HOW TO FIX SYMMETRA - from a Symmetra main

I’ve mained Symmetra since s4 when I started playing Overwatch, I was one of those Symmetra’s who could and WOULD make Symmetra work on every map just to spite all those little “SyMmEtRa oNlY WoRkS On DeFensE” haters (I mean… also bc she’s always been my fave character and I’m good with her lmao but also to spite :^) ).

I LOVED Symmetra 2.0.
And I LOVE Symmetra 3.0. (Pretty sure I’m the only one lmao)
That being said this is how I think Symmetra could benefit from becoming a hybrid of the two. This thread is going to be me talking about what changes I think she could benefit from, as well as what I think is FINE in her current kit.

If you have any constructive ideas feel free to comment, I might add some other stuff later :heart:

  1. Give Symmetra her lock-on beam back.

I don’t care if you have to reduce her damage, but give her her lock on back. This makes it so she goes back to being a flanker-counter, this opens her up to being a hero pick for those with disabilities again, and this stops her from being a tiny Zarya, and gives her back her diversity in gameplay.

1a) If you don’t want to give back her old beam, remove her damage ramp entirely from her primary fire, give Symmetra a SET damage with her primary.

This is probably one of the most infuriating parts of Symmetra’s 3.0 kit. With the damage ramp up it is HIGHLY situational, and unless you’re in a full on team fight with shields everywhere and you’re being pocketed, there’s really no reason to be using it over throwing turrets and spamming alternate fire. On top of this, Symmetra is the only DPS character that has to sit through doing practically no damage for an extended amount of time with their primary fire in order to receive benefit from it, given you can stay alive long enough.

  1. Give Symmetra her throwable photon barrier back.

I don’t care if it’s because you give her a different ultimate but the teleporter is not a viable escape option within a 1v1 or team fight situation. The throwable Photon Barrier was a way to mitigate damage (and block ultimates) for both you and your team if only for a brief amount of time. I’m sure this could do with a shield-health reduction if needed.

  1. If you insist on having the teleporter on an ability, reduce the cast and deployment time.

Having the teleporter on an ability was basically advertised as “teleport your team out of the graviton! teleport your supports away from the ultimates!!!” but the cast time is literal garbage, unless your entire team is spamming interact while you’ve been WAITING for the grav to put up your teleporter, either only YOU make it out, or no one makes it out at all.

  1. Give Symmetra her shield-piercing alternate fire back.

Symmetra was changed away from her shield-piercing ability after they introduce Brigitte, and “pile o’ shields” became a common thing amongst the game. Coincidence? I think not. (I mean maybe, but still). Symmetra not ONLY would be another reliable Brigitte counter, something people continue to cry about, but it would also add more diversity to her kit as she was the ONLY source of damage outside of melee that went through shields. They could reduce the speed of the projectiles if needed for balancing reasons, she would still benefit from this.

  1. I think her turrets are in a good place right now. They could benefit from a reduction in cool down, if anything.

While I think Symmetra would be unhappy as a person to have an uneven number of turrets and I would love to have it bumped up to 4, I think the increased slow and damage, and bumping up to 30hp was a good direction for the turrets to go. Them being teleportable and throwable made for the opening for Sym to do some good plays and can catch people off guard, but not so bad that its over-powered.

  1. Her ultimate is good, but I think she needs a damage ultimate.

Even if it’s “Enemies that walk through her giant wall take a bit of damage each time” it would make it better. I LOVE the giant Photon Barrier ultimate (er… mainly bc the ult line is just :drooling_face: ) , it’s amazing to use maybe to block the choke if you’re trying to fight off the enemy when your shield tank is dead and coming back from spawn, or to block ultimates if your reaction is quick enough, and can be placed down vertically in front of you and used to walk in an out of to evade more damage. While it can be a game changer in certain situations I feel it doesn’t have enough power for being an ultimate. It’s just… a giant Mei wall that our team can shoot through. (Though it’s nowhere near as not-fun as dead eye… :frowning: )

7, and most importantly.
Give Symmetra an additional 50 shields.

Symmetra needs something to make her more sustainable, even if they refuse to fix her primary, she should at least be able to do a little more damage with it. If they give her an additional 50 shields I think she will benefit greatly, but again not TOO much, and she’ll be in a better place.

:heart: :ocean: :heart: :ocean: :heart: :ocean: :heart:

If you have anything constructive don’t be afraid to comment, I’ll do my best to reply and I hope you have a good day!

:point_right: here’s my Brigitte thread of a similar nature - HOW TO FIX BRIGITTE - from a Brigitte Main


well all are good buffs so anything can work I guess

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She needs desperaly her photon barrier on E again


Well, they did revert Mercy’s heals to what it used to be, so I guess there’s chance for auto-lock. God, even if it was conic and a more forgiving hitbox that centred.


I prefer her just getting a revert completely, 2.0 just needed small buffs (turret cooldown reduction and a 50 shield increase) but I like your ideas!


I’d be fine with a full revert if I didn’t really love the way the turrets work now honestly, plus that ult line, I’d be sad without it :sob: :heart:

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Wait I thought you were a brig main? Now I’m really confused

if you support her old lock on beam your opinion doesnt diserve to be heard

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You could say that about spelling and punctuation too.


does it really matter? if there’s haven up above?

Heaven does not exist. When you die you go into a permanent black out coma that you will never wake up from. You will cease to exist and in time everyone you know will also cease to exist. Unless you are Jeff Kaplan then you will live on forever as a god.

we’re all entitled to our opinions. That’s why they’re called opinions and not facts.

heaven exists and i have proof

u can clearly see his soul leave his body

there you go. :wave:

I agree with most of these ideas. However, If all the changes were made, she would be too good imo.

I would say return her photon barrier, but with a faster cast, and it deploying in front of her instead of about 2 meters out

Definitely give her the old beam back, even a tweaked version of it. She needs to be able to punish flankers, as it is, she is just food for them.

Keep the tele the same. With a fixed version of the photon barrier back, having a tele with a quick deployment would be too much, but keep the tele, just make it less buggy to deploy.

Definitely take away the splash on secondary fire and replace it with piercing. Piercing was unique, with splash Sym is just Pharah lite.

Turrets need about a 2 second CD reduction, and possibly 1 more to use, but would need the damage to be lowered per turret to compensate.

The ult does need something to make it better. Right now it is kind of “meh”. However, if the rest of her kit is fixed/improved, I can live with a weak ult.

I do not think Sym needs more hp. Not if her kit is fixed. More hp is a cop out to avoid fixing the major issues with her kit. If she has a tele and a photon barrier, she is going to be a force to be reckoned with. She doesn’t need to be more tanky on top of that.

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ahhh I didn’t state it but yeah I mean for these changes to be like, pick one, not all of them. (Though I have no problem with Symmetra becoming overpowered >:D)

The only thing she needs is a buff to the level 1 beam.

Coming from a Sym main since launch.

She’s fine.

:woman_shrugging: :tipping_hand_woman:

Damage ramp is one of the things that makes Sym being Sym.

If you give a set damage to her primary fire it has to be lower than her level 3, Zarya already does more damage than Sym let’s not bury her.

The drawbacks for her carry potential with her beam are already big enough let’s not make it deal no damage.

And a 180 dmg/s all the time is not balanced.

I emphatically disagree. She has no survivability right now. No way to deal with flankers that is not “place turrets and hope they stand in them and not kill them”. She is too much like other picks now, and needs to be more unique. Really my suggestions aren’t even major reworks.

Give old beam back
Give photon barrier back, but improved
Slightly buff turrets
Replace orb splash with piercing

That is it. It would go a long way to giving her a unique play style again, while making her strong enough to be viable, and keep her consistent which is what Sym 2.0 had issues with.