If and when 6v6 returns

even tho i play overwatch for a long time i didnt know that, cause i had no reason to come to the forums in ow1, literally all my posts are complaining about ow2 lol

That’s what brought me here too. I thought, “I can’t be the only one that isn’t enjoying this right?”


Nope! I offer my opinion to all freely on the internet to discuss with others what they feel too! Ive never once said Blizzard should follow my every word and whim, for “I am he who spent 500 hours studying”

Its called having a discussion little guy. A back and forth of ideas, fought based on the merit of the idea, and really nothing else. Besides it isnt just a “gut feeling”. More people than just you are allowed to spend time really thinking these things out! The difference between you and me though, is I dont attempt to discredit others for daring to not agree with me. I acknowledge the argument, give it proper thought, and give a retort instead of being a snob and saying “ppfft yeah? What school did you go to for game design”

Also Grey bad.

You seem to expect me to have a one-sided discussion then.
Since you aren’t really discussing anything besides, me.

can you link me these modes?
And yea i dont think its awful at all that the game had CC, cc gives you an option to counterplay and show your skill, it could be tuned down of course in some aspects but it also made overwatch special. Giving every hero an unique and powerful ability is what overwatch is all about, I remember how great i felt when i cancelled a sombra emp or rein shatter with brig stun, you had to react really fast, it rarely happens and you were rewarded for playing well and having knowledge of the game. i would be thinking ok hes gonna ult i need to be prepared now in ow2 EVEN VOICE QUEUES OF ULTS or snipers are missing, thats how lower quality the game is. tank synergies, comp synergies, countering your opposing team with strategy is what makes overwatch special, the game used to be so complex and it makes me deeply sad that i just cannot have fun with the game anymore cause its too stupid and too fast(ow was already very fast but it felt correct)

If you search “custom 6v6” in the forum you’ll find some threads with it. This was the one I used.

I haven’t checked lately if those codes are still accurate, but they still work in my OW2 client. :person_shrugging:

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Oh no dont get it twisted. This entire thread started because you annoy me with your recurring inability to have a proper argument with someone. All I see you do lately is be condescending, link lengthy things full of data that isnt relevant to the current topic, and spit on people for daring to not trust you immediately once you tell them “ive made more posts about role queue than youve made posts”

As if any of it matters. Lately youre becoming immune to figthing an argument on its merit, and just abuse a blatant logical fallacy, claiming your very own authority over others due to your time spent on the subject as an end all be all.

If you did anything other than say “define balance” to people at random, and actually argued against an idea, we wouldnt be on this thread right now.

Besides lets not pretend like you and I havent had plenty of actual healthy back and forths on this forum before. I still think our talk on the balance and design of Snipers in Overwatch was a pretty good talk.

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What’s empiricism, without the sources?

You know what. Fine, I’ll drop the snark a bit.

I honestly don’t think there’s enough Tank players for 6v6 Role Queue.

But for real, 6v6 Open Queue. That’s absolutely possible.
Heck, I could probably throw together a whole sales pitch for it if I got in the mood for it.

Why don’t you think there are enough players in the most populated mode in the game?

Not sure what you’re asking. They got slightly fewer Tank players than is ideal for Role Queue right now.

So where’s that other 100% more Tank players going to come from?

No they drove off tank players - like me - just like they did in OW1. Different reasons, same developer.

I don’t mind playing tank in a stack, but that’s about it. Point is tank players are out there, we’re just waiting it for to be worth our time and I enjoy 6v6 more in OW2 than 5v5. If 6v6 was a test weekend or added back, you can bet I’d be queueing all roles. Depending on Blizzard’s method of implementing 6v6, that might change based on the experience across the roles.

Id wholeheartedly agree with that if it were back in 2022, but Blizzard did a bit of a mistake when it comes to gathering data.

They implemented too many various things that could help get people back into tanking, so its hard to get a concrete idea which changes are the ones bringing tank players into the game.

Id have rathered us move into Free to Play with the removal of most of the games CC and see what it wouldve done to tank populations first.

Im a back and forth when it comes to role queue. I kind of think we were fine after Blizzard banned out duplicate picks, so if moving back to 6v6 meant the removal of role queue Id tentatively accept.

If they do it they won’t bother rebalancing any characters from 5v5 to 6v6, we’ll all hate it because it will be an unbalanced mess, barely anyone will play it more than a couple times because of this, and Aaron will say in a dev talk that this proves the majority doesn’t really want 6v6 and they’re going ahead with 5v5 forever.

Calling it. OW Classic will be sabotaged and a disaster on purpose so they can tell us we were wrong the whole time, and people will fall for it.
I anticipate a ton of “all you people whining for 6v6 to come back were soooo stupid :rofl:

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Why wouldnt they? Going through the process to make it a matchmade mode would mean theyve already put resources into this thing. They might as well make sure the data they get has purpose, which it wouldnt if they didnt properly simulate what a 6v6 environment would be in OW2

Well, I’d be more curious what sorts of changes 6v6 fans would have if they just converted the existing Open Queue into 6v6.

Obviously you’d wanna move away from that -150HP thing and replace with a percentage. Since -150hp on JunkerQueen, is way different than -150hp on Roadhog.

Kinda remains to be seen if Sigma+Rein would be an issue.

TBH, if I was designing it, I’d probably put 2x Tank maximum per team, then a 3x Support maximum per team.

Could see them adding a “smart autopilot” for Open Queue Tank balancing.

Although you’d need to actually make it so Winrate math isn’t broken.

I mean outright the only true issue we’d have to look out for is a Return of GOATS. Lets be real I think we both know the reason for role lock is Blizzard couldnt figure out how to get it out of the OWL and it was starting to hurt sales.

The 2x max tank seems fine. Its kind of a way to do a soft role queue which would save queue times and still let people play what they want without the game devolving into degenerate gameplay loops like GOATS.

Unironically I like the idea a lot.

When it comes to anything related to Sigma though Id say this get a lot more complex. Sigma has a design thats very fun, and doesnt feel unfair to go against, but his kit is undeniably bloated, his presence kind of invalidates other tanks. I cant ever imagine a liked character like him getting reworked, but he needs something

Oh, yeah. Low key, here’s something hardly anybody talks about with “Why did GOATs happen”.

Could just revert the knockback stuff, then give Hammond, more knockback. And then Lucio like an HP buff or something.

This does seem like it would help make peeling against GOATS viable, but I think I just outright prefer your idea of a 2 tank limit. Movement displacement is almost more annoying than hard CC, and I feel like the reduction in overall CC in Overwatch 2 is one of the biggest factors of tank enjoyment

True though I do see how the anti cc passive couldve helped spiral goats

Christ its crazy seeing tanks get flung. Its been so long.

Yeah, but also now that I think about it, Open Queue Tanks still have their passive, so no changes needed.