Symmetra 3.0 Lovers and 2.0 Lovers - Lets have a discussion on how to fix OUR queen

Pretty sure that is Tracer.

I don’t care what they do to her, but if they ever nerf that butt, I will rage

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My suggestions:

  • Turrets now have 70 hp and travel quicker

  • Fix the teleporter targeting

  • Double the ammo gain from beaming barriers

I believe these will make her feel and play better.

Replace primary with something actually usable.

Give an incentive for teammates to use TP.

Make ult cast instantly.

Shrink hitbox of sentries to they don’t get stuck on random map geometry miles away from them when they’re flying.

She also wouldn’t need more survivability if she didn’t have a single out of place melee weapon, rather than a primary suited to the range every other part of her kit works at.

HOW TO FIX SYMMETRA - from a Symmetra main

in all seriousness I just hope we stop having a divide within the community. I’m a borderline Sym one trick with half of my friends list being Sym mains (because honestly, fave people really) and we just gotta stay strong no matter what they do to her.

I know I’ll always be instalocking Sym even if they render her unplayable. Shes mah gurl ;;

It would be nice if they listened to us for once, instead they just give us the finger.

If she doesn’t get any sort of buffs next PTR patch then i’m afraid she just won’t be getting anything after either…

  1. Probably because Tracer’s fashion sense is horrible (just my opinion)

  2. A lot of people main Tracer, so she’s no longer play by just LGBT people. Sym playstyle is more niche.

  3. Have you seen Sym’s fashion sense? She’s slaying,

  4. Sym voicelines are more sassy than Tracer.

I’m a tracer player but I think tracer’s voiceline is a bit too goody two shoes.


Let her teleporter give temporary shields for using it.

Primary change to 10m no lock on but a large frontal cone like winston, damage ramps 60-90-120, photon barrier on E spawns stationary can press E again to start and stop its flight, turrets add throwability and give them 30hp, add a passive shield generating aura on Sym to let her blunt attacks instead of healing them, increase shield gens range reduce the amount of shield it gives to 50 the 25 taken away goes into Syms passive aura, Alt fire regains pierce and old speed but when fired through her barrier it speeds up.

i like 3.0 and i like 2.0, both are really fun but both still have similar issues that cause hold her back from being a valid appropriate pick.

Not a Sym main but I love playing her. I think her survivability is balls, considering how she has to wait up for all her abilities to get value out of them. There’s delay in each of them: left-click, right-click, turrets, tp. 2.0 gave her a chance to charge up her beam because of the barrier but now she often gets melted before she can get damage done. Maybe the game should just giver her 250 hp?

Her new TP can be powerful but often teammates seem to just ignore it. They might be doing that just because but I think it’d be helpful if there were clearer indicators of the TP being there.

As a fan of 1.0, I am honestly feeling so attacked right now. Bring back the OG, let me hand out shields, fam.


I wish she had this cool passive ability that allows her drop booster shields randomly by extracting and collecting light from enemy barriers, picking up a booster will give a small amount of personal shields, that decays slowly, to her team.

I enjoyed Sym 2.0 alot! I was even thinking of being a Sym main at the time. Her Photon barrier was super fun when seeing a bomb I just press E and could save some of my team, I could car wash the enemies with my 6 turrets even if they were weaker and in general was alot more enjoyable. I don’t feel like Sym 3.0 has the same satisfaction that 2.0 had. Ult on E that’s rarely used and when used is always stuff like Volskaya left which is super predicable imo. Her M1 is clunky to use and her Turrets are underwhelming. Her ultimate(s) in 2.0 gave her alot more freedom to do what’s needed and super impactful in the right circumstances unlike 3.0 who’s ult is just a walk through which really only counters like 4 heros in total lol.


Her previous kit was great against flankers,
Turrets to spot activity in remote areas (or a dead room if you feel more offensive)
lmb locking on to that annoying genji or tracer
Shield generator to protect your team
Photon barrier to close the gap
RMB to poke through shields.

Now it’s not that I hate her kit but it feels less unique…
Her lmb is Zarya’s lmb
her rmb is Zarya’s rmb in a straight line
Her ultimate it an upgraded version of orisa’s barrier (you put it down and it doesn’t move)
Fewer turrets for less map awareness
A teleport that has many bugs

Clearly, 2.0 wins it all to me

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I am gay and mained Sym pre-rework (don’t touch her now), and I mained her before I even knew she had a gay following! I was attracted to her for being an underdog.

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It really warms my heart to see all of us actually having meaningful discussions with one another over the hero we love, without all the salt and hatred many other posts are full of!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all!

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Sym deserves to have the auto-lock beam back.



How do you know me so well??? :stuck_out_tongue: