If and when 6v6 returns

even just for a weekend, the forum would probably only be filled with old complaints never solved before: tanks that are too invasive, or too nerfed to adapt to this scheme, or too little space for dps, or too much work for supports, or too much time queue, or too much Metas impossible to break if you don’t do mirror compositions.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that 6v6 should also return as an arcade or weekend testing form :muscle:. but also to help dilute the excessive trust one has in the memory of the unresolved problems of 6v6, which in my opinion the developers were wrong to almost pretend had not existed, until now. And I think many people have serious difficulty admitting how many problems even 6v6 had to say every time “are you afraid of comparison with 5v5, developers? :smirk:”. 5v5 just has different problems… but we have never solved 6v6, this is also true. :person_shrugging:

I leave this post as a “prophecy”, happy if I am proven wrong :open_hands:. but probably not, since you now treat the forums like a complaints office here. Good gamepl… complaining as always at all. :wave:


I don’t think they will do a 6v6 test. As I doubt they intend on trying to make the game 6v6 again. Where they do want to make some changes to the base game if it’s an improvement, hence the qp hacked test.

I think they should replace Open Queue 5v5 with Open Queue 6v6.

But that Role Queue 6v6 is never going to be a thing, due to not having enough Tank players.


I don’t think they should do that. Would be even more of an unbalanced mess than current open queue 5v5 is. Unless they plan on making balance changes for it, which I highly doubt. Would just be another tank or support on each team.

Well, it’s already an unbalanced mess. And it’s already got specific balance changes for the mode.

Also if they REALLY need to balance for it. Just put a 2 Tank maximum per team

youd see a few complaints here and there, but i can almost guarantee you that for every complaint post there would be 100 celebratory posts begging blizzard to keep 6v6

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Well yeah, if they tested it in Role Queue, it would be about as insufferable as if they tested Mass Rez Mercy.

Barely. Just a flat -150 health on tanks.

Well the biggest hurdle was any amount of mode-specific balance changes.

Now it’s just a matter of adding to it.

Its the other way around. Role queue is the mode with extra balance changes, +150 health for tanks

They have had small mode specific changes in the past too. Mainly in total mayhem, since things like Ana sleep broke the game before. Either way, I don’t see a reason to bring 6v6 just to specifically open queue anyways.

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It might be written as that in the patch notes and such. But the tanks all had 150 more health in all non role queue modes before. So at the time it was -150 to each tank when the change happened. But sure, now you can see it as 150 more in the game’s main mode.

Purely for the marketing/journalism/influencer value.

But also to get 6v6 advocates to finally be somewhat content. And can stop malvertising the game.

Since I’d wager there’s more 6v6 fans, than those that do be upset if 5v5 Open Queue getting removed.

They won’t be somewhat content, not most anyways. Even in ow1 with better 6v6 balance than we would have now, open queue was a pretty dead mode. Majority of people played role queue, which in this situation wouldnt return.

name one‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

Imo 2 biggest were queue times and the meta always being the same few tank duos. But then again I didn’t have much of an issue with 6v6, I’m indifferent between 5v5 or 6v6; happy with either.

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There is bad and there is worse.

OW1 was already in very bad state just for OW2 to come and make it worse.

So yeah. Ppl will complain when keep getting suboptimal experience.

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Not enough Tank players.

Tank synergy makes it difficult to increase the count of Worthwhile Tank heroes across many ELOs.

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here we go again with the bloody queue times, that’s not a problem that’s just a minor inconvenience

“oh no, there’s not much versitile combos, better remove combos entirely so there’s only tank to fix that problem”

lucky to be you I guess

not valid‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

boohoo, a Monk can’t handle a gun as good as a sword, why???

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