I don't understand the Mercy logic

Guys against Mercy: Oh, I don’t like Mercy because she’s braindead and boring.

People who Play Mercy: Yeah, I don’t like the fact that Mercy feels weak and braindead, and boring right now.



I just hate that people play her, people use the argument “O she has rez” yet the only reason half the time people are dying is because of her garbage healing. Every single thing out damages her heals even monkey


Ultimately it comes down to Mercy players who feel she is weak, against non-Mercy players who don’t want her to be strong. People are getting weird about it though.


Because people are dumb and would rather fight over petty crap instead of focusing on common ground.


Statistically is Mercy fine.

  • Her pickrate is healthy.
  • Her winrate is good.
  • And her average healing is on par with the other main healers.

Fun is subjective. They may not like the current Mercy, but I know some other players do. To whose fun should they balance Mercy?

Why should Blizzard change a hero who already is statistically balanced and being enjoyed by some players, just to make Mercy enjoyable for some other players? That’s selfish.


I just want her current rez to burn.


You want rezzing teammates to burn them?
You monster! I thought you were a healer.


Personally, I don’t have an issue with her being fun. It’s just a different playstyle than the other healers.


Second lowest pickrate, and the lowest winrate of any healer. Overbuff stats.


non mercy player here, I want revive gone. Id rather her have an ability that prevents death in a clutch moment instead of reversing it. Perhaps instead of revive have an ability that reduces damage taken to mercy and her healing target by X% as well as increase her healing to X amount per second. Lasts X seconds.

No idea what kindve ultimate she could have. Maybe a cleanse AOE that purifies all negative debuffs like discord, hack, freeze, burn, etc, and prevents any negative debuffs for X seconds, including all CC like stuns, knockbacks, as well as debuffs.


I’m a mercy player and I don think she is boring. people just think valk is bad because they dont how to us it, they just want big res to be op again


Not everyone on both sides feel like that and even then, the proposed solution is often very different, with mass rez being a big point of contention.

  • Her average healing is on par with other main healers. It’s even higher than Ana’s. (Also Overbuff stats.)
  • Mercy’s pickrate is higher in low ranks than in higher ranks. This can (partially) be blamed on the fact that she isn’t meta, but she still has a decent pickrate in high ranks. Heck, it’s even higher than Moira’s.
  • Her winrate is above 50% in Plat and higher (just like with most heroes). That’s normal.
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You can’t cherry pick the stats. If you use the stats for all tiers she has the worst win rate, she has the second lowest pick rate. She is not in a healthy state, she is now an off healer. Anecdotally the only time I use her now is on CP1 for the rez.


I literally said her winrate is higher in plat and higher, just like with most heroes. It’s also the highest in GM.

The second lowest in GM is Junkrat.
The second lowest in bronze is Sombra.
The second lowest in average is Doomfist.

The second lowest healer in GM is indeed Mercy.
The second lowest healer in bronze is Zenyatta.
The second lowest healer in average is Zenyatta.

Seems healthy to me.

Maybe in a tank comp, but I doubt she will be played as a off healer in a dive comp.


I wish they specifically displayed stats for each rank for healing/ damage averages etc since I feel like higher ranked Anas are just gonna have miles higher healing. And I find it much easier to stack up healing on Ana than Mercy. There’s also the fact that Ana’s healing is in bursts which means it will generally show lower stats but be more valuable when put into play.

In no rank is she the most picked healer currently though. Even in Silver she’s getting beat out by Ana (And Moira Too but that’s pretty expected) who is the supposedly high skill healer even though lets be honest people exaggerate her a lot.

Yeah it is. Still feels like she’s just some hot garbage in comparison to Ana (Moira too since as you climb since people learn how to exploit her weaknesses much more easily and there’s the fact she’s only really favorable for GOATs) I have a lot more control over the match on Ana rather than Mercy unless running dive.


I understand what you said. In the smallest tier with the highest skill rate she is fine. So in the remaining 90% of population she is now the off healer, ( Due to Meta or feeble healing output) .

She has the second lowest pick rate amongst healers. My apologies for not being clear about that . I thought that would be a given since we were discussing healers.

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The issue mainly comes that those who play her feel like they arent doing anything (including myself) and tbh her Dmg beam is causing quite a lot of issues

She needs a new rework that switch Valk has a CD and Ress back to an Ult


All the main healers are within one percent of each other in winrate. I’m showing her as the third least picked healer, and #2 is Zenyatta who is absolutely doing fine.

This really is a matter of “Someone has to be last”, and not a seriously underpowered hero.


Honestly Mercy is fine as she currently is but for self defense purposes I would like her pistol to be turned into a hit scan but this is just me, with her current pistol its fine as it is but its a pain to aim with or at least predicting the damn movement of the enemy that’s on your butt ;(

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