I miss the hero called Symmetra (1.0 & 2.0) 😔

I remember Sym 1.0, they change that perfect Symm because “Is nit finny”

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I have a POTG of old Sym that I watch from time to time, and it always makes me pine for the days of old Sym.


YIKES. That’s actually tragic.


yet before the meta 3.0 stayed the 2nd least played hero and dropped in both pick rates AND win rate. Saying that doesn’t matter is extremely delusional. Stop.


i’ll post a potg i had with symmetra when the game first came out, i was excited that i got one with symmetra

you’ll have to excuse the choppyness and low rez, but thats me, doing some good ole flankin
i know her lock on was cheap and made me feel dirty, but man was it fun

also i laugh at lucios death scream, its like perfect sync with the potg ending


Her rework deletion pretty much told me that the two years I spend mastering her kit were thrown out of the window, and thus there was no reason for me to invest that heavily in any further personal development, since I’m an average player that have no desire to climb up the ladder.

So, I stopped recording my games, watching them back to fix out my mistakes, and study more about the game strategy in general. And without this fire of improvement pushing me to become better, the game became very stale to me.

After that point, I was basically only playing when friends invited, and mostly playing on autopilot instead of being the pro-active shotcaller I used to be. At least I still had my big hero pool to let me cover for any team formation my team would like to play.

(Then role queue removed even that from me, but not the point of the thread)

The day Symmetra died was the day I started to honestly consider quitting the game. I did it once. I’m currently doing it again (Probably will come back for Junkenstein and other PvE events). And honestly, anything other than a Symmetra reversal, or Echo release with an approximate gameplay of Sym 2.0 will never bring me back.

I still reference my personal buff list now and then. Especially when people like to parrot that “there was not way to buff her in a healthy manner”.

People said she was too passive and boring to play, but that heavily dismiss the ones that enjoyed her because of her strategical gameplay that relied on micromanagement and preparation instead of being able to point-and-click with their reticle. Especially for those like me, who never were big FPS fans in the first place. One of the major reasons I joined Overwatch (and TF2 before) was because it was a team-based objective-focused game where you don’t rely on aiming to be a good asset to your team.


To be fair, Sym 1.0 was panic nerfed during the beta, and the dev team didn’t had enough time to tinker with her before the announced release date. She was… incomplete.

Which is why the Sym 2.0 rework was the best rework ever done in this game. One that retained the original gameplay of the character, and improved upon their weakest points while retaining their identity.

Sym 1.0, however, would be a great starting point if the devs wanted to turn her into a “healer support” instead of a “beambot DPS”. They just had to recover the old Photon Shield and make it heal somewhat like Brigitte’s old Repair pack, with temporary decaying shield as overhealing.

And I still stand that Shield Generator was probably the most OP ultimate in this game, and severely underrated. Overhealing breaks so much balance math that people only started to notice it on Brigitte because she had DOUBLE of the potency of Shield Gen at her launch (ie, they made an OP mechanic even worse). The thing charged so fast that it didn’t really mattered when the enemy broke it because you would have another one ready to deploy at the end of the next teamfight. And it was absurdly easy to notice Tracer or Dva flanking into it, and you could warn your team to push 6v5 on the enemy team in exchange for your ult.


Also back in the days the idea of a support that cannot actually heal at all was interesting, and opened up the door for a lot of ideas in regards to indirect support.


Think I can tell you, why Blizzard is doing that.

Tanks and supports are multipliers of DPS force. But what happens, when 2 DPS clash in fight, and one has tanks/supports by their side? They win, even if their skill level is lower.

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I remember shield gen, Torb and Brigitte love equaling in immortal Tracer.

It was fun though, unlike 222


Which is perfectly fine, when you remember, that it’s coordinated effort of buffing one hero to broken level. Just like stacking up healers on tank, allowing one to endure nearly anything.


Exactly, that what made the game fun.

5 tanks + Lucio was very stupid idea. But it was fun. And people did that.

It kinda like PUBG - weapon spawn was really, really random long ago. It was annoying, but it was fun also.
Now you got machine guns everywhere. Game lost its very special feel


And sometimes it even worked.

Even in TF2, it’s usually one player carrying everyone to victory, having their own, personal healer, usually best Medic in the team. Rest follow their lead.

And battle of 2 carrying players from opposite teams is like clash of titans: everyone just stop fighting and watch that battle of duos.

Oh lord


I much prefer new sym personally :grinning:

This is the real source of the Sym angst. They want that which should have never been in game.

For you sym mains you never think about BALANCE, you can’t f*cking compare her to herself, there are 30 other heroes in case you didn’t know.

A ranged secondary who goes through barriers isn’t “unique” but straight up UNBALANCED…

A primary who locks on target just destroys the base of a game like overwatch that relies on the fact that people will eventually make mistakes (f*ck moira btw who destroys this logic with her dumb kit)

I haven’t read the whole thing but just by reading those i can see how some players don’t even care about the game being fair.

i dont miss her : )

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This is some big brain satire.


I still think Sombra should had been released as the second non-healer support instead of being shoved into Offense for two reasons.

First, because it would signal very clearly that she was not “another flavor of Tracer” and being immediately dismissed when she couldn’t flank and burn a target down like Tracer do.

Second, to strength their argument that support do not mean healer, solidifying their argument by giving more characters to point for that besides Symmetra. Just like how Wrecking Ball solidified the “tank do not mean barrier”, which was a common argument to dismiss Roadhog as a tank.

IMO, backing off from the non-healer support options just made more difficult for them to add unique supports into the game.


True, Sombra could have been a damn decent support. And in a way she already is, she protects the backline far better than Brigitte does after she got nerfed, and her healing from hacked packs is not to be underestimated.

Tweak her stats a bit, maybe replace her teleporter with another support-ish ability, and they could have a damn cool defensive support that heavily discourages flanking your team.