I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

It’s mostly she isn’t strongly meta, and she lacks outplay potential.

It will always be their opinion and their game, if that’s your take we got nothing to talk about. If you don’t think your opinion as consumer matters then all this is completely pointless.

Nonetheless, they are adults capable of changing their minds. Hopefully they’ll come around eventually on the Valkyrie tweaks Mercy needs.

That is of course, if they actually think she’s fine, because they say that every month and yet Mercy keeps getting altered.

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Of course you can share your opinion and suggestions. They are reading the forum everyday but they make changes they think that are good for the game.
People always think it is easy to balance while it is actually very hard. Otherwise they won’t do balance updates anymore because these at the moment are perfect.

Mercy’s balance has been all over the place. It’s not the main issue with her. Lets all assume she’s perfectly 100% balanced and she’s so balanced the sun stopped to look and every game ever made from now on will be balanced around Mercy because she so balanced.

Valkyrie still garbage. And that won’t change without some tweaks.


Because it doesn’t matter if mass rez was unfun for almost everyone who ever played against it. All that matters is how much fun Mercy players have

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Because they can’t stand the fact their poor beloved hero is not meta.
The loud part of that “mercy main movement” are just angry OTP that are not able to play something else so they are crying louder and louder.

To me all that perpetual Mercy threads spamming on the forums and social medias is the exact same thing than the DeleteBrig thing : fully retarded movement.

Those movements are just taking all credibility away, I don’t really understand how people spamming a forum, people insulting people that don’t share the same point of view, people insulting a voice actress… All those people are in the same category.

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Thats entirely subjective though.
The problem is people asserting that Mercy is trash or Valk is trash like its a fact for some reason.
The forum is a place for people to be angry about something or complain. It makes sense most of what you see is angry people shouting.

Many people like valk.


Partly because people keep antagonizing Mercy players with posts like this.

Honestly, what was the point of this? There’s zero factual information here.


Almost everything in the game in subjective, so what? Does subjective mean it’s unreasonable now?

I have written much on the reasons Valkyrie is garbage. I just don’t throw that around for no reason.

That wasn’t the point lol
You seem to be throwing that statement around as if its 100% a fact, when its not.
You may have a strong feeling/believe about it, doesn’t matter.

I’d rather have Valk than Mass Res.
I wouldn’t mind another rework though or tweaks to valk.
AFTER OTHER HEROES who have been ignored have been looked at.

Because I had the conversation and the argument dozens of times and when a thread is opened with salt spewing crap - which I know it wasn’t you, but it sets the tone - I tend not to waste much energy on it.

If you’re so inclined so know one of the reasons Valk is garbage, I’ll just leave the link then (there’s a couple other issues, that’s the main one):

Like I sai, I’ve argued and reasoned about it quite a bit, I just don’t thrown “valk is garbage” around for nothing.


Mercy never been about pocketing, she was about helping whole team. And no one wanted moth meta, players wanted E ability.

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How about taking words out of context to try to make a point ? On a scale from 0 to 10 of retardness.

it wasn’t even out of context. you contradict yourself by using the r word (twice now) and complain about people insulting others for having a different opinion. which is what you are doing by calling posters the r word over making posts about mercy. smart.

well “r word movement”. but same thing really.

If that were true, then damage boost wouldn’t be the way it is. She is unfortunately chained to the “pocket support” niche by her design.

Guess there’s your answer then.

My only concern is her healing, it really makes her sooo much unfun to play for me… 50 hps just sucks…

Other than that I really enjoy Mercy’s play-style, which in fact got rather improved than nerfed. HUGE REZ Mercy couldn’t bunnyhop or superjump with GA.

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… you immediately answered your own question

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Her design isn’t chained to “pocket support”, but her numbers are: you simply won’t be able to sustain more players, and they have to be alive for damage boost to be useful. Plus she can’t heal and boost at the same time.

Being pocket healer is worst fate any healer can get, and it’s anti-teamwork way to play healer as well.