I spent 2 years climbing from silver to GM, ask me anything (1.6k+ Views)(100+ reply)

Go wild :3

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(Keep replying to the post so I can reply to more people thanks!)
(FYI I am a main tank main and can flexible onto various heros, so if you have any question about anything [especially tank] feel free to ask)


Why does your climbing from silver to GM mean anything to anyone?

Thats cool and I’m happy for you if that’s what you wanted, but otherwise, cool story?


Um excuse me you’re at 3909 not 4000+ (I’m kidding).
Have you played with any famous streamers? Also what advice would you give to middling ranks (gold and plat)?

If you don’t care, why even bother posting?

A lot of people may want to ask them about the SR ladder, how they climbed etc.


Because he said ask anything. I never said I didn’t care, just asked why anyone should. I’m genuinely interested in why he wants to do a AMA.

How much grinding was involved, like how many hours a day did you put in on average? I ask because I think I’m probably just not playing enough on my main account - I climb fairly steadily when I do, 60% win rate on my main, gain more SR on a win than I lose on a loss, but I just haven’t managed to break into higher brackets.

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The reason why I post this is because that many people are complaining about the comp. system. And you know what? I agree with a lot of them. Climbing is a specially hard thing to do. And for those who are stuck in certain rank, I want to give them some tips and tricks I have learned and my thoughts after playing this game after 2 years.


Any tips for a Reaper OTP currently at 2888? I want to get to diamond but it becomes increasingly difficult to climb (or do anything) with Reaper once I start seeing diamond McCrees and Widows and Hanzos.

I can get to 2800 rather consistently with Reaper though, even if I solo queue, for the past 2 seasons, so I would guess it wasn’t just a lucky streak

Edit: What exactly do you play?

Thank you for the sincere reply after an admittedly less than ideal start.

Also, for what its worth, seeing that you predominantly play the barrier tank role, as a support main I’ve found those types of players to be the most selfless and most aware of the team and who’s alive. If you infact are one of those types of tanks, then thank you; supports truly appreciate that more than we say.


Yes. Since I have climbed to 3800s I started playing with/ agiainst streamers and OWL players (ex. xQc, emmong, ML7, Boombox, Cocco, etc.).
For gold and plat players, the best tip I can give is to put yourself as the most important of the team. Because there’s rarely any team work and comms going on, the best you can do is focus what yourself is doing right or wrong. One thing you can do is when you are trying to play a role, in this case let’s say Reinhardt (b/c I’m a tank main), the only thing you should care about is trying to out perform the other Rein in every single way possible. And it’s important to remember, Overwatch is a team based game. So almost every lost team fight is contributed by every member of the team. So try to find a balance between “what I did wrong” and “what my teammates did wrong” and be flexible to improve of the part that you make mistakes. The more you improve, the more games you will win.


tell me all about your grouping. did you solo queue all the way? did you have one or two friends that you generally grouped up with? was there a team of you who played almost every friday night together? etc…

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Oh, and don’t mind if I drop another question, I occasionally play Reinhardt if the team calls for it.

I find that I consistently miss blocking enemy shatters, and my own shatter gets blocked in the most absurd ways possible. I don’t know if it’s because Earthshatter was previously bugged or if I just suck at using his ult, but I’d like to know if you have any tips for landing earthshatters, as well as tips for the Reinhardt mindgames

Also, how do you gauge whether you are performing you duty as Reinhardt considering medals are essentially worthless?

I’m don’t mainly play reaper but I suggest you to watch this video:

It suggests a very good point is to find your own play style. Reaper has 2 main play styles: flank or tank shredder. The video will give you a better explaination.
Also, towards high plat to low diamond, try to work on communication with your team. Don’t be afraid to ask for nano or combo with grav. Even as simple as telling you are going to use your ult is giving your team info what will happen in the next teamfight.

I’m a main tank main since season 10, and flex before that. You can check my profile.

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I have a tip for reaper…

He has 50% dmg drop off against armored opponents. I believe hes heavily countered by brig so i switch off him if i see her. Torb is technically a counter if he starts accumulating armor packs. Once the torb gets going hes prolly got you.

I solo queued 99% of the time when climbing. But if you got a good friend that you can trust on the role that he/she play, go ahead. Few things though: try to limit to Duo queue because 3 stacks and above will match you with higher SR enemies. ( The statement is false, I’m an idiot) Second, 2 people in the duo queue should play diff. roles and try to stay flexible. Don’t go in a game and instalock double dps is basically what I’m trying to say. Other than that, carry on.


How much grinding was involved, like how many hours a day did you put in on average? I ask because I think I’m probably just not playing enough on my main account - I climb fairly steadily when I do, 60% win rate on my main, gain more SR on a win than I lose on a loss, but I just haven’t managed to break into higher brackets.

I spent 430~ hours through out the 2 years and 91 hours this season. I only played especially a lot this season because summer. If you gain more on wins than loss on losses it’s already a good sign that MMR is on your side. Keep it going ;3

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What would your top tips be? Ten, maybe more.

I burned through 10 matches in 1 day, got 3 losses, 1 draw, and 6 wins, got placed in 2027sr. Not too bad for a beginner like me, but I have had higher placements in previous seasons with less wins. I didn’t play last season, is there decaying involved maybe?
I played Orisa, Widow, Rein and McRee.
I think I always got silver elims with Widow and McRee.
What do you think I should improve to climb the SR ladder?
What goes into calculating SR in your opinion?
P.S I know I need to practice my aim a little more.

Ok here are my questions :smile:

  1. how long you were in silverbefore you started climbing

  2. what helped you most in your climbing journey?