I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

I find both free flight and resurrection to be pretty remarkable, myself.


Factually, Mercy is not required to be stationary while performing rez

The player piloting her can certainly choose for her to remain motionless, but under most circumstances, I wouldnt recommend it

There is a crowd of Symmetra mains in the lobby who say they wish to have a word with you…


Sym has gone through a lot, actually probably more than Mercy. I wasn’t trying to say they haven’t, just that every community has different experiences. My bad.


Because she was balanced with 60hps healing, but then they decided to nerf it to 50hps to enforce changes in the main support role which made her statistically one of the worst heroes in the history of OW and then they didn’t even come half way back on the nerf only reverting her Valkyrie’s healing back. Currently Mercy is only viable in lower tiers where players can’t play Ana up to her realistic potential or when Pharah is played (which is a rare niche) and in high tier gameplay Ana simply outheals Mercy so she’s plain underpowered right now.

When you take a balanced hero that didn’t need any changes and give them a rework that makes them totally OP and then nerf them into the ground into a much weaker and unfun hero, theres good reason why people complain.


This is not the reason the devs stated for the change when the change was released

Mercy is played successfully and impactfully at all tiers, including top 500; and she is also selected in meaningful pro matches.

As such, I think it is fairly apparent that she is viable in all tiers, including but not limited to the highest tiers of play

She isn’t fun but I have to play her so make her OP pleeeeez


I specifically remember people started saying she was no longer fun previous to that. I mean you can say you believe they didnt start until then and I can say the opposite, but we’ll never really no. But I (as a player of Mercy) thought she wasnt fun LONG before that.

What? How can something always be broken when it was literally underpowered at one point. That makes zero sense. I guarantee if they brought back Multi Rez with no invulnerability now it would be considered bad again.

Now you’re just being rude. Just because some people take this more seriously than you doesn’t mean you have to insult them. Who are you to be critical of what people are passionate about?


Prior to the -10hps change it was the same Mercy it always was, just GA got bunnyhop and you had rez on E.

So it’d seem that for some the fun was concentrated in the ult and the swing potential, and the rest of Mercy was not fun for them to begin with.



Obviously since that would be highly controversial, but here’s what they stated in the patch notes:

Developer Comments: Mercy’s previous healing output made her nearly irreplaceable in any team composition. Even after this change she will still be able to deliver more healing over the course of a match than any other support hero, but it should allow for other healers to be more viable.

Or as I stated before they thought that the issue was her consistent healing output compared to other supports when she was played because she had the highest synergy out of all the heroes in the Grav+dragon meta. She also wasn’t able to deliver more healing over the course of a match than any other support hero nor is she able to do it even when they buffed her after the changes. Statistically she’s been underpowered ever since that 50hps change hit live.

Sure when there’s a Phamercy niche to play like I already said, but even that doesn’t seem to be a good strategy on average as their winrates are below average and even pro teams switching off her when the match progresses. I don’t think you have that much experience about the pro scene if you’re just speaking generally about her seeing some play at some point without knowing that her gameplay hasn’t been a success there.

In high tier gameplay or GM to be specific her pickrate’s about 4% which also fits into the Phamercy niche with the addition of being either the most or the second most mained hero in the whole game competing with only Genji. That being said there are plenty of Mercy mains who climbed up to GM MMR in her viable days but have been falling off as her winrate is the lowest amongst all the supports during last month and only topped by Moira on average during either last week or 3 months who is by far the least played support due to her short range healing and D.va being present whenever she’s in a game.

What I think is that she can be played in high tier, but it’s a huge enough liability overall without her Phamercy niche that calling her viable seems rather absurd considering how much worse your team’s chances at victory are when placed against an Ana or the triple off healer comp.

Insert “A buff for other heroes isn’t a buff for Mercy argument” here.

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The main issue I believe people have with Mercy is that she got a rework that their mains didn’t ask for and it was more to appease the people complaining about Mass Rez (which historically made her underpowered - C or D tier), and then afterward she got hit with nerf after nerf so her mains had to work with some new limitation every two weeks or so.

Then, they had decided to try to compromise and suggest that they either nerf her output or buff other healers’ outputs. Instead, they did both when in reality, only one of those was probably needed.

Ironically enough, there are plenty of abilities and ults on live that can counter Rez.

RIP-Tire, Self Destruct, Molten Core, Minefield, Hack, EMP, Shield Bash, you get the idea.

She went from a healer that was underpowered but unfun to play against to a healer that is balanced but unfun to play as for a lot of people. She’s essentially back to her beta build, just with a few bells and whistles attached. Her healing was buffed to 60HP/s before because she couldn’t keep up with Ana. So I don’t think her healing was an issue.

Then there’s also the fact that those Mercy mains want her to have some impact on her own. That’s why they tend to not accept statements like “X hero is a buff to Mercy” because they want her to be more than just a pocket. If anything, she shouldn’t have to just pocket the carry DPS, but “pocket” the entire team, so to speak.

It may be “small” compared to how many people play this game, but it’s still a large enough sample size to see some trends - that pockets in each group, not just Mercy mains, but other support mains, tank mains, and DPS mains all believe that Mercy is unfun to play as and needs something. Still doesn’t change Blizz or pros’ thoughts, sure, but it showed that it’s not just Mercy mains that think she’s unfun.

There was some fun in the swing potential, sure, but I think the -10hps nerf was the last straw for many because her healing output was never an issue in the past. So why nerf something that wasn’t a problem? And now, with her 50hps, she’s in the same boat as the other sustain heroes like Bastion and Soldier. Ever since dive fell, it’s just been burst, burst, and more burst. The game doesn’t have a place for her and the other sustain heroes anymore because the past few metas have been nothing but burst.

Her interactions with Ana changed since her rework too. Before, in S2 and S3, you could play Mercy and be fine. People preferred Ana, but if you could only play Mercy, the team worked around it. You were able to climb with Mercy just as well as you could Ana despite Ana still being meta.

But now? On ladder, the mindset is very much a case of “You better play the meta supports or you’re throwing.” Back in dive, nobody wanted an Ana and if you picked Ana you were throwing because we need that Mercy/Zen combo. The same thing is happening now. People generally don’t want a Mercy on their team. They’d want Ana/Zen or some similar combo because that’s what is meta. When before, people didn’t prefer Mercy, but they still worked with her. But that mindset is probably an issue all on its own.


I dont know of any valid statistics that back up such a claim.

I find 50HPs/s to be fine, and I almost always get gold healing when there is a second healer on the team - any healer

Most of the videos I have watched of high level mercy play do not involve a pharmercy combination. These players are succeeding with Mercy played as a main healer, healing the team as a whole, not focusing on any one teammate

Many of them are rising playing Mercy, and I dont think that’d generally be possible if their winrates are below average

Putting aside whether the 4% figure is accurate or not, a 4% pickrate (or any pickrate) does not mean that Mercy is being used in a certain way. All it means is Mercy is being picked with x frequency, not how she is being used once picked

And yet, players are succeeding and even climbing with her in the highest ranks…with or without Pharmercy…I think thats a pretty clear indication that she is a viable character at those ranks

I just hate how E rez makes you sit there while at the mercy of the enemy team.

I have no issues with Valk.

Factually, Mercy is not required to “sit there” while performing rez.

The player piloting Mercy can indeed choose to have her remain motionless, but this isnt a choice I’d recommend under most circumstances

Let me rephrase:

I hate how E rez heavily restricts your movement.




I agree. Mercy goes very well with bunker comps in which she can safely rez key targets to keep the fight in her favor and boost the main damage dealer.

Bastion might just become meta with Mercy and Baptiste working so well with him considering Orisa got a significant buff and she’s the most adequate tank for this type of comp.

Heroes that also do well within bunker comps like junkrat and somehow McCree also received buffs so we’ll see how this goes but I’m fairly certain Baptiste and the other PTR changes are gonna do wonders for Mercy.


Yet Mercy’s original rework was based on how unfun it was to play against.


As a Symmetra main i think that i should understand Mercy mains, but for some reason i can’t.