I feel like we should re-try 1-3-2

ive been working on my own 1-3-2 gamemode, and, despite the fact that no one joins my custom games, (srsly why does nobody join :frowning: ) so ive struggled to get proper tests, ive been using bots to try it out, and honestly i feel like 1-3-2 would solve the problems with the game right now,

I get it, when released, 1-3-2 was not the most balanced thing ever, buffing 1 or 2 abilities of one or two tanks wont make it balanced like in our experiment, itĀ“d need heavy balance changes, like in my own version ive changed like half the total roster, all the tanks have gotten buffs, and a bunch of DPS have gotten nerfs, i even reworked a few characters into different roles,

but frankly:

Litearally nobody wants to play tank right now, tank players are tired of getting CCd like crazy, and getting completly destroyed by all heroes in the DPS roster,

1-3-2 not only solves the queue time issue (DPS have over-demand, and Tanks have Under-Demand, this is adapting to our current situation) but also can be used to solve the CC issue,

with 1-3-2, you can buff the heck out of tanks, you can add a blanket 50% CC reduction on all tanks and it would be balanced simply due to the power tanks will need to be ran solo,

You can also buff barriers with 1-3-2, because again, solo tanks, you wont have to worry about broken tank combos like doubleshield or zarya rein, meaning that these characters will no longer throttle eachothers balance, no need to worry about all this stuff anymore

i really feel like its the perfect solution, the reason a lot of negativity was arround the mode was because it just wasnt balanced properly, half the tank roster wasnt doing too good in that mode simply because the design choices werent enough for them to solo


I hope the next experimental is either

A: 1-3-2 with support and dps changes
B: Big balance patch


I guess I could try it again. I still think itā€™ll make tanking awful, but Iā€™m so totally fed up with tanking I think I might be done with it permanently, and I play DPS a lot more.


thats a video of someone eating


No thank you!


Huh, funny since Triple DPS existed since ā€¦ 2017? and has been proven to be successful many times (Shangai beating Vancouver for example).

Yeah we should allow that set up and play against 222 dudes that are locked, the results would be hilarious :smiley:

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What? Troll video about 132?


i think so

unless he posted the wrong one

You really want Reinhard to be the only tank in the game huh

As someone who plays a lot of tank, I have absolutely no interest in solo tanking just so dps players can get better que times.


We get it, you want people to watch your videos.

man in 132 when we last tried it winston, zarya, orisa were killing it in that mode. winston was amazing you didnā€™t need a dva to baby sit you everytime you jumped and could actually take damage and pose a threat. I donā€™t know why everyone said they hated 132 it was an awesome mode.


Tbh, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it instead becomes 1-2-2.


well but then thats not fixing the DPS queue times is it? weĀ“d revert to the state we were before the recient tank player drought

ikr it was cool!

in 1-3-2 there were a lot of good tanks, but its not like he already isnt the only tank in the game lmao

It fixes it less, but it still cuts the number of tanks needed by Half.
Which would be equivalent to doubling the amount of Tank players.

Compared to 1-3-2, with 1-2-2 youā€™d have less of an issue of having dedicated DPS hunting down supports, and the Tanks getting stomped on by CC.

And even with 1-2-2, I figure theyā€™d still need these changes.

  • Limit Tanks to 1 per team
  • Completely redo how CC affects tanks (i.e. 50% less CC effect from all CC)
  • Increase the selfpeel on healers a lot (i.e. 50% less cooldown on selfpeel abilities)
  • Possibly make it so Ult charge is gained on kills and assists, not damage

If you balance 1-3-2 properly, DPS will whine that tanks are too strong, I guarantee it.


Iā€™d be happy to help you test the 1/3/2 workshop modes.

My PC setup isnā€™t the best right now, so I donā€™t know how helpful Iā€™d be atm, but I just ordered some new parts and should have a workable rig by the end of next week - and hopefully the PTR workshop updates should be out on live by then.

And probably the same players that will complain that giving tanks firepower in 2-2-2 would be bad as well.

Which basically means these players would rather have the game die, rather than have to sacrifice anything in terms of balance.

i dont think 1-2-2 would fix anything,

sure it would ā€œdoubleā€ the amount of tanks, but then you can go with super hard buffs on the tanks because now you overall have one player less, meaning that buffing the tank too much would simply be overpowered

meanwhile in 1-3-2, you can buff the tanks like crazy because of the tank buffs,

and sure, hunting down supports would happen, but then either the buffed tank can switch to a anti flanker tank, or something

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And the minute the enemy tank is down its a field day on the survivors of that team, thatā€™s the issue I have with 1-3-2, it devolves into kill the other teams tank first, then clean-up.

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