If sym became meta, would anyone care?

The ‘‘Sym mains dont know how to play Sym’’ myth got old like a year ago.

Is this your way of saying you are speaking of a hero you dont play?

Is this coming from actual experience or just conjecture? Because as someone that actually plays on low tier, they dont work more that once per match, after that you use them as distractions or to annoy people at best.

There is no empirical proof or data of Sym being ever a pubstomper, or being one currently, other that her becoming worse and worse on higher ranks due to the constant nerfing and team TP cheese losing its surprise factor after a couple of years.

So I will assume you are coming from a silly aiming justice ‘‘sentries = no effort = instawin’’ mentality.

She was meta for 9 days at the beginning of double shield and the community had a meltdown.

I love Sym so much, but I hope she’s never meta. I don’t want to deal with the abuse as a Sym player, nor do I want to see her nerfed.

She wasnt even meta. She was at the same place that pre-buffs Genji, the so called ‘‘trash tier pick’’. She was under DF, Mei, Reaper and Junkrat. She was ‘‘good-ish’’.

I personally hate her ult and maybe turrets a little but the rest of her kit I have no problems with

Also people hate literally any meta hero so to answer your question, yes

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To be fair, 9 days isn’t long enough to see pickrates inflate much.

She was definitely busted though, but this was mostly due to a “bug fix” they made to beam weapons. They still nerfed her turrets for some reason though.

Okay chill out dude, I was mostly agreeing with you and you just attack me? Geez. Now we’re going into a full fletched argument, great :roll_eyes:

Good god, why do you people have to be so aggressive on these forums?

I actually play a decent amount of sym, I just don’t keep up with the names people call these things :stuck_out_tongue:

I was talking about some sym players on these forums. I think most sym players are good at her, I just think some don’t know how to use her turrets entirely correct. A problem I see with a lot of sym players is that they often just “chuck” their turrets out to random places.

Let me clarify:

  1. I am not saying all sym players do this
  2. I think her turrets are not great
  3. I just think people underestimate them a little.

About the turrets in lower ranks: It’s just that lower ranked players struggle to focus on things like sym turrets. If you look at stats, this is why sym and torb have always shined in lower ranks with their very high winrates. Just look at overbuff, Hopefully that is enough proof for you.

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Bruh, pre-buff genji had a sub 1% pickrate and had a 48% winnrate in gm. Sym had like a 4-5% pickrate. I do agree with you that she was wrongfully trashed tho.

people always care about whos meta…its who people always ask to get nerfed…

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Uh… Heh. I wouldn’t say always.
People seem to have their favorite; for example, ana who has been meta for how long? Idk, but it’s been a while, and it’s pretty rare for nerf ana threads to pop up these days, which is surprising.

Turret Bombs are no longer effective due to Turret DPS nerf and overall player improvements.

At 3.0’s release it was damn effective only due to the fact no one was familiar with the strategy (the 50 DPS per Turret helped too) but as players adapted they can easily just punch/shoot/lob an AoE at her Turret bomb and it’s back to spamming for Symmetra.

Much like this “buff” she received, current additions/improvements aren’t realistic in an uncontrolled environment. They need to join games where team synergy is non-existent and balance her from there.

shes easily the most requested “please nerf” support…EASILY

i woudnt care, she is quite easy to kill as any of the tanks i play.

Maybe the most compared to other supports, But right now there’s not a single nerf ana thread that I can see that is recent.

From what I see, at the most there will be one nerf ana thread in hot topics, with maybe 30 likes. That is not the majority saying they want ana nerfed.

Meanwhile, when doomfist was OP, literally 3/4 of my games were people saying in match chat “balanced hero” and the forums were filled with nerf df posts. There was also a tracer post at her peak with 600 likes or something along those lines. Ana has been meta just as long if not longer.