I need help getting out of gold

As a silver, play in a 6 stack with players above Lvl 100

Take control and do call outs. “Mercy can die” “Genji on the left” “Mccree up top”. “Rein has shatter, be careful”.

Just basic call outs like those will give your team a huge advantage over a team who isn’t communicating. Even if your team isn’t saying anything back, if they’re in voice chat and can hear you, it’ll help. Especially if you’re on D.va. Call out who you’re diving.

You’re bound to stay in gold with this mindset. It’s a team game. Yes you will get bad team mates once in a while, but it’s up to you, as a player, to make the most of it. The players who do, climb. Too much headache for me personally, but I wish you luck.

Its a mindset, not an actual representation of the game.

If you write off losses as entirely out of control, you aren’t improving. Nothing is stopping you from going widow or tracer and 1 v 6ing every fight. That obviously isn’t going to happen, but it highlights how you can always focus on getting better instead of shifting the blame onto others.

Literally no non-boosted GM player would ever have trouble climbing to atleast 3800 in under a week regardless or hero pick. Bronze to GM as Mercy is not a challenge for a Top 500 mercy main. Its your own fault for not climbing.

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One of the biggest things that got me out of plat was watching ultimates on both sides. The game revolves around ults so using too many at once might win you one fight but you will probably lose the next one. When in a teamfight no more than 3 ults should be used imo. Try to watch the enemies ults too. If the rein hasnt shattered yet and its been a while you should alert your team. Speaking of which use your mic if you have one. Its way better than the command wheel. Simple things to say is “Lets regroup guys, we can go in with nano, watch for shatter, tp is up” if you play symmetra. Hope these help.

One trick Brigitte, like everyone else did when she came out, you probably won’t get much past Masters, but it’s possible.

If you stop blaming your teammates, you will be better positioned to critically evaluate your own play. If you are unable to criticize your own play, there are people who will do that for you.

Here’s something you could do. Start recording your comp games and try to notice all the mistakes you make during the game. Remember those mistakes and try to fix them in the next games.

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Would you consider other tanks? I was able to climb into diamond with Zarya but you have to play her a little aggressive at least in chokes to build charge. I also used Soldier if you want to stick to DPS, since you play a lot of McCree and Ana, you might be able to follow/track with him but have more shots hit with the spraying/bursting weapon.

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This whole thread is people giving OP advice he asked for then OP shrugging it off since it isn’t what he wants to hear. If you had the skill of a diamond you would at the very least have no issue climbing to plat. The reality is OP you are making mistakes and playing poorly in ways that are keeping you out of diamond and even out of plat. You have to look at how you play and identify and fix what you’re doing wrong.


this worked for my friend but he started to play doomfist more on defense instead of attack, it got him out of plat.

I agree on this. Of course on some games it’s you AND some of your team, but there’s always room to improve in every single game. In lower ranks there’s no such a thing as performing perfectly, you’d be climbing eventually if that was the case.

I’m dipping between high gold/plat, mostly in low-mid plat. It’s because I can’t play better than that and I make a lot stupid mistakes. Not because sometimes there’s a leaver or someone decided to try Widow for the first time ever, those games happen to everyone. I don’t care about climbing, I only care about trying to do better and improve if I possibly can with time, and that’s what I recommend for everyone else to do aswell. Improving leads to the climb, not obsessing about the climb.

Why do you feel like you should be in low diamond? People who have the potential to climb, will indeed climb.


Stop caring about the number in your badge, and focus only in self improvement. If you become a better player, your SR will follow. Worrying about your SR number will only make you more nervous about each individual defeat, and not really enjoy any victory.

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Honestly just stay in gold your rank doesn’t matter and you’ll have more fun in lower ranks. Another alternative is just play a different game, that’s what I did, a recommendation is command and conquer generals it’s way better than StarCraft and is my favorite game ever it’s not to expensive you can buy it in the series pack for 20 bucks it comes with generals all the red alert and tiberium war games I highly recommend you check it out. It’s on Origin which kinda sucks but it’s worth it.

There is someone who is offering to review VODs and coaching advice for free:


Maybe you can consider asking him for some assistance.

Also, LeaF has a AMA on how to get from Silver to GM

Good fortunate in climbing the ladder.


If you want to quickly get out of gold, learn to play Brigitte Winston and Moira (it doesn’t take that long to learn considering you are already good with aim based heroes,) gold players don’t have the aim to shoot a bunny hop Moira or shield dance Winston or Brigitte pressing W.

If you want to self improve with your mains and nothing else, learn to accept constructive criticisms even if it s not what you want to hear. People will gladly help you out if you staying humble. Let pretend that you won’t be able to make it into plattinum this season or even the next, just play for improvement instead of hell-bent on climbing. Anxiety will always hinder your aim and game sense and make you play sub-optimal. This may sound counter intuitive but just play comp like you play QP, if it s a loss that s that and let move on to the next, no need to blame teammates and getting titled, if they are bad you may even be able to fight them the next games and get an easy win.

I’m sure you will be plat/diamond before you even know it.

For more specific tips, playing McCree /Ana you need to know their line up dps. Do they pose a threat to you? If they run snipers it s a hard matchup for McCree, so stay out of their line of sight and let the tanks deal with it, focus on protecting your healers and dissing out damage on their tanks. If they run flankers, your top priority is protecting your healers, kill their flankers first when they dive in 1 v 2 or 1v3(massively in your favor) then turn your attention back to front line. Farming ult with McCree is reliably fast too, in chaotic team fight that I can’t hit small targets, I shoot up the tanks and highnoon the squishes.

For Ana, if them flankers coming for you, stay closer to the front line or get high ground that takes time to access, be ready to drop down and run back to your team. Sometime (read majority of time) fighting back is not a good option, flankers already did their job if you lost attention to your front line, it s more productive to run toward the tanks, weaving around and make it harder for flanker to hit you while still healing your team. That way they wasted their dps without completing anything. If they run snipers stay safe in the back line and out of Los, with no threat to yourself you can throw nade into the brawl with restless abundance and will win the team fight Everytime. And quickscope with Ana too, any real Ana mains needs to do quickscope with easy.

Thanks for spreading the thread around, I appreciate it :grin:

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Thanks for spreading the word, I appreciate when people offer the advice I have to people who I might not reach otherwise. It’s a big help to everyone.

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youre either gold or you arent playing effectively enough to actually win games

My pleasure. Don’t mention it, Eon.

TS was seeking help and you are offering it.
Just networking, connecting the dots.

Be well, young sir.