I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

She was niche also with her mass res. But being niche she was able to make game changing.

This is why


flying ult hardly increases Mercy’s impact on the game
Are you able to save your allies in a graviton?
Is it capable of bursting a tank more than half of its life?
Do you have the ability to give a strong combo with other skills?
Does it make a lot of impact well well well managed?

we only have left if the ability is able to open a window to do a bestial push to your team, which is true, but Lucio, Zen or even Moira do it much better

which is the only one that accelerates the damage to all allies? Baptiste can do 100% instead of a simple 30% and his heroic skill loads faster

again, Mercy does not have anything of its own that makes it a special support, only one ress every 30 seconds, which, can not be used in the middle of a teamfight

Mercy according to the statistics of Overbuff, in the high ranges it is the fifth place among the healers.


Nothing. Like seriously.

An entitled group of specific people does not represent the opinions or behavior of all Mercy players.

Ignore them, there is nothing wrong with Mercy.


Nerfs and buffs don’t just happen because the devs are feeling omnipotent, they happen because numbers show nerfs or buffs are warranted. They didn’t all just gang up on Mercy for no reason, they felt she was so game changing that she was a must pick, and a must pick in a class-based team game is not good.

You’ve just outlined exactly why nerfs were warranted, she was a must pick in all situations or most situations. Ana was buffed out of F-tier and became many people’s new go-to healer, yet she doesn’t really work with the current Goats meta. Should she buffed because she’s not as viable in this meta, or is it understood that she just doesn’t and shouldn’t work in every situation? Because it seems like Ana mains accept that she’s not gonna work in every match, but Mercy mains for some reason feel entitled and hard done by and won’t rest until Mercy is back in every single match.

Again, not every ultimate needs to be a game changing flashy spectacle. Mercy’s ultimate IS powerful even if it doesn’t feel or look like it. See also: Orisa’s, Tracer’s, Brigitte’s, Widowmaker’s, Symmetra’s, McCree’s, and Soldier’s ultimates.

Very few mains of a hero want or ask for their hero to be reworked when said hero is a strong, game-changing must pick. Of course Mercy mains didn’t want her reworked because they knew in their heart of hearts that she was hella strong and easily the star of any team. Nerfs to your favourite heroes are never going to be welcomed if that nerf takes away some of the wow factor. See also: Tracer pulse bomb, DVa DM, Doomfist’s entire kit, Hanzo scatter, Soldier dmg, Roadhog hook, Brigitte’s whole life.

Could this possibly be because numbers show that she is fine for the devs? Because maybe buffing her at all will put her back up in the must pick category and reworking her would undermine everything that makes her unique and special? Isn’t it also possible that they ARE working on buffs or changes for her that are within reason, and that maybe the Mercy camp is a touch pushy and whiny when it comes to this issue with their me, me, me-now, now, now attitude?

Nothing about Mercy’s playstyle has changed, not one thing. Everything she could do at launch she can still do AND more. The only thing that’s changed is h/ps and she can no longer solo carry and be the superstar healer of the game. Her kit is still and has always been very uncomplicated and newbie friendly while still offering challenges as the players and those playing with and against them improve. The game and the heroes can’t be balanced around newbies alone, and changes definitely should not be made to cater those with the lowest experience and the most basic grasp of how the game works.

Everything you’ve said in your post reeks of entitlement and selfishness. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, everything has to be about whether Mercy is fun or how Mercy isn’t game changing or how Mercy can’t carry anymore. This is the reason Mercy mains get treated the way they do. Because they behave like spoiled brats, unwilling to see that it’s not all about them and only focusing on what their hero USED to be able to do rather than what they can still and have always done well.

I mained Mercy when I first started. I still like Mercy. I still use Mercy. I’ve simply accepted that she has to share the spotlight now with others. As it should be.

But this isn’t a lot of people.
If 40 million accounts were sold, then these forums are a tiny representation.

Even if the forums had a *%&/show about Mercy being “unfun” AND “weak”- Blizzard could still see her statistics.

If a character is balanced they don’t like to change them too much.
Balance > Fun

Is fun important? Yes.
But if a character is performing good based on internal statistics, there’s no reason to change them “for fun”.
You don’t make changes in a business “for fun”.

Is the Mercy community here on the forums very vocal? Yes. Like D.Va and Sombra and Symmetra’s communities are.

But D.Va, Sombra, and Symmetra all had (some still have) balance issues. So they’re still being tweaked.

Mercy doesn’t have those balance issues apart from a few bugs.
Just people wanting her to be drastically changed “for fun”.

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It feels kind of like a compromise between those that like spread and those that don’t. Part of me likes it cause compromises is my main way I like handling conflict, but part of me also wants to see Mercy with an ult that focuses on one target only (ala Ana’s, but less powerful and a bit more flexibility)

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Because using my ultimate to do the same things I can do without it, but in more complex ways is boring.
Because making the mechanically hero, flat out easier across all aspects of her gameplay is boring.
Her ultimate should give her something else to think about outside of her normal beam mechanics, etc and if they want to stick with beam mechanics and give them chains, then they should give her more control over the beams and cause her to choose sacrifices when manually chaining.

EG. She gets one beam upon ult, with a key she can look and toggle extra beams around but she chooses to split one strong beam into a lower amount, so she has control and autonomy over her beams.

Giving her more to think about makes her a challenging and engaging hero - Raising her skillceiling.
Without taking away from her mechanical ease of use - Her skill floor remains low and leaves her accessible to even people with hand injuries, etc.


Play her and you’ll see.

Because they got used to be meta for more than a year, countering team wipes and turning matches who were 100% guaranteed loss with an Broken/OP ult that was attached to the most brain-dead/autopilot character ever made.

Thanks to her 2 CP maps were (and sometimes ) a nightmare specially the attack side.

fUn Is sUbJeCtiVe…
Same kind of people who winned when mercy had mass rez saying it was unFUN to play against. Was fun subjective then?



Ok so this isn’t a good argument, end of discussion. Mercy is less fun now than she used to be and that is what most mercy mains feel when they complain on forum because she used to be more fun even when she was weak.

There’s no longer that press Q to undo everything button, that a lot of players loved.

It’s not about the balance. It’s not about fun. It’s not about any other garbage excuse they bring to the table.

It all has to do with mass res. They miss hiding in a room and then showing up and undoing a highly coordinated enemy move with a press of a button.

sure it wasn’t effective in higher ranks because they either kept backup ults available for post res, or killed mercy before she could res. But for others, this was that game changing moment.

They don’t want balance. They want that game changer.


The statement I replied to said there was nothing remarable about Mercy. My reply mentioned things I find remarkable about Mercy. I don’t see the above statement as relating to that

Factually, rez can be used successfully in the middle of a teamfight



I’ve done it many, many times; and have watched other matches at low medium and high tiers of play where this is accomplished repeatedly as well

Imo, Overbuff is a highly innaccurate and incomplete source of data

That aside, the statement i replied indicated that Mercy is only viable at low tier play, and I don’t find the statement above to be related to this statement

yes and no!

i know! like i said in that post mercy performs well enough i won’t deny that but she has problems
before you say these sentences are contradictory let me explain
let’s say someone performs well enough at their job they get a decent amount of money and they live comfortably but they are antisocial to everyone else they look normal but in actuality they are very much not normal they have problems!

i don’t want buffs, i want a rework!

eh superstar healer aren’t the words i’d use but nowadays mercy rarely gets to have her moment to shine

i wasn’t comparing the current mercy to 60 hp/s mercy i was comparing her to mercy 1.0 and mercy 2.0 (and no i don’t want mass rez back i just said it to make a comparison and i’m fully aware that they had to nerf mercy 2.0 but they didn’t have to take the route they did)
with mercy 1.0 you’d nudge the odds in your favor a little bit if you knew what you were doing (she was very effective when playing close games and not really anywhere else because you were either winning by a lot or you were losing by a lot and rezzing even 5 people at a time wasn’t going to change that and don’t tell me it wasn’t like that i played 100 hrs of comp during mercy 1.0)
with mercy 2.0 it was just absurd i played one game on the ptr broke my rez record and i felt like whenever i pressed Q i just couldn’t lose because no one was going to die on my team and again i’m aware that they had to nerf that monster!

sobs leave britney alone… i mean minty… i mean mercy!
again not buffs!

we know that she’s balanced or at least i do
but yes you’re correct i want my moment to shine
just like how dva gets to shine when she bombs 4 people
just like how orisa gets to shine when she pulls 2 people off the map
just like how rein gets to shine when he shatters the whole team
just like how roadhog gets to shine when he throws 2 people off the map with his ult
just like how the ball gets to shine when people randomly run into his bombs
just like how fully charged zarya annihilate the whole enemy team
just like how ashe… i mean bob gets to shine when he contests the point and kills 3 people
just like how bastion gets to shine when he holds left click
just like how df gets to shine when he jumps around juggles people and kills them
just like how hanzo gets to shine when he presses Q when he hears “fire at will”
just like how jrat gets to shine when he tires a payload while they’re on overtime
just like how mccree gets to shine when he gets a 3 man high noon
just like how mei gets to shine when she walls 3 people off and presses Q and afterwards… tactically spams crouch
just like how pharah gets to shine when she concussive blasts behind their orisa shield, ults, gets 4 kills and by some miracle survives
just like how reaper gets to shine when he goes behind them and presses Q
just like how soldier gets to shine when he presses Q and ana presses Q too
just like how sombra gets to shine when she nullifies a beat
just like how sym gets to shine when she teleports her whole team out of grav
just like how torb… okay maybe not torb…
just like how tracer gets to shine when she gets a double with her ult
just like how widow gets to shine when she headshots three people in a row
just like how ana gets to shine when she sleeps their nano blade
just like how brig gets to shine when she stuns an ulting mccree or hog or nullifies rein’s charge
just like how lucio gets to shine with a well timed beat or when he boops people off the map
just like how moira… okay maybe not moira…
or just like how zen gets to shine when he chain headshots someone across the map with his right click
or maybe you’re just against mercy being able to shine :thinking:


I don’t know of any valid evidence to support a claim that such complaints are a majority

hey dodo! missed ya!

Alright buddy show me ONE, just ONE Mercy main that wholeheartedly enjoy the moth meta. No one enjoyed it, not even us. We hated the fact that she was broken and that WE (!!!) were the ones that took the blame for it, eventhough it was the rest of the community that caused the rework in the first place. Yes, we found her fun with her first ultimate but to say that we enjoyed her absolutely broken state during 1.0 Valk is just straight up lying.