I don't understand the Mercy logic

Except there are many that say the opposite. They just spend less time on the forums because they have better things to do than complain.

The thing I don’t understand is folks complaining about Mercy when they have specifically stated that they have identified characters more to their liking

I am not saying folks don’t have the right to complain – folks do indeed have every right to do so. But if one has already found a character they like better, to me, they move on and leave the less liked character behind…no need for further complaints

Megadodo isn’t a troll. They can just take things a bit too literally sometimes.

To be clear, the statement I replied to was that Mercy’s healing is worthless, when it factually isnt

That doesn’t work when they constantly keep changing the characters that I like. You can’t say “Just find a character you like!” when the game is constantly changing the characters.

Like - people deserve to have opinions on characters. If you like Mercy as-is, great for you. I liked Mercy AS SHE WAS when she had mas res. Who among us is ‘right’? Both, really - because ultimately it’s an opinion.

In my opinion the game is becoming hard trash, Mercy has been screwed over to the point where she’s fundamentally boring to play, and she’s been outclassed by Ana and Moira as a primary healer because she has no ability to introduce skill to her kit. That’s all I gotta say about that.


Yeah I explained how what I said wasn’t about her healing, it was about the concept of how her healing is distributed [slow and steady vs. hard and fast] and they either still were trolling me or still didn’t get it.

Like there’s a difference between a concept and what you’re literally talking about but I don’t know how to get through that with tone and the internet and all that. And TBH I’m just here pre-coffee dicking around so who knows maybe I don’t make all that much sense, but - Mercy’s healing isn’t ‘worthless’, it is however worth LESS than other healers like Ana and Moira when you’re looking at the big picture of the current game where speed and burst everything is KING.

Slow and steady don’t win this game.

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Hi there…Mercy’s healing is fine.

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Good for you, glad you still enjoy her. I disagree.

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Did you mean to reply to someone else?

Possibly, I hit the reply button on my thing and it brought me to your comment so I assumed that you had replied to me. It could have been wrong though, no worries either way.

I meant this:

I can state it, and I do state it

The constant in this game is change.

The only reasonable responses to a change to a favored character is to adapt your play to the changed character, identify a new character one deems more suitable and play that instead, or find another game

It is quite clear that characters can and will change over time in this game. Refusing to accept that isn’t imo a reasonable reaction.

This isn’t an either/or.

You can both adapt to change with your favorite character AND want that character to receive better changes in the future.


Not going to lie, despite Mercy’s “low” healing output. I prefer her vastly over Moira. Her heals are consistent and reliable, and her survivability feels much higher in general. She also provides amazing utility in the form of damage boost and Rez.

I personally, love having a Mercy on my team.

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Factor in reload and monkey doesn’t out damage her.

I like to play her and I main Genji/Ana. The super jump REALLY adds a lot to her gameplay and I’m glad I learned to do it. Launching myself out of a Mei ult or earthshatter feels so cool. I bound crouch to caps lock so I can just press shift/caps at the same time with her and perform the jump easily

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In a game where change is constant, one should expect it

Sure, and that goes for a character to receive better changes as well.

As I said, there is no either/or.

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Weak, maybe, but there is a large number of people on the forum who believe Mercy requires you to be quadruple digit IQ to play her.

Uhm, let’s see :
In higher ranks her pickrate is between 1 and 2% (spoiler Alert, it’s not good)
Her winrate is high just like Orisa, Reaper, or Torb so I guess that means they’re all fine ?
Her average healing is below both Moira and Ana but you are not talking about the fact that Mercy has no burst heal whatsoever meaning her constant heal should be higher to compensate.

Instead of saying why Mercy still has a lot of issues, I’ll just answer that:

Why are they buffing Wrecking Ball? Higher pickrate/winrate
Why Changing McCree ? Higher Pickrate
Why Change Reaper?
Why Change Mei ?

We could go on.

Look at why Mercy is picked.
As an Off-heal to babysit. Nothing else.
Maybe because she isn’t really supposed to do that? Her kit isn’t designed to be an Off-Heal.

Even in Dive comps she isn’t a Main Heal anymore. She’s just an Off-Heal filling the spot of Main heal just like Zen does when you’re playing Zen/Lucio.

So no she’s not really good right now and even if it were Dive, her pickrate would be sooo much higher but that wouldn’t mean that she is fine. Sha has many core issues that makes her problematic and stats can’t show that.