If you take away one shield and put any other tank there, she is still gonna demolish any tank and she controls space better then alot of tanks can. There is litterly only one tank counter and that’s a hog Hook.
she has 200 hp.
winston can mlt her before she does his shield and so can sigma
Without Orisa you can just walk through Sigma. Without Sigma Sym gonna be low charge most of the time and easy to kill with hitscan. Without either Sym’s range disadvantage is massive and her beams gonna be a noodle 80% of the time. It’s not like her kit became op overnight she just works really well into shields.
I love how all these 1v1 scenerios always happen in a vacuum. LoL forum Winston’s. He doesn’t output enough damage and since he is diving by himself he’s focused and done
You’re in the wrong place. You’re only allowed to complain about genji, hanzo, and widow on these forums
The beam changes happened, thats what did it. They kinda happened over night.
No he can’t. Right now Symmetra can kill wisnton Without much problem. Even with Mercy he can be killed really fast.
In the last meta i was able to deal with symmetra without too much problems. Right now is quite imposible
I mean there is a reason that she’s only being picked into double sheild
I use a really specific way to track my stats to see what I have been doing wrong, and playing sym into one sheild is significantly weaker than playing her into two sheilds
Sure she isnt lol. Op sym is product by fixed bug which made her and zarya beam like 40% stronger.
She’s a product of the bug fix to her beam, same as Zarya…
They both received a up to 40% increase to their damage.
Fixes a bug that lets her actually hit normal slender targets (Like most heroes who aren’t tanks)
Forces 2-2-2 so there are always at least 2 tanks
Releases and OP Tank with a Barrier
The barrier works like Orisa’s and there isn’t someone behind it in the same range as Sym who can kill her in 3 hits
So I mean… Kinda makes sense. She still struggles against teams that only run one barrier. Even Orisa/ Roadhog teams crap all over Sym. She pretty much only works against Sigma/ Orisa anyways
But here we are talking about tanks(at least the post)…there te bugfix didn’t change the damage …unless you tracking was really bad
And what changed to be now imposible? they buffed Sym against Winston?
Well yes and no. The symmetra buff is a glitch, and works vs shields. When you charge vs symm usually you have to put your shield to avoid the mini turrets and other dps.
Thats why right now charge vs Sym with Winston is imposible
It’s not really a glitch… it just turned out to be more powerful than they expected it to, so they’re tuning it down next patch.
Edit: tbh I don’t understand this part
The bug fix didn’t change the damage to shields, or there is other buff?(I really don’t know)
Pretty sure all it did was make the first tick do the intended damage, instead of reduced damage.
Isn’t this you using the same thing you’re scolding others for using?
What’s the word for that again…?
80 burst + 2s of beeming.
how long does it take her to melt his bubble and his hp?
I think it was a reduced damage when you hit someting for a short moment, but againts shield it was constant…or it was also a reduced damage and because of that the tunned the Sym damage from 60/120/180 to 65/130/195? (yesterday I checked the Hero updates in the diferents patch notes and in none of them where that change)