I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

And they did the same thing when they said they would never add a Deathmatch or free-for-all mode. Yet they did.

So, they can change their minds.

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No literally count how many Mercy players are happy with it. Its too easy to use even by Mercy’s standards and thusly makes it boring to use so Mercy has no ultimate to look forward to. People will tell you, but pistol is great!.. How many people that play Mercy want to use her pistol? They play Mercy so they don’t have to. Its mockingly called a DPS ultimate, because at this point it is one.


I’m a T500 Mercy one trick who thinks Mercy is pretty balanced. I think in and of herself she is pretty balanced, but other heroes are just too strong (ex- zarya). With the massive amount of changes coming to the ptr, Mercy will definitely be in a better spot (it’s hard to be in a worse one in this meta). Very damage-boostable heroes are getting buffed, and tanks have received nerfs over the month. This will bring more dps into the meta, and this is good because the current tank-dominated meta isn’t good for mercy to be healing. Especially with the addition of Baptiste, Mercy will be in a great spot (imagine rez with immortality. Scared?)

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oh my god junkrat is a buff to mercy guys lets pack our stuff everybody’s happy now

edit: your post just validates your statement in the title

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Lets see…

  • Poorly distributed power budget, her kit isn’t really about balance it’s mostly about making sure Rez isn’t overtuned due to it taking up an insane amount of her power budget

  • This plays into the first one but Valk doesn’t really have that ultimate feel other ults do

  • GA is buggy at times

  • Baptiste being added to the game sure doesn’t really help since he does everything better than her but mobility, he’s got some strong AoE heals, proactive protective ability which is very nice, interesting ultimate which is a pretty unique mechanic to have in the game while also having some good damage potential.

  • Just flat out overshadowed by the other healers but PTR changes might help somewhat.


“Ashe is a buff to mercy”
“Baptiste is a buff to mercy”
“Junkrat is a buff to mercy”



Remember that if a hero a person doesn’t use gets curbstomped, they’re “balanced c:”

If it helps at all, I dislike these “character x is a buff to character y” lines as well


Thanks, at least we have something that we agreed at.

thats happened twice tonight

I need to get a lottery ticket fast

Then buy it, i hope you win something.

I can’t speak for everyone, but it kind of sucks when your ultimate takes away the two things that makes your character fun to play: juggling targets and movement between people.

I am not the biggest fan of free flight, but I know I’ll never be able to win this fight. The fact that her beam spreads out though is pretty lame (in my opinion). For damage beam its fine enough, but having spread heals is not enjoyable. I’d rather they get rid of spread beam (either both or just heal) and add a higher hps for it (or if both spread beams are gone, a slight buff to the damage beam. Maybe 40%?). On top of spread removing the amount of juggling needed, it goes against her optimal team set up. She does best when her team is spread out (allows her to dodge. If the team is grouped together, its better to just pick an AoE healer like Lucio or Moira), but her ult makes it in order to use it optimally they have to be clumped together. It feels really weird to want your teammates to have some distance between each other, but once you ult you want everyone together.

Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion, but I feel like this would be better. We already have 4 other AoE healing ults (Ana and now Baptiste being the only heroes that don’t), I don’t see why Mercy’s needs to be one too. Why not have a support ult that does good healing for just one target?


Given your stated preference for juggling targets, have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

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im Sorry but please stop saying “this mercy is way better than old mercy/more engaging/etc” then follow with:

“Fun is subjective so saying she isn’t fun isn’t important”


So you’re saying the only thing Mercy lost was her carry potential and that’s why the people who say she isn’t fun anymore are saying that?

Because that’s pretty nuts, that means there’s nothing wrong with mercy as is, (which there isn’t imo) and the people who want her buffed simply miss being the centre of attention as the superstar healer.

In other words, since she can STILL do all the things she ever could do except 60hps, and the only thing that changed because of that slight hps drop is her “carry potential”, that would mean that the mercy mains crying for buffs aren’t accepting that she’s now balanced because they’re just upset that they can’t shine as bright as they used to. :thinking:

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Right? I still don’t get why people complain about her play style. She has always been a heal bot, and that’s what people liked about her. She’s the most popular hero in the game and has been for a long time, for crying out loud. Her play style hasn’t changed at all since realease but suddenly it’s a problem. It hurts my brain…


Roughly speaking, there are two large groups of Mercy mains who want to see changes to her.

The first group are people who don’t currently find her fun to play. Many of them picked her up during her mass res days and miss that play style. They often want to see her get an ability that allows her to make large plays. I don’t want to say much about this group, since I don’t hold this opinion.

The second group (which I fall into) are people that want to see balance tweaks to Mercy precisely because they DO find her fun.

The game currently has three (soon to be four) main healers. Their play styles are wildly different and tend to appeal to different people. There are many people in the game who enjoy Mercy’s main healer play style far more than any other hero’s play style. She’s rather unique, and no other hero plays quite like her.

The problem with Mercy starts with the fact that she has two play styles - main healer and pocket healer. The main healer play style is much more engaging and fun, but since the hps nerf it’s not quite effective enough. Specifically, Mercy can struggle playing the main healer alongside an off healer in a comp with two tanks. This is a test every main healer should be able to pass.

When Mercy was too dominant the devs kept on nerfing her until only the pocket healer style was viable (at least in higher ranks). Mercy players in the second group tend to want to see some balance tweaks that enable her main healer play style more.

They don’t want her to be dominant, but they don’t want the devs to call it a day when the hero isn’t quite finished yet. It’s very clear that the devs view her as a main healer (they’ve said so repeatedly), she just needs a bit more so she can fit well into this role. This could come in several forms. The simplest is an hps increase, but it could also be more indirect (say, by giving ult charge for successful resurrections and more ult charge for damage boost).


Why should Blizzard change Mercy when they think she is fine? Its their opinion and their game.

  1. Because she was nerfed a stupid number of times all in a row with few to no buffs
  1. Because she’s now a niche pick instead of being useful in most situations like she used to be.
  1. (I can’t speak for everyone on this) But as far as I know, most that are frustrated about Mercy find Valk to be the least “engaging” ultimate in the game, and the most underwhelming.

  2. The rework was not asked for by Mercy players, but we got stuck with it anyway.

  3. When Mercy players tried to give honest, constructive feedback about the constant nerfs, they always either got ignored, or sent to the Mercy megathread to die…and that’s still what the devs / blizzard are doing. Pretty much any feedback about Mercy that is not “she’s fine / balanced” is utterly ignored, trashed, or both.

  4. For me at least, the Mercy nerfs are part of a growing trend of blizzard making the game way harder for newcomers & casuals. Mercy is one of the easiest heroes to play, and got nuked. Symmetra had a pretty useful lock on primary fire, but of course that got removed in the Sym rework. Brigitte is also pretty easy to play, but got nuked just like Mercy did (though I will agree the first few nerfs were needed, but they have gotten out of hand). Reaper got buffed twice fairly recently, and is not one of the easier heroes. Armor got nerfed, which is basically a nerf to all tanks (Some of which are easy enough to play). Blizzard keeps trying to delete the goats meta, mostly because of tryhards crying that it’s “boring” or “too easy to play” or something like that…

All that to say, blizzard caters to the pros, the top 1-2% of competitive players, and the tryhards. But the casual players, or those who are new and inexperienced? They get pushed aside as if they don’t matter.
All the other reasons aside, this alone is reason enough to be “upset”. And as I said above, there’s plenty of other reasons.

As far as I’m concerned, when the devs can show they actually care about players that don’t have high skill, when they buff Mercy enough to make her meta worthy again, add in new heroes / abilites that don’t really require aim (or bring back old ones), when the game has a balance between both competitive and casual, high skill and low skill players…
THAT’s when I’ll be willing to drop the matter. But not a minute sooner.


I agree but that being said and as someone who doesn’t play her much i think it would be nice if they buffed her healing back to 60hp, i can never agree to nerfing the one part of the mercy’s kit that wasn’t changed in the rework, also it wasn’t really justified, she was mostly balanced before that healing nerf they gave her.