, her orbs are slow, her beam is short, her turrets…

would anyone even care, does anyone actually get annoyed playing against sym


Sym isn’t even annoying to play against lol, she kinda just falls apart.


I hate her personally


Yep people do, see the last time she was meta.


why the character is built like a fish and is the joke of this game. Even bastion is good in bronze, shes just bad everywhere

she got nerfed so fast LOL


do you have any posts, people keep saying that and I didn’t play the game at the time

Judging from last time, yes

Yeah tell me about it.

It was all “Oh hell, we can’t have THAT now can we” and dumped her so damn fast.

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was she broken like everywhere, or just meta in top tier play? I don’t know how you can be upset about her, she has no cc or defensive abilities, shes just their

Pretty sure everyone just hates her turrets.
Rest of her kit everyone seems fine with.

Maybe take power out of her turrets? That way she can be a better hero overall.


The problem is not if X character becomes meta, the problem is why.

At one point she was just slapping everything around, I can’t remember why but she was just being like perma picked, not quite original iron clad but still very strong

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I think the teleporter is probably the strongest ability she has, honestly they should just change it to make it for herself and cleanse people idk


Truth is she isnt more annoying that anyone else, people just became too used to scapegoating and blaming Sym for their deaths by player mistakes.

Git Gud applies to not falling for silly sentry memes too.

I feel like that’s her ultimate.

Oh no doubt TP is super strong, especially when coordinated with.

I was just saying that I think people dislike her turrets the most. I haven’t heard many people saying how “annoying” her TP is. So maybe if they reduce power from turrets she can be a better overall hero, and maybe not such a noob stomper in lower ranks.

They are already trash and not what holds her back lmao

She is literally unable to be a pubstomper by design and by what bronze-silver picks are.

her ultimate for me is alright at best, like I have seen hogs just trade their ult for the ult a sym spent 12+ hours building by spamming orbs in choke and its honestly sad. The teleporter is infinite and it can move through whole areas so her kit is pretty overloaded in that area for team play, because she can skip choke points, but I don’t think anyone really likes tht

I’d say her turrets are only “not great” above plat. Not trash though. If you’re smart with your placement and know how to TP-Bomb (Is that what it is called?) then her turrets can be good. I think the problem is a lot of sym players on these forums just chuck them in random places and call them “trash”. Not saying that they are great, I just think a lot of people don’t understand how to use them properly.

Below plat they definitely destroy people. That is what I meant by “holding her down”. Because if they buffed sym, her turrets would just infect the lower ranks.