Hi guys i need help getting out of bronze

Hi well as the title says im in bronze and i dont enjoy it because most of the times my team just isnt good or just fun too play with. today i played a game and started comunicating a bit more it went really good we won and i started another game went a bit worse but still fun we lost but yeah you cant win everything i took a little break and started another matches and lost im a bit over 1200 sr now and i wasnt the best i know that. but i really want to atleast enter silver again (i got placed at 1641) and i want too improve myself so if someone could maybe help me a bit?

im playing some rein atm, im not asking for carrying or anything i just want to get better at this game and get out of bronze because well im enjoying OW less because of it

sorry if my wording is a bit weird im not good at this :stuck_out_tongue:


+1 for wanting to improve and not asking for easy ways out.

  1. Look for a static 2-3 players to play with - that would definitely help.
  2. If (1) is not possible, do a LFG
  3. Improve on your personal play and at the moment, focus on staying alive
  4. Communicate more with your team - As you mentioned, it helped a lot
  5. On Losing streaks, quit the game for 10-30 minutes to calm down or even quit for the day
  6. Look to avoid playing on certain days and timings - it is somewhat proven when the trolls come out to play
  7. Learn at least 1 hero from each category, if not, just focus on heroes like Pharah and Moira or even Brigitte and Reaper
  8. MOST Important —> HAVE FUN, always.

Show vod I can give better tips

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thanks yeah about 7 i dont really have a main its always been for me that i play a character for a while like moira and then just move one to another although it doesnt really help because im not verry good with them but now i play rein and im trying to actually learn and gett better but yeah when im in a game with a team that doesnt comunicate or listens i play worse like and dont really comunicate which im trying to improve but i just need a little help but thank you

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My pleasure,LordZelron.

You can try asking these guys for more specific advice:


here are some highlights of today as rein i dont really record any

imgur. com/a/KdckCMC (remove the space)


thanks il check the discords out :smiley:

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I’m just going to say I’ve played comp for the last 12 seasons. Every season bronze. My best advice just learn to accept that is your home forever. There is no getting out of bronze.

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really how do you keep playing?

OK so playing tank unless you’re fragging out of your ballsack in bronze is asking to just die. So I suggest that you have a friend play Zarya with you or really just anyone that can enable you like an Ana or a Moria or a Brig, while you enable them. just try to get someone to help you while you help them and you’l do better.

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A couple questions for the OP:

  1. What fps do you play on? Mouse dpi and in-game sens?
  2. Do you play with headphones w/ surround sound?
  3. Are you familiar with rock paper scissor matchups for rein?
  4. What do you do after landing a shatter on multiple targets? (situational but a lot of rein players waste it by immediately charging the first person they see)
  5. Do you hold your shield up in hopes of your team getting a pick before walking up?
  6. Do you charge into the enemy team alone hoping to get a pick out of the bunch?
  7. Are you familiar with audio cues and reacting accordingly? (prob not worry about this now if you cant but can become a huge help)
  8. Heres a question on how you would play this out, your team is attacking 1st point on hanamura, they manage to secure 1 kill making it 6v5 and people in comms ask you to push in do you :
  • Charge through the gates straight to point
  • Walk your way up to point along with your team
  • Are already on point as you initiated the pick with a charge
  1. Minor one but do you play with music on? (Ingame or third party music like spotify or youtube vids?)
  2. Would you be willing to learn Winston in addition to Rein, if you want to main tank?
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Lol no, this is very bad advice.

Hey, I’ll send you a friend request and we can talk about the game from time to time.

I swear to god it’s not more fun in silver or gold either. People are just as clueless there, and will not play with you if you play Rein. They will run around the map doing a bunch of one-v-ones all over the place, putting 0 effort into actually synergizing with you.

Yes, this may sound a bit negative, but I think Blizzard should somehow tell people how to actually play this game.

I play on console. Yeah.

There’s a lot of counterplay there, if there’s a good rein on the other team, as soon as you shatter hold your shield up because he’ll know most reins just swing after shattering. If you look at amazing reins like Fissure and Fate if they don’t hit zen or zen had the reactions to pop trans before shatter they charge the trans away from the shatter so they can get value out of it. But in most circumstances it’s better to swing-firestrike-swing to get kills. Make sure you line up your firestrike with as many people as possible. Walk into the middle of the shatter and swing your hammer while spinning in a circle, it’ll do huge damage.

Charge if they can’t CC you and your team will follow up. A Rein in the backline is a serious problem.
Don’t ever ‘walk up to point’ get a lucio amp speed and rush through point, unless you’re facing a good team they won’t be able to react to a deathball that sped fast them that fast.

When i don’t care = not in comp.

You should learn Winston, but in reality in ranked you probably won’t need or want to use him, unless you’re playing at a mega-high level with great players that are communicating.