I don't understand the Mercy logic

Blizzard’s stated reasons for the removal of mass rez do not match the reasons stated above

Blizzards stated reasons for the removal of mass rez was that there was unwanted behavior occurring with Mercy players wherein healing was being withheld from teammates, and teammates were being encouraged to die

So, you’re basically saying players should leave Mercy to die because she’s easy to learn so she should not be able to do impact. And any player can just pick her up and master her, because she requires no brains. BRAVO. 10 OUT OF 10. Oh, and you had an argument with skill. Know Reinhardt? He is a one-star hero. According to your argument, a bronze player can play him as well as a grandmaster. Why play 2-star Orisa when you can play one-star Reinhardt? Because she has her advantages. And she is fun to play for some more than for others. It’s the same with Mercy. As you practice, you become better. But with her, you just can’t keep your team alive. You can’t solo heal with her when she is supposed to be a main healer. That’s the point. And out of all the people, you should know. And leaving her is as good as deleting her. She should be used to an advantage, but right now there is no good picking her if you want to keep your team alive.

And to top it off she has literally no option to ‘amp it up’ or boost it in any way. Her healing is ‘the most consistent’ but it’s also the lowest, slowest and in a game where fast and heavy is king it’s… Kinda worthless.


What they did for Brig. The whole delete brig movement of ppl saying she isn’t fun to play against so the devs nerfed her and pleased the haters… kind of

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As an experiment, I invite any reader interested to work with Carver in the following fashion: set up a custom game with Carver as any non-support character he/she wishes and you as Mercy, versus 3 hard AIs. Run at least one game (preferably several) where you pocket Carver’s character with Mercy’s healing, and then run the same number of games with identical conditions with one exception - this time, you play Sombra, and you remain invisible the entire time to simply observe what occurs

Report results of how well Carver did with Mercy’s healing and without Mercy’s healing back to this thread

I’m not sure why they don’t change Valkyrie to be more involved, some people just seem to be scared of change.


You forgot the second half of the Guys against Mercy:

“…like she’s supposed to be, because she’s low skill.”

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The debate is whether or not giving her mass rez makes her fun or not.

It does but who cares, at this point they wont admit their mistakes. Just give her back the 60 hps and be done with this mess already.

I accept I don’t agree, so there is your debate

There is no debate because there just isn’t a need for one. Mass rez as fun and amazing and glorious as it was is gone and they wont put it back at least not till this game actually dies… no dies like these forums say it’s dead but actually dies and they’ll have to start pleasing the active playerbase instead of esports. Meanwhile, give her back the 60hps and a large part of the problem of lacking agency and potency in combat goes away. If you disagree thats on you but good luck bating someone else to debate with you.

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Yeah, because there are defiantly no thread about it?

As an experiment I invite you to explain to me how Mercy is able to amplify her healing, as if your ‘experiment’ would somehow change Mercy and her kit and what we all know to be true. That she has no ability to emphasize her own healing outside of her ultimate, which is a marginal improvement and hardly instant, let alone as reliable as amp it up, nade or orbs.

Don’t worry, I’ll wait.


I await results of the experiment with and without “worthless” healing

Ah yes, the classic “I took something you said in a clearly hyperbolic way and interpreted it hyper literally in order to ‘prove you wrong’ rather than actually acknowledging the sentiment of what you said,” approach to debate. Good tactic. Still doesn’t address anything about how Mercy has no control over her own healing output as a player/character with her current kit, either.


I don’t think you quite get the point.
Mercy’s healing isn’t worthless. It can do quite a lot when pocketing.
There it is. Mercy has become a pocket healer. That’s the best thing she can do right now. She can’t keep her team alive with her healing, heck, she can barely rez. And if she does finish her rez, the person she revived will just die again immediately as she can’t pump enough healing into him/her on the battlefield. Now, can she keep a single person alive against AI who can’t communicate?
Bet she could. But when it comes to healing her team, keeping ALL of it alive, she fails miserably. And she’s supposed to be a main healer. She once had one of the most awaited ultimates in the game and now, she’s just a spectator mode.

Without intention to put words in anyone’s mouth, and truly asking this as a question - does the statement above mean that an earlier statement indicating that Mercy’s healing is “worthless” is deemed to be incorrect?

The statement that the above replied to is in turn a reply to a statement that Mercy’s healing is worthless.

I do not feel Mercy’s healing is worthless, and further, I think it is objectively true that x healing is better than 0 healing as long as x is greater than 0

I am able to rez teammates successfully in almost every single game I play, most commonly having several successful (ie both doctor and patient live through the process) rez’s over the course of a match

I have seen others do so as well many times in every tier of the game

Our experience differs

I am able to heal my team effectively when i play Mercy, and I almost always get gold healing when another healer - any healer - is on my team

Mercy is a main healer, and always has been

She once had an ultimate that I judge to be the very worst power ever granted to any hero in this game, and thankfully, it has been removed

I find that good Mercy players have plenty to do while in Valkyrie, and as such I personally dont find it to be anything remotely like “spectator mode”

When I said ‘it’s worthless’ in my original post, I wasn’t talking specifically about Mercy’s healing. You need to read the whole context of what I wrote, which is that when you compare Mercy’s inability to amplify her own healing like ALL OTHER HEALERS can do [aka, all healers have a ‘oh crap here’s some big heals!’ button, except the main healer in the game, Mercy] that her healing output and consistency is worthless when you compare it to their ability to pump out a burst of healing.

I never said she was worthless. I never said her healing was worthless. I said that because she can’t do bust healing like everyone else, it can MAKE her worthless - by CONTEXT.

Like - if you have $5, $50, and $100 bills, you can say firmly that the $5 is the lowest denomination of money.

Mercy is, compared to other healers, the one who is the most restricted by her own kit and her inability to ‘amp up’ her healing by player choice/input. That is just the reality of how she is set up right now. If you think that’s fine, then hey, fine for you! I don’t think it’s fine, because a big part of the game in my opinion is having characters with skills that reward you as you get better at them and give you an opportunity to get in even MORE damage, or even MORE kills, or even MORE healing.

For instance, someone starting out at Mercy should be outputting significantly less healing than someone who’s very seasoned with her, right?

Mercy’s consistency and lack of… Ability to ‘juje’ it up on her own by the player getting better is not something that makes me feel skillful as someone playing Mercy. And I’ve played all iterations of her, this version of her, again IMO, is the most unsatisfying and braindead version of her because apart from getting really good at her mobility tools there’s kind of not much you need to do with her. You just… Heal beam.


I can see how you might mistake what I wrote for saying that her healing is worthless, but to clarify I’m comparing ‘slow and consistent’ to ‘fast and heavy’ - ‘slow and consistent’ is what I’m calling worthless when you put it in the face of ‘fast and heavy’. You can expand that to basically all characters in OW, except some fare better than others based on their variant abilities and stats.

Mercy has no abilities that make her current slow and reliable healing ‘worth it’, especially since Res is so blegh these days.