ive been working on my own 1-3-2 gamemode, and, despite the fact that no one joins my custom games, (srsly why does nobody join ) so ive struggled to get proper tests, ive been using bots to try it out, and honestly i feel like 1-3-2 would solve the problems with the game right now,
I get it, when released, 1-3-2 was not the most balanced thing ever, buffing 1 or 2 abilities of one or two tanks wont make it balanced like in our experiment, itĀ“d need heavy balance changes, like in my own version ive changed like half the total roster, all the tanks have gotten buffs, and a bunch of DPS have gotten nerfs, i even reworked a few characters into different roles,
but frankly:
Litearally nobody wants to play tank right now, tank players are tired of getting CCd like crazy, and getting completly destroyed by all heroes in the DPS roster,
1-3-2 not only solves the queue time issue (DPS have over-demand, and Tanks have Under-Demand, this is adapting to our current situation) but also can be used to solve the CC issue,
with 1-3-2, you can buff the heck out of tanks, you can add a blanket 50% CC reduction on all tanks and it would be balanced simply due to the power tanks will need to be ran solo,
You can also buff barriers with 1-3-2, because again, solo tanks, you wont have to worry about broken tank combos like doubleshield or zarya rein, meaning that these characters will no longer throttle eachothers balance, no need to worry about all this stuff anymore
i really feel like its the perfect solution, the reason a lot of negativity was arround the mode was because it just wasnt balanced properly, half the tank roster wasnt doing too good in that mode simply because the design choices werent enough for them to solo